Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post

I think ILE's are about order, not chaos, about explanation and understanding and revealing more of the world. is about structure and organizing and bringing things in order. ILE's value freedom but it's more of a structural freedom, a product of expanding the boundaries of understanding and knowledge as well as the means of administration. Man cannot be free if it is subject to the whims of the environment, the oppression of other men, and the one's own ignorance, but it is not thru chaos that these shackles are overturned but the organization and cooperation of fellow men working together towards a common goal.

I'm not typing you but I think it's a common misconception that ILE are random or what not, this is imo far from the truth.
I agree. I stated that I saw discordianism as ILE, actually to be more specific I see it as pure Ne. The actual basis of the book seem less about chaos and more about that point where chaos and order meet, a questioning of certainties whilst recognising the structures that are made within the mind. it is essentially a system that subverts humourosly faith based beliefs.

However if you have the time, I'd value any further contribution to this thread