Let me hear about it.

The rationalist state is one that I've found interesting because I don't experience it often. In short, what is it like? What does it feel like when you are in rational mode?

Irrationality to me is basically like floating along without any sense of time, duty, or obligation, and basically having things go on in your head in slow motion. I lose track of what I "should" be doing, and find myself bouncing around in a way that's unpredictable to most other people. Sometimes they don't understand what I'm doing or why I'm here... there... wait, back over there... and then *whoos* I'm gone again. I often have comments that are out of place, which leads other people to wonder whether or not I am crazy, but at the same time they find it funny (which in familar settings has lead the attention to be swayed back my way even though I don't usually consciously make that a goal, or people weren't paying attention to me in the first place). I admit that the last part may just be Irrational Introversion, or possibally just me.

It seems to me that rationality is basically a state of willful actions which grants someone the power to not lose track of what the say or do. Not that I'm out-of-control, I know exactly what it is I'm doing, it's just that I seem way off pace with everyone else; hence the distinction.