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Thread: So i'm istj

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  1. #1


    I am going through the famous types lists and so far I am not a fan of any of the enfjs I have come across.

  2. #2


    Forgive me If I sound like a pig but I feel disappointed duality seems more overrated that anything I have come across.

  3. #3
    Crispy's Avatar
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    Type people yourself and see if those EIE's work out. It's the only way to nooooooooo (but don't type by relations lol)s

  4. #4
    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sumer1an View Post
    ILI. Definitely.
    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    I'd suggest LIE first and ILI second.
    Quote Originally Posted by pianosinger View Post
    I am thinking ILI.
    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post

    ILI, IEI, or ESI...

    Quote Originally Posted by Aleksei View Post
    I'm going with ILI.
    Quote Originally Posted by octopuslove View Post
    Fwiw my first thought was ILE
    Quote Originally Posted by The Ineffable View Post
    My guess is IXE, I incline for ILE.
    Quote Originally Posted by unbornesia View Post
    IEI or ILI. ILE is possible.
    LSI, you say? Interesting.

    And you no longer hold this to be a valid statement:
    Quote Originally Posted by Primus Sucks View Post
    I only relate to Gamma and Delta.

    An ILI at rest tends to remain at rest
    and an ILI in motion is probably not an ILI

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  5. #5


    When I said I only relate to gamma and delta I was Basing my reasoning on the descriptions at wikisocion.

    But the more I delve into research the more my mind begins to change.

    I now don't know what I am again.

  6. #6


    Conflicting Information I have highlighted in red

    Gamma Group behavior

    I Relate 100 Percent

    Groups made up of primarily Gamma types tend to be small in size; perhaps 6 at most. Laughter and very obvious displays of emotion are subdued, instead, there is a lot of smiling, amusement with ironic and witty remarks or, when serious subjects or not very happy personal experiences are discussed, a serious demeanor. Even such small groups tend to split into smaller ones; perhaps 3 is the ideal "group" size for Gammas.

    Group discussions are focused on exchange of information and ideas on subjects of mutual interest, discussing and planning activities together, or on personal experiences. The latter are usually discussed not with the purpose of making people laugh or to boast one's position but to get an insight into the lessons to be drawn from such experiences.

    Gammas usually dislike being "drawn" into larger groups where loud exchanges of jokes and quick shifting of one subject to the other are the norm, as in a large dinner table in an informal environment, especially if the group is also somewhat "artificial" as in work colleagues or business partners where personal relationships weren't really spontaneously formed. In such situations, Gammas will tend to focus on the persons sitting immediately near them in order to engage them in more individual conversations or will tend to remain mostly silent, not really participating in the group atmosphere, making the impression of being "introverts" in the everyday meaning of the term.

    Once a group is formed, it tends to be wary for some time of "newcomers", being neither exclusive nor inclusive on purpose. Conversations often focus on trends regarding material and yet personal issues, such as career prospects and developments, success or failure of financial investments and enterprises, and the future prospects of romantic relationships, as well as the reasons for the failure of past ones. In more light-hearted moments, such talks get a "bawdy" flavor with some slight teasing.

    Other subjects tend to focus on internal work politics from the point of view of how it jeopardizes general efficiency, the nonsense of bureaucracy, and how to be better than competitors.

    Romance styles

    Gammas usually have little time for "romance" in the "wooing" meaning of the term; relationships tend to develop rather as the meeting of two individuals interested in a relationship and each other. Elements of "courtship" or "romance" are seen as rituals with less meaning than the feelings involved. Relationships, also friendships, usually develop from exchanges of information, ideas, personal experiences of special significance, and mutual help, proceeding to activities together.

    Gamma romantic interactions tend to focus on the longer-term prospects of the relationship in terms of definition, that is, for instance, even if it is to be a temporary relationship, this should be more or less clear, or at least in one's mind, from the beginning. General impatience with flirting for flirting's sake, or for fun; approaches and moves are made with a purpose, which may be altered down the road, nonetheless. Assumption that sexual innuendo and approaches are backed by some sort of emotional attachment. Once a relationship is established as being romantic, interactions tend to focus on physical and somewhat tough interplay and innuendo. Playful power-games, focusing on intensity of interactions and feelings.

    Delta Quadra Group behavior

    Groups made up of primarily Delta types tend to be focused on working on projects, enjoying physical recreation, or finding out interesting things about each other. Laughter is usually subdued and brief; instead, people smile a lot and try to be witty and welcoming. Groups need to be focused on some specific productive activity or topic of discussion, or else they fall apart. In Delta groups, there is a lot of splintering and decentralization. This allows for more focused and productive interaction with only those who share your particular interests or sentiments. People jump from small group to small group easily to keep up their interest level. No one demands that the entire group listen to one person or that everyone do the same thing. Delta Quadra types believe that if everyone just pursues their own interests and makes some accommodations for others, the group will be better off anyway. Delta Quadra types do not focusing on building group identity or unity of purpose, but prefer for the group to remain splintered and decentralized.

    Romance styles

    Delta romantic relationships usually begin simply as the encounter of two individuals interested in a relationship and each other in a particular moment, with very little in terms of outward demonstrations of "romance" in the "wooing" sense of the term or in strong external demonstrations of emotions. Deltas are more focused on the present moment than Gammas, and therefore even relationships of very strong attachment do not lead to constant concerns as to their longer-term practical feasibility. Deltas see as optimal romantic relationships those where partners spend time together on fun activities and sharing ideas of potential practical application. Romantic atmospheres are low-key, based on comfort but practicality.

    I relate 95 pecent to the following decription

    ESTP Decription at

    ESTps generally have either slim figures or firm and solid figures. Slim ESTps have slow and phlegmatic movements, giving the impression of calmness and self-confidence. Females often have a fragile appearance. Solid ESTps have free and flexible movements. When standing in one place they tend to wriggle rhythmically as if they have a slight electric current running through them.

    Their eyebrows are often asymmetrical.
    When ESTps want to show their dissatisfaction they frown as if they are angry. Older ESTps often become puffy and swollen around the eyes. They also have a tendency to squint. Their noses are usually quite wide at the base and their jaws are also large and square. They may have thick, immobile lips, making their speech somewhat garbled.

    ESTps rarely wear eye-catching clothes. They try to maintain a neutral style of clothes, steering away from fashion. Females prefer not to wear very bright or colourful clothing. Males have an inclination to official styles of clothing such as suits etc. ESTps generally prefer to remain in the shadows.

    When in conversation, ESTps always show self-restraint and tact. They generally interact in an open and friendly manner, always showing positive emotions. They do not like to openly express their opinions. During interaction ESTps always try to show that they are paying full attention and that they understand their interlocutor very well. One of the ways they do this is by asking many questions concerning personal problems or opinions. They do this with masterful tact and delicacy, therefore gaining other peoples trust very quickly.

    ESTps have a very characteristic way of behaving when in conversation. They can pause for long periods of time before replying to questions or statements. This can give the impression that they are assimilating the received information. In situations such as these they usually squint. ESTps are never afraid to show others that they did not understand or do not know something and therefore never hesitate ask people to repeat or to specify what they said. ESTps enjoy showing their understanding and like to explain things to others. They always do this slowly and methodically giving simple, practical examples. They also prefer to have the last word in conversations, concluding the dialogue themselves.

    When in confrontation, ESTps quickly focus on their opponents weaknesses, usually destroying them with one perfectly placed phrase. If this opportunity does not manifest itself, they have the skills to provoke the reaction they desire. ESTps are very slow to anger. And when they do become angered it is very difficult for them to calm down. They like games that require quick thinking and tactics and often win these games as they have great skill misleading and provoking their opponents into making bad moves.

    ESTps have cast-iron self-control and nearly always achieve their goals. If required they can step on anyone or anything often ignoring ethics completely if the situation calls for it. If a project becomes too big and difficult for them to control by themselves, they will delegate the less important parts of the project, giving others complete independence to make their own decisions. ESTps do not care much how people achieve results. They give others complete independence to choose their own method of working, as they consider the end result to be more important.

    ESTps are very tactically minded and know how to adapt to changing situations very quickly. They know how to arrange people according to their abilities and usefulness. They prefer to adopt an informal and unofficial leadership. They also do not like doing their own dirty work. ESTps are hard working and extremely persevering people. The more obstacles they meet the more obvious these qualities become. They do not react well to unchallenging situations. They truly come alive in the face of adversity. ESTps are inclined to give ultimatums.

  7. #7


    Istj description at wikisocion.

    1. Introverted Logic

    LSIs have a strong command of how various systems, structures, and hierarchies around them work, and always have a clear idea of how to implement them and improve them. LSIs quickly and easily determine what is correct and incorrect according to the systems they are familiar with.

    LSIs tend to logically analyze just about everything — even close relationships. LSIs view their partners and other members of their household as part of a system which should have a certain structure and order to it. Everything in this system should run like clockwork — scheduling, daily routines, responsibilities in the relationship, and household management.

    LSIs seek to attain an important role in an important system and to maintain and perfect it — often becoming the guardian or watchdog of the system.

    LSIs do not often think about the ethics of the systems they maintain. Instead, they discuss the ethics of other systems using the language and customs of their own systems as truth, and make value judgments accordingly.

    2. Extraverted Sensing

    LSIs prefer to apply their clear, logical thinking to forcibly affect how the real world is organized, rather than simply producing conjectures or thought exercises that have no material application. LSIs prefer to work with systems of "real" things — material assets, organizations, management, and production — and to perfect their structure and organization (Ti). When they are certain they are right, LSIs can act decisively to enforce rules, and, if necessary, to punish violators, in order to protect the integrity of the system.

    LSIs handle high-pressure situations well and can maneuver skillfully around obstacles to achieve their goals. They cannot be intimidated easily by displays of force or aggression, but follow closely the balance of power and make sure they are in the best position.

    3. Introverted Ethics

    In the company of people the LSI smiles and acts like a good friend engaged in easy conversations, not without humor. They tend to mechanistically approach matters of wooing and relationship-building.

    The LSI often has trouble differentiating strong relationships from weak relationships. Often he will find himself unsure of his own opinion of the closeness of a relationship. This uncertainty manifests itself in the LSI as maintaining a generally friendly atmosphere with another person even if they are in conflict over a problem. Only when they are sure that they have been intentionally wronged by another will they publicly express negative sentiments toward that person.

    4. Extraverted Intuition

    LSIs do not tolerate ambiguity, and so dislike abstract ideals that are not directly based on their experience. They almost invariably focus on the worst-case scenario whenever they are forced to be in an ambiguous situation. If the situation is in the future, they will expend much effort to be 100% prepared. They also tend to be very suspicious of others' intentions, being highly aware that every person is ultimately motivated by self-interest.

    They set clearly achievable goals, which they often reach. Failure to meet these goals causes the LSI to express anger and lose control of his emotions in the form of a seemingly childish tantrum.

    The LSI has a clearly defined set of rules that he must adhere to. Only through learning can the LSI change, and grow to understand how something could work differently than the way he imagines it in the moment.

    5. Extraverted Ethics

    Being entrenched in logical, systematic thinking processes, LSIs need others to create an emotionally inclusive atmosphere where they know they are accepted and liked.
    Left to themselves, they have almost no way of establishing an emotional connection with others other than through formal methods that often fail to work. LSIs can organize a situation where emotional bonding might occur, but they are almost unable to create the bonding themselves; they need others to fill the situation with feeling, laughter, and fun.

    Since they devote themselves so completely to whatever they do, LSIs tend to build up a lot of emotional tension, which can only be released when somebody gives them a vivid reminder that there is more to life than their responsibilities.

    LSIs respect and admire people who are deeply passionate about things and care enough about them to instill their attitudes in others and try to get them involved. They can forgive a little unruliness, impulsivity, and disorderliness for the emotional value such people give them. LSIs tend to suffer from a deficit of passion and feel emotionally connected to the world mainly when they are around lively and emotional people.

    6. Introverted Intuition

    LSIs often keep dense notes to remind them of their future engagements, as well as directions as to how to do complex tasks. Lateness and incorrectness are almost taboo for the LSI, and to err in these ways can make the LSI unhappy with whoever has transgressed, even with themselves.

    LSIs enjoy talking about probable developments in the areas they are interested in and what to do in the case of a certain scenario. This makes them feel adequately prepared for possible risks and dangers, which they otherwise tend to forget about. They also enjoy reflecting on the meaning of their experiences, wishing that others will understand and share their introspective thoughts on life.
    Id Block

    7. Extraverted Logic

    When in love, the LSI will disregard behaviors that he feels are normal because the partner fulfills those obligations. This is especially apparent when the LSI stops work because there is enough money in the household without the LSIs income.

    8. Introverted Sensing

    Acts as if matters of personal appearance and health are very important to him or her, at times talks of it, though just as a comment not requiring feedback.
    Last edited by Primus Sucks; 08-14-2011 at 07:16 PM.

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