Quote Originally Posted by chip View Post
I'm not too sure exactly what I want to know. Basically why? I need insight into the mind of a woman. I can not tell what women are thinking.
A woman is a person, not a robot. There isn't a unified "mind of a woman". There is, however, "mind of a person". People have individual personalities, personal interests, personal experiences, etc etc. How about treating these women as the individuals that they are rather than lumping their minds as the same merely because they all have boobs and a vagina.

How do I make a woman say yes!!! That's basically it in a nutshell. I mean people interpret perfection differently but for me the perfect woman is the woman who says yes.
You say the perfect woman would say yes to those questions on your list. Is that really the kind of woman you want? A woman who'll say "yes" to whomever asks these of her? Or would you prefer a woman who'll say "yes" specifically to YOU?

If the former...that you want a woman who will say "yes" regardless of who asks her, then either look for a well-used woman....or a robot programmed to say "yes".

If the latter....that you want a woman who will say "yes" to you specifically, requires a woman with discernment. And that discernment will be determined based on the compatibility of your personality with hers.

In this latter case, you'll do better if you take a look at your own personality, interests, skills, views, beliefs, etc... And figure out what personality aspects would be compatible and/or complimentary. Use this as your litmus test, rather than the mere existence of a vagina/womb. Because a discerning woman would be looking for more from you than whether or not you have a penis to say "yes" to.


Everything else you've written about is dependent upon the personality and compatibility of personality rather than her being "a woman".