I have always wondered what it means when you intiate contact with someone especially someone your interesting in and well I'm always left with this lingering doubt that had I not initiated contact then the person would not have bothered.

Real life example is the dating game. I'm always in the position of having to draw the girl's attention. It works but at the same time I grow restless of always having to contact her. They will respond but its a bit tiresome. Anyways what is the psychology behind that? I would like to be chased instead of anyways having to chase because I always feel like I'm falling into a trap or a loop hole.

Though I can not scientifically prove the same women would act differently with another man I do notice that women are capable of making the first move and even chasing men. That has happened before but only with women whom I'm not interested in which gives me this bad feeling at the back of my mind when I'm contacting women who do not do the same for me.

Obviously in friendship the act of making first contact and starting plans is more fluid. One night you take over and the next night you sit back.

I'm only interested in a psychological explanation. I do not want to hear a socionics grand theory.