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Thread: IEIs/INFps explain what it is like to be "decisive" in an IEI way

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    Local Hero Saberstorm's Avatar
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    Default IEIs/INFps explain what it is like to be "decisive" in an IEI way

    Explain what it is like to be "decisive" in an IEI way. Does it make you pace around? Does it mean your head is filled with a stream of conscious like narration that happens so fast you did not realize you were ready to create something, and thus do not have your supplies ready to make what your imagination conjured?

    Does it make you ready, but some how unready too? Are you a bit hyper?

    Does it give you insomina?

    What is a creative yet "decisive" person like?

  2. #2


    it's almost like giving birth to a baby that does not want to come just have to take your time and have an inner talk with it.a little bit of pampering,you know .it does not matter if the doctor is screaming that both you and your baby are gonna die unless you push,,not at's just you,the baby and the world that awaits.what is life and death ,anyway?maybe death is life and life is death.maybe they are the same thing and we are rushing into emptiness...

  3. #3
    EffyCold thePirate's Avatar
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    Being decisive means you have committed to see a certain action through without any sort of further speculation on the matter. There's no special 'IEI' way to be decisive, the same principle applies regardless of type.
    <Crispy> what subt doesnt understand is that a healthy reaction to "FUCK YOU" is and not

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    Not sure.

    It's rare i like to think things over. When i'm forced to make quick decisions i'm nervous as i always second guess myself afterwards.

    I like being told what to do to be honest.

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    I was thinking the same question earlier. Would be marvelous to hear some decent responses.

  6. #6
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IEI View Post

    I like being told what to do to be honest.

    Function #4– objective sensoring (): suggestible function. Activity, motion. “Others ought to tell me what I should do. A good place is the place where there is action, movement, where work gets done". There are times when she finds herselfon her way some place or sitting by a campfire. It is as if she was "inserted" in unplanned circumstances. She could not resist the external influence. “They took me with them, so I went along. I have no will of my own.”This type should be attentive to their choices.Do these things correspond to the goals of my life?Will they take me there where I want to be? ATutankhamonmay seek to escape later when she realizesthat it is not where she wants to be.It is too late though; people reap what they sow.On the one hand she is in slavery to other people, and on the other hand she is a skilled manipulator of the external relationships.When a Tutankhamon realizes what she is reaping, instead of repenting she resorts to harassing the people who got her involved and looks for ways to get out of the mess, produced by her irresponsibility, using the strengths of her type.

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    wants to be a writer. silverchris9's Avatar
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    IEIs are naturally decisive at key moments. That is, for all of our waffling and wavering on some things---sometimes even on decisions that don't matter in the slightest---there are some things that we know instantly and are quite stubborn about. I mean, I doubt my own vision (metaphorical vision) a lot. And yet, there are some things that you'll never get me to budge on ever. There are some things that I know that I know that I know (hello Augustine! What are YOU doing in black/southern evangelical theology?), and that's what decisiveness is for me: the shock of certainty.

    And in fact, IEIs exposed frequently to Se can actually develop a very decisive outlook. Like, I am very aware of the emotional push and pull I can give people, and so when I am irritated at something or whatever, I can really act mean and shut people down quickly. And that, I think, can come out of a form of decisiveness, a firm decision that "in this situation, you are in the wrong." (of course, that's a lie, because no one's ever completely in the wrong, not really, but gosh you've got to suspend the suspension of judgment every now and then 'cause if you always look at everything from every possible angle you'll never know anything about it, will you? Not anything experiential anyway.)

    Also, I like/tend to be good at jobs where you have to make decisions very quickly on your feet, having to commit to a decision instantly and keep going. I have trouble with keeping going after I make a mistake, but anyway, the whole fast-paced-decision-making is an example of IEI decisiveness, and it very much comes out of the "emergent" cognition others (Ashton) have described re: Ni. It's like, you can't describe the one or two factors that led you to make a given decision, it's more like, "Oh, this is the thing to do here. Now do it." It's very holistic, just like, boom, right answer, let's do it, let's not second guess it 'cause there's no time. I guess that's it---if there's an external pressure to prevent you from second guessing yourself, then you-the-IEI can be very decisive and instant.

    AND HEY THIS IS MY 3000th post!
    Not a rule, just a trend.

    IEI. Probably Fe subtype. Pretty sure I'm E4, sexual instinctual type, fairly confident that I'm a 3 wing now, so: IEI-Fe E4w3 sx/so. Considering 3w4 now, but pretty sure that 4 fits the best.

    Yes 'a ma'am that's pretty music...

    I am grateful for the mystery of the soul, because without it, there could be no contemplation, except of the mysteries of divinity, which are far more dangerous to get wrong.

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    I usually guide things from a distance, but if circumstances become exigent and/or peoples' errors build to a critical point, I won't hesitate to readjust things. this tends to be more of an issue in work settings, as I can run a floor and maintain a bar, and so feel the need to electroshock coworkers at intervals to get basic shit done.

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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    feel the need to electroshock coworkers at intervals to get basic shit done.

    Quote Originally Posted by silverchris9 View Post

    I have trouble with keeping going after I make a mistake,
    polr. Congrats on your 3000.

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    Quote Originally Posted by octopuslove
    Yes, it's kind of interesting because in situations where there's a bunch of people who need to be organised, and I can see that nothing's going to get done unless someone takes charge, I have no problem doing it. On the other hand the SLE will tend to hang back and go along with things if someone's already designated themselves as leader, even if it's inefficient and bothersome, which is kind of the opposite of our perceived social roles. I think a lot of the time the first person to act sets the mode of action, and IEIs realise this, and know when and how to make a move so not to piss everyone off and lose their continued cooperation, whereas the SLE is all brute force but at the same time, wary of "looking like a douche".
    yeah, an SLE 3w2 bartender where I work allowed this younger Ni-EIE 7w8 dude with no experience to bartend, after he had forced himself back there several times. it's like they're just 'in position,' so the processes IEIs track stabilize how they deal with the situation (the amount of 'offhand social advice' I've given to them is pretty endless lol). even in group settings, they often collide with EIEs, yet the latter tends to take center stage, and I think that's where you see more 'brute force' quasi-Se behavior; SLEs don't need to impose boundaries as much, but I've seen a few react very... appreciably when theirs were pressured. an IEE boss of mine was forked-tonguing it up to (another) SLE 3w2 bartender, who basically asked a few questions, and then bluntly summed up his argument and demanded he admit his intent, "is that what you're doing?" -- whereas the most overt I've seen IEIs act in this regard entails reflecting a gesture to signify a person's intent, so that they 'get it' without the situation falling apart (I made a sarcastic comment to the same boss' tone once, "just reciprocation"). I've encountered a handful of more dominant ones (two of which were sx 6/8 unattractive female bartenders, an obviously phallic issue, and some less refined ones out west), but they tend to be pretty laid-back and receptive, for the most part.

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    I can be decisive just fine. I just need an external goal or target (Se) and get motivation on how following that goal is in my best interest, not what somebody else wants for me. I can't really be manipulated, since I'll know if you're trying to get me to do something just because it's what you want.

    'you better get this done , you're stupid, come on come on' pushiness is more Te to me. dynamic and moving as opposed to a static goal. A lot of people will try to inspire me and encourage me, but I'm too stubborn to fall for Esther Hicks-like inspiration, since that's more what I do for other people anyway I think. Basically you just have to taunt me with your ESTp porn star pecs. =p you have to be so narcissitically beautiful, but stable- whereas it will drive me absolutely batshit crazy if I myself don't come up to you. Also if you are hypocritical in anyway, I will just argue with you about your own personality flaws- which is what happens when ENTjs frequently try to 'move me' and get me to do something.

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    i can't decide
    "If you can find out little melodies for yourself on the piano it is all very well. But if they come of themselves when you are not at the piano, then you have still greater reason to rejoice; for then the inner sense of music is astir in you. The fingers must make what the head wills, not vice versa."- Robert Schumann

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    old thread.

    Once I have a position on something and I'm convinced and have made the decision, I can be quite stubborn. Like, really determined. But on the other hand, I do like being told what to do if it's a minor decision. I LOVE it when someone orders a drink for me when I'm feeling like I con't care or don't know what I want. I sometimes get great ideas and don't follow through. I get about 65% committed to the decision in my head, and then I lose steam or realize that I don't have the help (money or otherwise) I need to be fully successful with it. And if I can't be successful (or if I worry I'll be TOO successful and it will suck up all my life energy), I'll abandon the project before I even start. HA Terrible.

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    Default Infp - Ni

    There are certain topics that i've thought about extensively. So in regards to those topics, i don't re-evaluate what my stance is when i'm in the moment. I can reflect outside of the situation, but in the moment i'm firm. I think this connects to the description that Decisive's are quick to get excited and have a hard time calming down. When i'm called upon for a response, i'm not going to be calm, and i'm not going to be able to remove myself from my current stream of consciousness. Whereas the Judicious types tend to take a step back when they speak, get calm - evaluate and compare what they think with the situation at hand. And i think that ties into them having an easy time calming down, but a hard time starting up.

    An example i feel that fits this thread, though i'm not sure how - I had a dream when i was younger that my little sister got hit by a car in the middle of the street. When i awoke it was terrible, and my emotional equilibrium wasnt restored until spending several hours with her. Since that dream i've put alot of time into dissecting that type of scenario. Car coming down the street - someone important to you in danger and unaware - you have to make a choice, and quickly or else your choice was to not act. I feel as though if i didn't spend so much time thinking about that, if i was thrust into that situation it would unfold like my dream. That even if i thought i could act in time, without putting the thought into it i really dont know how i would act because i'm removed from the situation, and it's shocking stimuli to begin with. So where i think im going with this.... I feel it's my decisive nature that if a car's coming, i'm going to run out and push that person out of harm, or at least try to. Whereas a Judicious person can make that same choice, i think they might consider how hard to push that kid, or how fast the car is coming, or what that kid might fall into when their pushed unexpectedly. But not me! I'm going to push that kid, without a second thought, because saving that kid's life trumps me injuring them on accident, and a moment of indecision might just get them killed.

    don't look at me like that.

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