I'll tell you about myself: I am a gamer. But in a few last years I caught a game in which I saw an interesting idea in advance of Socionics.

You may play this game here:

I personally like best version:
Gemcraft Chapter zero
Now the main thing: what it can give Socionics:
The philosophy of the game is based on the use of Gemcraft 8 crystals, each of which has a certain property. I found close to correlations with information aspects.
"Steal Mana" -
"Critical hit" -
"Chain-hit" - White ethics (such as: to strike the main monster and his colleagues nearest)
"Shock" - (such as: find the weak links in the system functioning and cause damage to the monster)
"Slow" -
"Poison" -
"Piercing armour " - (like, to form a potential threat to monsters)
"Splash" -

But then I got the idea further: What if a little crack the code of the game and the stones - that is, to label their names "Socionic"
A little to change the laws of the game, crystals - to shape socionic aspects.
Also slightly change the background of the game: Original:
You - like a magician, who had studied for many years at the academy of magic, after rummaging in the library - learned about the existence of the mysterious Crystal eternity. Manuscripts indicate that the necessary engines to the north, in order to find him through a dangerous area full of all evil ...
Changed to:
You - like a magician, who had studied for many years at the academy of magic, after rummaging in the library - learned about the existence of the wonderful science of Socionics - able to give happiness to its owner, but the knowledge are partial. Knowledge guarded secret in parts seven guards. And 8 (a collection of all aspects of IM) Guard - the greatest evil and Horror (when played enough in this game - I will tell you what properties it should have). It needs to win. Manuscripts indicate that the necessary engines to the north, in order to find him through a dangerous area full of all evil ...
The most powerful crystal - combined from 8 colours of the crystals is called "Prizmatic" - a "tip", for every gamer that when he was in the structure their life decisions cover all aspects of the 8 information - it will have access to advanced solutions.

The game also has dual crystals - a combination of two crystals. - This is an allusion to the advantages in making the connection of dual thinking (well, this co-player). In the original: same traces advances dualization for example combine well: "to steal mana," and "chain hit" The result: a mana stealing not only from the selected monster and from nearest also. "Shock" with "splash" in the traps work well - allowing for a long time delay of several monsters. "Critical Strike" works quite well (just not combining crystals) with "Slowling" - for example if requred task is to destroy a giant monster. "Poison" and "reduce armor" - just do not interfere with each other: The poison of any cause damage regardless of armor, and "reduce armor" - a monster make vulnerable.
There are also examples of unsuccessful combinations of aspects (antagonistic) (or crystals in the game):
reducer armor is inefficient to put together a critical impact . It can be considered only separately.
Poison is inefficient with slow : need to the monster had been poisoned - quickly passed, and after him went the other, with the new batch of poison. Slow - often provoke appearing clusters of monsters in result what - not everyone will get a portion.
Splash , and "stealing mana" such a good work in the traps, but our version - should not give such a thing. It should be strictly: the 2 crystals not give interesting effects Dualizing. We should make sure that the performance was achieved only when the stones are presented separately and are separated by large distances.
In general: it is necessary to process the game a bit so that everything that has a positive meaning socionic - were "certain bonuses"
And where is traced socionic negative sense, "certain penalties"

And now: the game can give Socionics: Rating Game Gemkraft - 20 million hits - it's all different users 20 million times to play that game. If you would get at least 10% of these - it will be 2 million new people who are fascinated by socionics (!!!) And among them are:
1) Duals for someone
2) Interesting minds can bring new discoveries Socionics
3) Sponsors
4) Other interesting people.