Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
I probably started experimenting with makeup (simple things like fruity lip gloss) when I was 13 years old or so. I feel like I’ve experimented with so many different things, yet now I see makeup guru type people on YouTube with 1000 different products and steps to their routines and I just feel completely incompetent. I feel like this culture has changed a lot because of social media like Instagram and YouTube teaching people how to “glow up” and transform into something different completely.

I think if a man loves you then he prefers, or at the very least, likes you at least as much without any makeup on. Can you honestly say “meh I prefer them with makeup on” about anyone you love? Not in a plastic/objective beauty or evil capitalistic way but subjectively. Maybe the girl version would be like overall preferring the guy using the money/status/opportunities made by himself instead of just using his family’s, or something like that, because it’s a better representation of who they really are. In every instance where it’s come up, guys have told me they prefer me without makeup. In instances where my boyfriend has been the one to experiment with light makeup, unless it was for a special occasion like drag I’ve felt extremely weird about it and just didn’t like it.

I also think the higher the man’s Si, the more he can generally tell how much makeup you’re wearing.
Too much makeup imo looks weird on a woman and if I'm dating her and all that is smeared on her face.. it kinda sux. e_e plus I'll know how she really looks eventually one morning, so tons of makeup means she is insecure about her looks / hiding.

Some women I know have freaky long fake nails when I see that I kinda think less of her due to how impractical and kitsch it is. It just sends the wrong message to me at least. Red flags, imo avoid.