Umm. I've always been shitty at sports, but good in art. I'm a great writer of course, and I most likely have a natural potency in music.

(For typical gay man ness)

lol it was embarrassing how bad I was at sports, like 5-year-old girls are better than me. Oh well though. I kick people's ass with writing.

I probably wouldn't be that bad at archery for some reason, either.... Probably cause the competition is more self-focused/inward and archery requires a lot of focus/concentration which I can be really good in! But throwing the football around with the buddies is like not really my element you know, for many reasons...

((I kinda wanna be a hunter/ranger and not a mage. Or maybe a magical ranger... like suddenly you're doing something straight man ish and then you look down and u see a pink arrow in your heart. It hurts just as much as if the arrow wasn't pink, but its pink anyway. <3))