Amid news that the economy has entered a 2nd recession.

The budget is being balanced through enormous government personnel cuts. The Congress has gone psychotic... there are signs of a Nazi-style takeover emerging from the Tea Party grassroots, focused on Muslims.

I look at this, and I can't help but think in a perverse sense this trial and tribulation is good for America. America has never tasted evil the way Europe has... but at the same time I know all too well the fact that the radical Right is the absolute essence of evil, and that these things come in cycles. The radical Right never truly learns... it is too stupid, too simple to ever understand the consequences of its actions. Nor does it really care, because all the radical right-winger really cares about are themselves and their progeny. (of course they are undermining the independence of their progeny through their inconseqentialism, but they have their hatred of coercive altruism for protection from that inconvenient fact).