I think this trait could be found in all of the NF types. I relate to the trait in a lot of respects.

Often when a person who is in a generally good mood, rubs a bad mood on me on a particular day, I may think "Oh no! This person is dangerous! I should stay away from him/her! I suck at life!" etc...

So there is a tendency for me to make partial judgements based on one particular thing people did when they were just having a bad day. I have to notice this more.

I have and ALWAYS want to judge people and put them in a positive light because not doing so could be hurting myself in the process. I don't consider this a weakness at all, especially since people don't take advantage of me so easily and if they do, I am capable of withdrawing from them cold turkey. I consider my attitude of seeing people as good and smart, independent thinkers who have valid opinions one of my greatest strengths.