Quote Originally Posted by rahmyn View Post
I'm not fickle, but I think I might appear so.

Often I appear to have a lot of passion or enthusiasm for a thing or person, but my emotions are more related to the tide of that moment. Later, I might shrug or dismiss the same thing or person because the context is different and no longer generates the enthusiasm. I wouldn't call this fickle because my emotions were never really tied to the object or person to begin with.

This is rough for my boyfriend. He often observes me "liking" something and then tries to please me by giving me that thing later. Then he gets a blank, confused look from me.

Emotions that are actually tied to a thing or person generally develop slowly over time, and generally only slowly change. Exception is when I have developed feelings for someone based completely on elaborate projections. (This is somewhat common for me, though not intentional.) If the person then does or says something that shatters the fantasy, I can almost instantaneously drop my feelings for them...and only because I realized my attachment was not to them, but to a fantasy.
That's what's called fickle

The description of the internal process for it is fascinating though