Filatova's collection is said to contain over 1500 photographs and through the process of interviewing and typing all of these people she has found that those with the same type AND subtype look all almost like identical twins, even if they lived 1000 miles apart / were unrelated. Here is a set of fantastic examples:

All of the individuals in the above image are typed ILI via Filatova Interview/Photo process (not typed by VI). It is only after she amassed a collection that she made the identical subtype appearances connection. With this she adds:
It is my opinion that the similarity of faces in the subtypes of a psychological type is a reliable reason to believe that we have discovered an <<elementary>> type, and further differences would have only personal characteristics related to culture, education, family traditions, etc. Currently, it is difficult to assign a certain number to the quantity of subtypes. One thing is certain: within reasonable limits, the number of subtypes in one psychological type is not far above a dozen. It is now essential to find an objective basis for the subdivisions inside a certain type.
More of these photo's would be nice, but I don't know where to start looking short of online Russian book stores.