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Thread: WELCOME! Do You guess what my type is?

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    Default WELCOME! Do You guess what my type is?

    It was difficult, but we have found solution

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    Joy's Avatar
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    Check out my Socionics group!

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    Kristiina's Avatar
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    I was thinking ISTp, but something's not right. INTp seems totally wrong (the body language seems so "sensing"). ESTp could aslo make sense.

    Tell us something about yourself.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

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    Default Re: WELCOME! Do You guess what my type is?

    I may have split personality . I observed, that i act variously with different people. I've spent time with many personalities in my life, from very aggresive- frustrated to calm-happy people and i had good relation with almost everyone. I have many acquaintances and several friends. I burnt some bridges behind me. When im among people im never sad and they think that I don’t worry about anything and see me as optimist. I think, I have very good sense of humor, somewhat ironic. I dont like when somebody is telling me what to do and im offering resistance, but my friends can count on me if they ask for help. I like interesting and original people , conversation and activities. I dont like mundane talk. I have broadly range of interests and talk almost about everything. I often hit in the heart of the matter. Im good problem solver and analyst. Im good at translating theory into practical applications. I tend to procrastinate and do things in last minute. I make good plans for the future but they often end flop, because im inconsistent. I don’t want to follow and somewhat don’t want to lead. I don’t have authoritys. Im much more brave when with people. I can change my mind when I collect logical arguments. When im interested in something I penetrate subject and lose awareness of time. I tend to hide my actions and decide myself. Im “slow starter” when meets new people. Im good at explaining, often difficult, issues with many practical examples. I don’t change my opinions because everybody thinks different. I always want to win, even in play but i quickly forget about failures. I dont look into past. I brake rules often, but im caught rarely. Im not afraid of being criticized.
    I dont know English very well so its pointless to guess through vocabularies.
    I dont preclude

  6. #6
    Kristiina's Avatar
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    Now I'm getting a NT vibe. I would say ENTj or maybe ENTp.

    Im good at explaining, often difficult, issues with many practical examples. ( )
    Im “slow starter” when meets new people. (NT)
    I always want to win, even in play but i quickly forget about failures. ( hidden agenda).
    When im among people im never sad and they think that I don’t worry about anything and see me as optimist. (typical ENTj trait)
    I can change my mind when I collect logical arguments. (NT)
    I have broadly range of interests and talk almost about everything. (NT, especially ENTp).
    i had good relation with almost everyone. ( )
    I don’t want to follow and somewhat don’t want to lead. (More of an INTp trait)
    I dont like mundane talk. (dislike of smalltalk is NT or ST, more likely NT)
    I make good plans for the future but they often end flop, because im inconsistent.( xNxp?)

    I dont look into past.
    I brake rules often, but im caught rarely.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

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    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    in the ego block for sure. Can't say much more.

    I tend to exclude ESTj. So, ISTp INTp ENTj are valid possibilites. Gut feeling: ISTp.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  8. #8
    implied's Avatar
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    his "party face" seems INTp/ENTj.

    the description seems rather ENTj-ish. i keep leaning towards IXTp though, logical subtype for whichever he is.
    6w5 sx
    model Φ: -+0
    sloan - rcuei

  9. #9
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Yeah, the party face does look ENTj, but there's something that doesn't fit.

    Reply to those questions Damian:

    TYPE 1

    1. Are you a mobile, light on your feet?

    2. Do you strive to benefit from any theory, to turn it into a working tool?

    3. Do you easily risk, believing rather in your intuition than in your previous experience?

    4. Are you talkative and assertive in discussions?

    5. Are you not much demanding to your comfort and just need to support your forces?

    6. Are you simple and democratic in communication?

    7. You are optimistic, quickly forget previous problems?

    8. Are jokes and humor a usual way for you to establish contact?

    TYPE 2

    1. Are you a cautious person that avoids risk and noisy actions?

    2. Do you think with visual 3D images?

    3. Do you periodically feel enervated and sleepy?

    4. Are you a kind person, even in spite of becoming explosive and obstinate in critical situations?

    5. Are you thrifty, capable of accumulating sources for a black day?

    6. Is it true that sometimes you fall into pessimism and grim humor?

    7. Are you rather a passionless spectator than an ardent fighter?

    8. Are you provident in your trips and travels?

    Which one fits best? No one?
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  10. #10


    I'm going to take a wild guess and say Polish.

  11. #11
    Kristiina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catholic Schoolboy
    I'm going to take a wild guess and say Polish.
    ROFL! hahaaa... yeah. seems like that. Could be Latvian/Lithuanian too, but I think you're right.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

    Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    1. Are you a mobile, light on your feet?
    Somewhat - I cannot stay at home for long time, and especially at Saturday . When im alone im busy all the time. Im looking for information about interesting things. When with people i like to do things quickly (conversations, projects). Im very impatience, and often switch subjects.
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    2. Do you strive to benefit from any theory, to turn it into a working tool?
    I think thats one of my best advantage, second is that i can find everything what im looking for.
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    3. Do you easily risk
    I easilly risk when with people.
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    believing rather in your intuition than in your previous experience?
    Thats true
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    4. Are you talkative and assertive in discussions?
    Assertive - always, talkative - with those who i know, with strangers - im adjusting to them
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    5. Are you not much demanding to your comfort and just need to support your forces?
    I just only need water, fastfoods, cigarettes, 9 hours of sleep and do something interesting.
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    6. Are you simple
    In English maybe, but in my native language i have rather broad range of words, but somethimes i forget word which i want to use and i invent complicated sentence
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    and democratic in communication?
    i dont forbid nobody to talk, but i often like to end sentence for someone, forecasting what he wants to say
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    7. You are optimistic, quickly forget previous problems?
    8. Are jokes and humor a usual way for you to establish contact?
    Completely true
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    1 Are you a cautious person that avoids risk and noisy actions?
    I certainly avoid risk with little probability to win and with big probability to go to jail. but often im force to take risk because i do things in last minute.
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    2. Do you think with visual 3D images?
    I dont think so
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    3. Do you periodically feel enervated and sleepy?
    When doing boring work and smoking too much - yes. But when i do something interesting i can live without sleeping.
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    4. Are you a kind person, even in spite of becoming explosive and obstinate in critical situations?
    At present im good in calming down when situation needs this, sometimes i outburst, then im very quiet
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    5. Are you thrifty, capable of accumulating sources for a black day?
    No, maybe because im not too old
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    6. Is it true that sometimes you fall into pessimism and grim humor?
    Yes, sometimes
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    7. Are you rather a passionless spectator than an ardent fighter?
    It depends, but when situation concern me or close person im rather second one
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    8. Are you provident in your trips and travels?
    I dont like to waste time on trips, and dont have to travel a lot, but rathet not. I can adapt to every conditions

    I know that some answers are evasives and in that cases it could be treated as:"I dont know" or "in the centre" or (the most) "i see too many possibilites to answer unambiguous". I know that questions can have different significances so i answer one by one.If i should answer simply, i think that first one fits more, but second isnt totally incompactible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Catholic Schoolboy
    I'm going to take a wild guess and say Polish.
    You dont guess, because you have found that pictures are on server which adress ends with pl

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    ROFL! hahaaa... yeah. seems like that. Could be Latvian/Lithuanian too, but I think you're right.
    Its good to see Slavic woman.
    BTW: do you know that Tartus flag was make by King Stefan Batory and is descended from Polish flag?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damian
    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    ROFL! hahaaa... yeah. seems like that. Could be Latvian/Lithuanian too, but I think you're right.
    Its good to see Slavic woman.
    BTW: do you know that Tartus flag was make by King Stefan Batory and is descended from Polish flag?
    Estonians are Finno-Ugric, not Slavic. :wink: We are the nation that Finnish people came from, but we were here first.
    I actually didnt know that about Tartu's flag. But it's a pretty flag.

    EDIT: the answers you gave can be summed up as ENTj. At least that's what I'm seeing there.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    Estonians are Finno-Ugric, not Slavic. :wink: We are the nation that Finnish people came from, but we were here first.
    I actually didnt know that about Tartu's flag. But it's a pretty flag.
    But there may be many Slavics because Estonia is near :wink:
    Quote Originally Posted by Wikipedia
    In the 16th century, Livonia and Tartu both came under Polish rule, and a Jesuit grammar school was established in the city in 1583. In addition, a translators' seminary was organized in Tartu and the city received its red and white flag from the Polish king Stephen Bathory.

  17. #17
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Yeah I agree with Kristiina, ENTj probably!
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Damian
    Quote Originally Posted by Catholic Schoolboy
    I'm going to take a wild guess and say Polish.
    You dont guess, because you have found that pictures are on server which adress ends with pl
    Nah, lived in Poland for a little bit. Guessed.

  19. #19
    mimisor's Avatar
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    I think he's ESFj, sensory subtype. ESFjs are also practical people, not only ENTJs, bleh.

    Read this

    though the descriptions are not very thourough, i know, but read and see if it fits.

  20. #20
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugu_ baba
    I think he's ESFj, sensory subtype. ESFjs are also practical people, not only ENTJs, bleh.

    Would you say that the greatest strenght of ESFjs is "to put theories into practice?"
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  21. #21
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    "Sensory subtype is energetic, efficient and practical"

    from here, better and more complex descriptions i've found (only on ESFjs)

    +ESFjs in general are very independent, have good sense of business and are hard-working people, so i'd say especially ESFj men can be easily mistyped as ENTjs, as they share these common traits, it's true. (=p)

    But something else caught my attention from what Damian written, and it was suddenly like "blink"

    " I don’t want to follow and somewhat don’t want to lead."


    eh? ENTjs most likely would literally jump at that opportunity to lead, it is their "basic pleasure" - being boss and dominating others. Just admit it FDG.

    + last, but not least, i agree with Kriistina, she previously noticed his body language is so obviously "sensing" (in the socionics sense, of course)

  22. #22
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugu_ baba
    "Sensory subtype is energetic, efficient and practical"

    from here, better and more complex descriptions i've found (only on ESFjs)

    +ESFjs in general are very independent, have good sense of business and are hard-working people, so i'd say especially ESFj men can be easily mistyped as ENTjs, as they share these common traits, it's true. (=p)

    But something else caught my attention from what Damian written, and it was suddenly like "blink"

    " I don’t want to follow and somewhat don’t want to lead."


    eh? ENTjs most likely would literally jump at that opportunity to lead, it is their "basic pleasure" - being boss and dominating others. Just admit it FDG.

    + last, but not least, i agree with Kriistina, she previously noticed his body language is so obviously "sensing" (in the socionics sense, of course)
    Nope, you're all wrong, ENTjs mosly care about themselves and getting their goals done, no time wasted on leadership for its sake.
    You haven't provided the information that:

    - an ESFj identifies himself as HIS STRONGER TRAIT!! of being able to PUT INTRO PRACTICE the theory
    - an ESFj think he/she has a strong "Intuition" "gut feeling" he can trust

    Sorry, you're just making him forcefully fit in your theory, and you're clearly wrong and not providing any correct informations.

    The only proofs you've provided are:

    - esfjs are hard workind. He didn't say he's hard working
    - entjs love being bosses. Incorrect.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Thanks! I will take into consideration Your opinions.

  24. #24
    mimisor's Avatar
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    - entjs love being bosses. Incorrect.
    This what the socionics theory says, FDG. So it can't be incorrect.
    Here take and read to believe -
    Only that you deny it and proves to me more strongly the opposite.

    esfjs are hard workind. He didn't say he's hard working
    Yes. He did. in a more round-about way. " But when i do something interesting i can live without sleeping.

    Sorry, you're just making him forcefully fit in your theory, and you're clearly wrong and not providing any correct informations.
    Oh, and you are the only one around here who provides correct information? Excuse me, but this is pure vanity.
    I am trying to find the truth. Open up your eyes, and allow for other arguments too. This the only way to find the truth, by confronting interpretations.

    ok, my interpretation:

    "i had good relation with almost everyone"
    "with strangers - im adjusting to them" - adjusting to people is strong in the most clear way

    "Im good at explaining, often difficult, issues with many practical examples." - this is the role function, (what we think we should do, though not really what defines us)

    "Im “slow starter” when meets new people."
    At present im good in calming down when situation needs this, sometimes i outburst, then im very quiet" - which is why i supposed him to be the sensory subtype which appears much more subdued and reserved than the ethical subtype

    "When im among people im never sad and they think that I don’t worry about anything and see me as optimist." - this is a characteristic of
    (ENTjs is true are the same way, because of their role function, which is )

    "I make good plans for the future but they often end flop, because im inconsistent"
    "Somewhat - I cannot stay at home for long time, and especially at Saturday . When im alone im busy all the time. Im looking for information about interesting things. When with people i like to do things quickly (conversations, projects). Im very impatience, and often switch subjects." - hmm...inconsistency, restlessness, impatience, typical ESFj behaviours

    Gestures are irregular, are impulsive, frequently impatient. The gait is rapid, is chased. Carriage usually is ordered. ESE - is energetic, zhizneradosten, it is fussy. It is cordial, with a feeling of humor and the ease in the contact, this person rapidly becomes the soul of company.
    He tries to please itself by all, it dresses with the taste.
    " Do you think with visual 3D images?
    I dont think so"
    "I dont look into past." - clearly S people rather than N, live in the present, not reflecting upon past or future.

    "Are you thrifty, capable of accumulating sources for a black day?
    No, maybe because im not too old" - clearly the sensory subtype here again, intuitive people are able sacrifice their comfort for long time, without suffering too much.

    quote from the ESFj sensory subtype description:
    " it loves expensive things, it occurs wasteful."

    The reasons above determined me to suppose ESFj sensory subtype
    the pictures, which are self-evident

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