Quote Originally Posted by Hemoglobin View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
Your relations with Hemoglobin is very confusing to me. Would you please explain what interactions you have with one another in real life?
I do theatrical makeup as a lifestyle/fashion and Uwace happens to be my model.

A more in depth description of our in person relationship is more along the lines of parental figure with a bit of silliness. A lot of emotional support is given when needed.

In terms of his relationship with Moredhel; Moredhel is my business partner and confidant (absolutely nothing is sacred between us... if you're telling me something you're essentially telling him). He's my sanity check on my ideas and we bounce everything around with each other. Anybody that interacts with me will at one point or another interact with Moredhel so this is how Uwace knows him.

Quote Originally Posted by Uwace View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post

I don't appreciate joking around; I am a serious type. Answer my question. You're on a Socionics site; if you don't know what it is by now then there are many sites where you may access the information.
No, you're randomly posting the functions without any sort of basis from my post . I was asking for which position which you put it at.

I may not be well informed in these matters and may not know what the standards or customs in posting such things. Perhaps you could clarify your point.

Jeez someone's getting uptight.

stands for ethics of relationships; I observed that all three have a relations and I wanted to know what your position was in this mix.