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Thread: Questionnaires are fun to answer because I get to talk about myself!

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    함부로 애틋하게 Kierva's Avatar
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    So I'm just going to randomly vomit whatever I can find in my memory bank.

    Any type can be suggested as long as you have basis (eg. quotes from my posts) to support your claims.

    Hmm. Let's see...

    There's not really a reason as to why I'm making this thread, it's just that it's fun to make type-me threads and that I find it rather "productive" (even if it confuses me) because I get to know more about first impressions of me online. Besides it's only legit if I have a type-me thread on a personality forum.

    I've been told I'm too fun/bubbly/whatever <insert feely adjective here> because my sense of humor online is light-hearted and I like to shock people for the fun of it. The reason why I do this online is because I can get away with it without any sort of consequence to it. I have more liberty to choose my audience online than I do IRL. There's always some sort of shit that could happen IRL - prejudice etc; I work in a team-based environment and it's essential that my rep be clean because where I am it's rather retarded socially (them not knowing I'm GHEY). I can't possibly get cooperation or direct people in a team if those close-minded idiots know I'm ghey.

    I am quite aware of my usual first impressions online (this thread might change the usual). From what I gather I give off this gay vibe -- the literal and social connotation. I also like to shock people online by showing people homo erotica and <insert sexually charged gay stuff here>. My sense of humor is rather sexually charged. I honestly don't know where the "light-hearted" stuff came from.

    In person I am rather stand-offish in new social situations, it's not really a wariness. It's just apathy and the want to fade in and observe. In this respect I can come off quite cold and it would rather contradict my online persona. I usually just go about following others. Usually this social situation that causes me to be like this has more than 6 people. I don't like big groups that I have to get close to. If it's a presentation I am able to convey my message to a large audience but if it's mingling around without a specific purpose or no immediate benefit then I just shut off.

    At class or when I'm doing work I've been told I'm quite intimidating because I seem to know everything and what's the best thing to do. Those people in a group with me - the facilitator usually gives the best comments to my group's presentation. People in my group usually come to me for instructions and I'm usually the one generating ideas/questions to solve the day's problem and the rest seem like my mules in comparison to myself. So it's like a one-man show with a bunch of mules to play around with. I've also been told that it's rather stressful working with me because I have the end goal in my head -- to get an A grade for the day (and I make sure I earn it!). We're graded daily. Coming back, my facilitators have told me that I am "actively engaged" in group discussions and "conscientious" when it comes to the execution phase of doing the presentation. They have also commented on the delivery of the presentation for me: I need to be a bit more lively and more engaging to the audience.

    At home I don't really talk to my family members due to ideological differences and brushes. I just mind my own business and I don't particularly care what happens to my mother or brother unless it directly affects me. I just do what is needed of me, go back into my room and just mind my own business. I am relatively uninvolved and cold in social matters UNLESS I deem you worthy of my attention.

    When I am with my friends it depends on the mood I am in. I'm usually the most obnoxious and most dirtiest (I sometimes tell myself I need to bleach my head). I can be so open about sexual matters that it challenges the status quo (well, from where I am). If there's a camera involved I make sure I'm the biggest or at the very least, noticeable. My role among friends is established -- while I may not be the loudest or can be when I choose to be, I am the solid base, the rock people can hold onto. I am my kindest and warmest to my friends. I don't use the term "friend" lightly, I only consider people friends to people I accept in my inner circle. Other people such as acquaintances I just maintain a superficial relationship with them or even resort to conflict if the situation arises.

    I have this need for success and that would display a 3-ish trait. I have this need to be better than the 2 failures I have with my parents. It's not really a fear of failure, oh I don't know. I don't want to live like them. I don't want to have to put myself in that situation they put me to grow up in. I have this real narcissism complex but that's 3 anyway. Whatever.

    As a kid (I doubt it would be relevant) I was rather shy and subdued. I was sensitive too. Years of physical and psychological abuse have turned me into this cold monster that I am now and really couldn't care less about people's opinion of me personally speaking. If it's related to work matters then of course, I would be interested. Hmm.... as a kid. I was the smart kid "everyone loved" or rather favored who sat by the side like a good kid should and read a book. I have my violent streaks too and this is because when I was 7 I told myself I am not going to let myself be pushed around BY ANYONE. This is, I think, why the abuse continued. I was essentially unwilling to let ANYONE control me and my parents tried to assert control over me and that's why I think the conflict happens. When I was 11-ish I was the kid who had problems with EVERYONE. I was the one pissing and stepping people off. I think it applies for now, I am the one usually pissing people off. And I have to end up asking for apologies (that feeling really does suck, can't just people yield to me?!) . Suckers.

    I would say I am very goal-oriented because as much as I would like a relationship right now, it is just impossible because of the social stigma and what not. Goals give me a direction to work to and I have this need to be characteristically busy -- always doing something *productive* so that I feel able and not rotting.

    I also have never been in a real relationship and I heard that it could jeopardize my work quality. Maybe later, when I've established my independence and make sure I can absolutely give my all, provide for and care for my significant other. This is not helped by my apathy towards people -- I would really appreciate it if someone else (MEN ONLY, OK.) made the move. That being said I have my romantic fantasies I cling onto because I strive to make that fantasy into a reality. I am ready to get all touchy-feely and physically available (hurhurhur cuddling etc, NOT THE OTHER STUFF OK.) and emotionally available as well. I am ready to pour out all my affection to my significant other if I can be sure I can trust the person fully.

    Hmm, what else. Shoot me questions.
    As for gamma vs beta -- I'm rather so-so on the both of them.

    blocked with
    Gamma types take a longer-term view regarding efficiency and profitability, giving lower priority to the short term. Likewise, they tend to aim at the broader benefits of decisions, rather than only at those affecting themselves, giving them an inclination for self-sacrifice.

    Gamma types like to talk about where present trends are leading in terms of potentially profitable events and undertakings.

    Gamma types tend to give more value to ideas and concepts that are firmly connected to factual information.
    Factual information. Hmm. Never see a need to accumulate it as what they make out LIEs to be but I prefer something that is factually backed up -- because you can't argue with facts.

    blocked with
    Gamma types don't tend to form or maintain groups based on fun, emotional interaction, but only take groups seriously that perform some common productive activity or discuss serious topics.

    Gamma types reject the idea that it's best to avoid confrontations so as not to spoil the mood of those present, they prefer directness in settling or at least discussing disagreements.
    Gamma types have difficulty relating to emotional atmospheres connected to "special dates" such as public holidays.

    blocked with
    Beta quadra types prefer situations where the power structure and hierarchy is clearly defined according to consistent rules where ambiguities are minimized.

    Beta quadra types are more confident analysing realistic characteristics of situations, people, and objects, rather than alternative and could-it-be scenarios.

    Beta quadra types are inclined to attribute to a new acquaintance traits that they have previously observed in other individuals belonging to the same group as they see the new acquaintance as belonging to (Aristocracy).

    Beta quadra types are inclined to look for general rules explaining people, politics, mechanisms and trends, rules that once defined can be applied generally, rather than go about things in a case-by-case way.

    Beta quadra types are energized by competitive situations where analytical tactics are emphasized.
    Perhaps what the others have outlined in how I describe other people is true. But generally I am indifferent to people IRL.

    I am very capable of organizing people and things in a systematic manner or whatever suits the tasks at hand. I have not thought about how I feel about it, but I would generally prefer to do so if I'm in a group of noobs. If everyone knows their stuff I go laissez-faire.

    blocked with
    Beta types are not inclined to enjoy discussions of personal experiences when the focus is on a person's own inner feelings, especially when described in a subdued way.
    Beta types tend to be skeptical of another individual's potential for personal growth in terms of abilities and character, and dislike being the subject of such a discussion by others about themselves.
    I agree with this. I never do this IRL because I feel that the people I know have rudimentary knowledge about psychology (I almost always relate myself to some typology system -- usually enneagram because I love it so much) and as such they won't have any form of solid basis to support their claim. That, or the person I'm talking to is someone I don't like (which is usually the case).

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uwace View Post

    Factual information. Hmm. Never see a need to accumulate it as what they make out LIEs to be but I prefer something that is factually backed up -- because you can't argue with facts.
    Many IEI would disagree with you on this point. They are Te PoLR and they don't always believe that facts speak for themselves. I believe that this makes it official that you tend to value facts hence a Te type/valuer.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  3. #43
    함부로 애틋하게 Kierva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by octopuslove View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post

    Many IEI would disagree with you on this point. They are Te PoLR and they don't always believe that facts speak for themselves. I believe that this makes it official that you tend to value facts hence a Te type/valuer.
    No. Facts =/= Te. You really need to stop with your one-word definitions of functions. I agree that you can't argue with facts (I mean, by definition fact = true), but you often need to look at the context to see what the fact actually means. Facts often conflict with each other, and then you're going nowhere until you can reconcile them. And the best way of reconciling conflicting facts is to look at the underlying mechanisms of how the relevant things work. <- Now THAT is Te-PoLR/Ti-HA.

    From your self-description I'm tempted to say IEI, but the things you highlighted about quadras are largely Se/Ni-valuing except for the "serious business" stuff. What sorts of "serious topics" do you like talking about?

    Also, what is it about your family that gets you so irritated? Can you describe those ideological differences?

    And out of interest, if you're willing to share - how old are you?
    What sorts of "serious topics" do you like talking about?
    Typology in general, politics, capitalism and how it locks us into this stupid system. Basically the state of the world that it is now in. I also criticize the current mindset of citizens here in my country because they are so close-minded. Everything to them is black and white. They let the government think for them. Democracy is plastic. The government calling all the shots, and they're the ones legalizing lesbian sex but not ghey sex. HOW FUCKING DUMB IS THAT? Bunch of str8 males, that's what you get.

    Also, what is it about your family that gets you so irritated? Can you describe those ideological differences?
    It's mostly my mother. She and her "right" and "wrong". There's no "right" or "wrong" in ANYTHING. What makes it right or wrong depends on the context and the factors that lead to the situation, in which case, I like to go with the wrong.

    OH MY GOD! Don't get me started on religion. She's a misguided idiot who can't think for herself and EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING goes through her religious filter. It's sooo effing annoying and she ABSOLUTELY NEVER FAILS to impose it on me. I absolutely HATE being told what to do and I resist being controlled by her or that big book of bad ideas.

    And then there's my womanizer of a father who goes around fucking other women and insists that he is a "good Muslim". PUH-LEAZE. Which good Muslim goes around drinking and cheating with other women? I was left for dead in a foreign country because of that bastard. He even left me dead with that bitch in the house. I laughed when he told me to be a good citizen. So dumb.

    I guess most of my frustration is coming from people or systems that try to assert control over me and I absolutely resist being controlled.

    It's not solely out of mistrust, it's just that I want to control what I do and not having other people do it for me.

    I'm 16 going on 17.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by octopuslove View Post
    It's mostly my mother. She and her "right" and "wrong". There's no "right" or "wrong" in ANYTHING. What makes it right or wrong depends on the context and the factors that lead to the situation, in which case, I like to go with the wrong.
    To me this sounds Fi-devaluing. Do you get irritated by people who are easily offended, or do you respect them?
    Why? "Right vs wrong" sounds more Ti or Te, depending on the context, even than that's a bit vague

    Maybe Uwace could expand on this by explaining a situation where he disagreed with his mom in this sense...?
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    함부로 애틋하게 Kierva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by octopuslove View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Uwace View Post
    Typology in general, politics, capitalism and how it locks us into this stupid system. Basically the state of the world that it is now in. I also criticize the current mindset of citizens here in my country because they are so close-minded. Everything to them is black and white. They let the government think for them. Democracy is plastic. The government calling all the shots, and they're the ones legalizing lesbian sex but not ghey sex. HOW FUCKING DUMB IS THAT? Bunch of str8 males, that's what you get.
    OK, back to thinking beta And previously I thought you were American, but now that I realise you're Australian, I can see where you're coming from. I'm also Australian (but on the side with less inbreeding ) and this stupid delta backwater country also pisses me the hell off. Definitely agree with you on getting the hell out of here ASAP, the only ones who like it here haven't been overseas. The weather's good though, I guess.

    I don't think your "serious topics" are particularly gamma, they're pretty beta actually. In terms of gamma vs. beta conversation topics, I guess in terms of politics gammas tend to talk more about investments and economic policies than betas, whereas betas will care more about social issues. Betas will tend to make fun of people they don't like more, doing impressions of people and general loudness/fun/showboating, gammas like quieter, more 'technical' discussions than theatrics.

    More beta vs. gamma - I've pasted stuff from wikisocion which I think highlight the differences:

    It's mostly my mother. She and her "right" and "wrong". There's no "right" or "wrong" in ANYTHING. What makes it right or wrong depends on the context and the factors that lead to the situation, in which case, I like to go with the wrong.
    To me this sounds Fi-devaluing. Do you get irritated by people who are easily offended, or do you respect them?
    I hate big groups. in terms of group behavior I'm more towards the gamma side of things.

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    함부로 애틋하게 Kierva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marie84 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by octopuslove View Post

    To me this sounds Fi-devaluing. Do you get irritated by people who are easily offended, or do you respect them?
    Why? "Right vs wrong" sounds more Ti or Te, depending on the context, even than that's a bit vague

    Maybe Uwace could expand on this by explaining a situation where he disagreed with his mom in this sense...?
    There's no such thing as being appropriately different.

    So what if I have purple nails? So what if it's not right to her? There's nothing wrong with painting nails. I don't agree with society's norms, to which she bases her rights and wrong. I resist being imposed on or being controlled by stupid systems.

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    just read through your replies to the questionnaire and I get the impression of possible Se dominance, weak but valued Ni.
    I'll probably explain this later but I'm not in the mood to do it properly atm
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marie84 View Post
    just read through your replies to the questionnaire and I get the impression of possible Se dominance, weak but valued Ni.
    I'll probably explain this later but I'm not in the mood to do it properly atm
    You're often not in the mood to explain things properly.
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    why are you stalking me?
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    Lol. It just happened, no particular reason.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    함부로 애틋하게 Kierva's Avatar
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    Se/Ni Extrovert, I'm between SEE and EIE > SLE > LIE.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    Se/Ni Extrovert, I'm between SEE and EIE > SLE > LIE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Uwace View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post

    He needs attention...he's a delta; that's insecurity that is related with needing Fi, relations.
    You're basing my type off someone else's answers. If I did not answer that then it's probably not true.

    The reason why I answer questionnaires is because I want to generate discussions about typology and how it relates to me. I also compulsively seek external sources to confirm my thought processes.

    If you could elaborate about my "insecurity" that you seem to have inferred without even being me then please do so.
    I typed someone else? Who? Anyone on the forum?

    Anyway. What do you mean by "confirm" your thought process. Would you please give an example of a situation?

    I was basing that typing of "insecure type" on Hemoglobin's post, where she said you like talking about yourself. I presume you like attention and need affirmation, like you said, from external surroundings. Bragging, boasting, and showing off is a lessor note of this type of behavior. Loving attention is related to loving oneself and thinking highly of ones qualities, usually over generalizing. It draws attention to the self, an introverted propensity, however, if you're only doing it to joke around than you can very well be an Extravert and do this too. The insecurity stems from relations, in need of relations; one can't get attention from inanimate objects like a wall because it doesn't speak back and give you affirmation, encouragement. Delta men, both being negativist types (I have mentioned that you are a negativist type) thrive on positive affirmation from their significant other; this helps them to not get worried and down on themselves; being a negativist, worrying is very easy to do, naturally.

    I'm sorry I could go on endlessly about this topic as you may see and draw all kinds of stories and a web of interaction between these ideas (I am after-all an Fi "deep" type). Minde doesn't like me using words of self affirmation, she finds them rather disgusting. Oh well. I just wanted to explain the methodology or the mental workings of my type, being on a Socionics forum.

    I would like to end this here because I have to go eat. But, I might return, I'm planning (if not today than later in the future) to complete my thoughts on this subject. In the mean while, you may ask questions on this topic, if you'd like, for me to return to and further add material and elaborate.

    Such questions may include:

    Does insecurity involve only men or can women fall pray to it?
    Any way to know externally who is insecure or not?
    Are insecurities, that I associate with delta men, exclusive to that quadra?

    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    Are insecurities, that I associate with delta men, exclusive to that quadra?
    The what ?

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    Oh come on, look at all the bravado and bad-assery he is with his sexual orientation. He has a Gay Rant spell that nearly rivals mine.

    He is so my dual LOL.

    Uwace, your mom is just probably worried about you being beat up or even killed. I was powerfully gay like you when I was your age as well, and my mom said some hurtful things about it, but she was just worried about me. Other people can be such assholes. Ideally, most people shouldn't have a problem with you being gay but they will. And painting your nails purple and being as 'out, and loud and proud' as you are is just advertising it. I love your attitude, but I just don't want you to get hurt. We *shouldn't* have to follow straight society's rules, but most people in the world are straight so we do, and I just don't want to see you hurt.

    She might come around to accepting you more completely. You're still young so maybe you should give it time...but when you turn 18 you should move to a very gay-friendly, gay-empowering area. Nobody should ask you to be a martyr for straight people's uncomfortableness.

    And did I read correctly or is some people on this forum wanting him to be banned or something? Omg please don't do that. He can be a lil annoying but don't you dare kick this cute little gay kid out omg I love him so much he's like a mini-me.

    Gay duality. <3.

    omg me him and sean together HOW FUCKING CUTE WOULD THAT BE??

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    함부로 애틋하게 Kierva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Oh come on, look at all the bravado and bad-assery he is with his sexual orientation. He has a Gay Rant spell that nearly rivals mine.

    He is so my dual LOL.

    Uwace, your mom is just probably worried about you being beat up or even killed. I was powerfully gay like you when I was your age as well, and my mom said some hurtful things about it, but she was just worried about me. Other people can be such assholes. Ideally, most people shouldn't have a problem with you being gay but they will. And painting your nails purple and being as 'out, and loud and proud' as you are is just advertising it. I love your attitude, but I just don't want you to get hurt. We *shouldn't* have to follow straight society's rules, but most people in the world are straight so we do, and I just don't want to see you hurt.

    She might come around to accepting you more completely. You're still young so maybe you should give it time...but when you turn 18 you should move to a very gay-friendly, gay-empowering area. Nobody should ask you to be a martyr for straight people's uncomfortableness.

    And did I read correctly or is some people on this forum wanting him to be banned or something? Omg please don't do that. He can be a lil annoying but don't you dare kick this cute little gay kid out omg I love him so much he's like a mini-me.

    Gay duality. <3.

    omg me him and sean together HOW FUCKING CUTE WOULD THAT BE??
    I am so touched <3

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Oh come on, look at all the bravado and bad-assery he is with his sexual orientation. He has a Gay Rant spell that nearly rivals mine.

    He is so my dual LOL.

    Uwace, your mom is just probably worried about you being beat up or even killed. I was powerfully gay like you when I was your age as well, and my mom said some hurtful things about it, but she was just worried about me. Other people can be such assholes. Ideally, most people shouldn't have a problem with you being gay but they will. And painting your nails purple and being as 'out, and loud and proud' as you are is just advertising it. I love your attitude, but I just don't want you to get hurt. We *shouldn't* have to follow straight society's rules, but most people in the world are straight so we do, and I just don't want to see you hurt.

    She might come around to accepting you more completely. You're still young so maybe you should give it time...but when you turn 18 you should move to a very gay-friendly, gay-empowering area. Nobody should ask you to be a martyr for straight people's uncomfortableness.

    And did I read correctly or is some people on this forum wanting him to be banned or something? Omg please don't do that. He can be a lil annoying but don't you dare kick this cute little gay kid out omg I love him so much he's like a mini-me.

    Gay duality. <3.

    omg me him and sean together HOW FUCKING CUTE WOULD THAT BE??

    And yep, Uwace must stay here!
    p . . . a . . . n . . . d . . . o . . . r . . . a
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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Oh come on, look at all the bravado and bad-assery he is with his sexual orientation. He has a Gay Rant spell that nearly rivals mine.

    He is so my dual LOL.

    Uwace, your mom is just probably worried about you being beat up or even killed. I was powerfully gay like you when I was your age as well, and my mom said some hurtful things about it, but she was just worried about me. Other people can be such assholes. Ideally, most people shouldn't have a problem with you being gay but they will. And painting your nails purple and being as 'out, and loud and proud' as you are is just advertising it. I love your attitude, but I just don't want you to get hurt. We *shouldn't* have to follow straight society's rules, but most people in the world are straight so we do, and I just don't want to see you hurt.

    She might come around to accepting you more completely. You're still young so maybe you should give it time...but when you turn 18 you should move to a very gay-friendly, gay-empowering area. Nobody should ask you to be a martyr for straight people's uncomfortableness.

    And did I read correctly or is some people on this forum wanting him to be banned or something? Omg please don't do that. He can be a lil annoying but don't you dare kick this cute little gay kid out omg I love him so much he's like a mini-me.

    Gay duality. <3.

    omg me him and sean together HOW FUCKING CUTE WOULD THAT BE??
    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Oh come on, look at all the bravado and bad-assery he is with his sexual orientation. He has a Gay Rant spell that nearly rivals mine.

    He is so my dual LOL.

    Uwace, your mom is just probably worried about you being beat up or even killed. I was powerfully gay like you when I was your age as well, and my mom said some hurtful things about it, but she was just worried about me. Other people can be such assholes. Ideally, most people shouldn't have a problem with you being gay but they will. And painting your nails purple and being as 'out, and loud and proud' as you are is just advertising it. I love your attitude, but I just don't want you to get hurt. We *shouldn't* have to follow straight society's rules, but most people in the world are straight so we do, and I just don't want to see you hurt.

    She might come around to accepting you more completely. You're still young so maybe you should give it time...but when you turn 18 you should move to a very gay-friendly, gay-empowering area. Nobody should ask you to be a martyr for straight people's uncomfortableness.

    And did I read correctly or is some people on this forum wanting him to be banned or something? Omg please don't do that. He can be a lil annoying but don't you dare kick this cute little gay kid out omg I love him so much he's like a mini-me.

    Gay duality. <3.

    omg me him and sean together HOW FUCKING CUTE WOULD THAT BE??

    And yep, Uwace must stay here!

    So what's my type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Oh come on, look at all the bravado and bad-assery he is with his sexual orientation. He has a Gay Rant spell that nearly rivals mine.

    He is so my dual LOL.

    Uwace, your mom is just probably worried about you being beat up or even killed. I was powerfully gay like you when I was your age as well, and my mom said some hurtful things about it, but she was just worried about me. Other people can be such assholes. Ideally, most people shouldn't have a problem with you being gay but they will. And painting your nails purple and being as 'out, and loud and proud' as you are is just advertising it. I love your attitude, but I just don't want you to get hurt. We *shouldn't* have to follow straight society's rules, but most people in the world are straight so we do, and I just don't want to see you hurt.

    She might come around to accepting you more completely. You're still young so maybe you should give it time...but when you turn 18 you should move to a very gay-friendly, gay-empowering area. Nobody should ask you to be a martyr for straight people's uncomfortableness.

    And did I read correctly or is some people on this forum wanting him to be banned or something? Omg please don't do that. He can be a lil annoying but don't you dare kick this cute little gay kid out omg I love him so much he's like a mini-me.

    Gay duality. <3.

    omg me him and sean together HOW FUCKING CUTE WOULD THAT BE??
    OH MY GOD! Give me a break. I have suffered abuse since I was 7 and people here are too much of a wimp to even actually hold a gun. It's not like I'm going to some gangster showing my purple colored nail middle finger.

    She needs to get slapped. Bitch motherfuckers deserve a motherfucking slap in the face because they don't know what they talking about! See that being the shit that I don't like.

    #endrant >.>" xD

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Uwace View Post
    And then there's my womanizer of a father who goes around fucking other women and insists that he is a "good Muslim". PUH-LEAZE. Which good Muslim goes around drinking and cheating with other women? I was left for dead in a foreign country because of that bastard. He even left me dead with that bitch in the house. I laughed when he told me to be a good citizen. So dumb.
    Lol, are you a gay Muslim?
    I am an apatheist.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uwace View Post

    So what's my type.

    Aside from all of the other things you mentioned, posting your Disintegration stuff for your Enneagram while completely omitting your Integration is another thing I'll toss onto the heap for Negativist

    The massive amounts of "OH MY GOD! YES!" and other emotional things you send out all point me blatantly to , and almost certainly Beta , to be precise...

    I can divide things down to the core essentials and miss the forest for the trees, or I could look at you holistically, know damn sure you're Beta NF, get EIE from you being Negativist as all hell and likely an Extratim, and cap it off with a Fe subtype due to the Fe, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do
    p . . . a . . . n . . . d . . . o . . . r . . . a
    trad metalz | (more coming)

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    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Uwace View Post

    So what's my type.

    Aside from all of the other things you mentioned, posting your Disintegration stuff for your Enneagram while completely omitting your Integration is another thing I'll toss onto the heap for Negativist

    The massive amounts of "OH MY GOD! YES!" and other emotional things you send out all point me blatantly to , and almost certainly Beta , to be precise...

    I can divide things down to the core essentials and miss the forest for the trees, or I could look at you holistically, know damn sure you're Beta NF, get EIE from you being Negativist as all hell and likely an Extratim, and cap it off with a Fe subtype due to the Fe, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do
    "YES! OH MY GOD!" is something that I find really funny because of the blasphemous tone to which I use.

    If I'm in charge of the powerpoint presentation in class I will always put in "YES! OH MY GOD!" on the title slide. It's like I'm known for that xDDD

    I use it to create irony and nothing amuses me more than irony.

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    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Uwace View Post

    So what's my type.

    Aside from all of the other things you mentioned, posting your Disintegration stuff for your Enneagram while completely omitting your Integration is another thing I'll toss onto the heap for Negativist

    The massive amounts of "OH MY GOD! YES!" and other emotional things you send out all point me blatantly to , and almost certainly Beta , to be precise...

    I can divide things down to the core essentials and miss the forest for the trees, or I could look at you holistically, know damn sure you're Beta NF, get EIE from you being Negativist as all hell and likely an Extratim, and cap it off with a Fe subtype due to the Fe, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do
    That is interesting, care to elaborate?

    I just never fail to bleed Fe, don't I? x.x Even when Aleksei typed my stories it bled EIE ._.

    I really thought I was SLE.

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    This reminds me of myself when I'm in my dramatic mood xDDDDDDD

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    perfect match with this guy

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    I was basing that typing of "insecure type" on Hemoglobin's post, where she said you like talking about yourself.
    I was teasing Uwace when I said that....

    Most of the things I post are tongue in cheek.

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    This question is like a freaking paper. Just posting this to whoever wants to label me <insert sociotype here>.

    Any type can be suggested as long as you have basis from my posts and whatever links to back it up.

    These questions are tough.

    1) Describe your outward behavior and internal mindset when around people in different situations (such as with friends, family, in public, workspace, etc.)?
    With my family I come off icy and/or aggressive (depending on my mood). But it’s usually icy and I ignore everyone else.

    With friends I lighten up considerably; I’m not as loud and boisterous/flamboyant because most of my friend interactions are on a one-on-one basis. I would say I am more of a rock/listener, while occasionally butting in to give my comments about the topic. I don’t usually start the topics.

    In public it depends. If I’m doing a semi-formal presentation then I am much more livelier than with my friends. Other than that I don’t know what I’m like in public because I don’t know what is meant by public.

    At work I shuffle between focus and cracking jokes. I play the role of critic/brainstormer while coming up with ideas for the problem that is being solved. I think this is when I am my most liveliest and my most happiest.

    a. If your outward behavior and internal mindset are different in different settings, do you have any specific reasons as to why you act one way in one setting and another in another setting?

    I hate my family, period.

    With friends it’s not that I am not that interested, it’s just that in these kind of one-on-one interactions I prefer to take a backseat and just listen. Don’t know why though, I think it has something to do with a bit of apathy.

    In public because there is more stimuli I am much livelier because I am constantly thinking of ways to shock the audience or make them laugh. Either with grotesque irony or plain inappropriateness (sex jokes etc etc). It’s all about the reaction that I get, and that is what amuses me.

    Because it’s work, I am my most happiest. I feel as though by completing work I am one step closer to reaching my ultimate goal; I think the shuffle between jokes is a distraction that just spills out of my mouth in whatever that I am thinking of.

    b. What do you repress about your outward behavior or internal thought process when around others?

    Uh, as a general rule, no one knows about my family or my childhood when I’m talking to anyone IRL. I don’t talk about it, no one brings it up unless I do.

    c. Do you feel like you need to play certain roles when around different groups of people?

    Duh! Haven’t I explained it just now?

    Family – ice queen
    Friends – steady rock
    Public – rogue artist
    Work – determined comedian (can’t think of a better phrase)

    d. What motivates you to withhold or give out qualities of yourself to different groups of people?

    I don’t care if people look up to me or not, or if people like me in the first place. I want respect and hence I make sure I dominate a situation if I know I can successfully control it or if I am in the mood.

    Otherwise I’ll be icy cold to everyone else. All or nothing.

    2) Is there a certain way that you wish others to perceive you as? If so, what do you do in order to allow others to see you in that way?

    I don’t wish others to perceive me as anything IRL; I am aware of how people perceive me as. It’s not like I go out of my way to make people like me because I am this and this. I ALREADY am this.

    3) When wishing to impress others, what do you usually do in order to allow others to see you in the best possible light?

    I suck at selling myself if I’m not interested 100% in the first place. I give a half-assed interview.

    Usually what I tell them is that I am a focused person who has a sense of humor (I think if I specified what kind it would lower my selling value, but if they do I just tell them I give playful ones). Able to lead others into a direction and not afraid of failure. Good public speaker and good writing skills etc etc.

    1) How do you generally present yourself to people in different situations (such as with friends, family, in public, workspace, etc)?

    From a distance I seem cold and uninterested. People I hold close would find me nice and interesting. That’s a general rule.

    I think I have specified how I look like in those situations.

    a. What is/are the reason(s) for presenting that image of yourself?


    b. What are things you keep repressed from being shown to people?


    c. Why do you repress them?

    Nobody needs to know about my childhood. I don’t like being reminded.


    The Ego Complex

    2) If you could fully reveal how you want to talk, act, behave, or be, what would that look like? *Note: If your answer is “I act like myself” or “I would act like myself” or “I would just want to be myself” or any variant of the following, please be more specific.

    At this point in time I don’t know what “myself” is. I think “myself” is how I’ve always been. I was sensitive, shy and smart when I was a kid. Now I don’t know about shy and sensitive – well, shy only in social situations where there’s no beneficial purpose.

    Now I would consider myself a cold ice freak who likes being alone. I can feign warmth if I want to, but ultimately that leads me into an existential depression because that is not me. “Myself” is interested in the grotesque and likes to shock people with freakiness.

    I have a thing for gory tumblr blogs.

    The Shadow Complex

    3) What personality qualities do you generally hate about people?
    a. Describe the personality qualities of a person of the same-sex who you heavily dislike.

    OH MY GOD! “my penis is bigger than yours. Dude, the gym’s been a blast”
    I hate masculinity. I hate it with a burning passion. “Be a man” is one thing that never fails to put me into a seething rage.

    b. Describe the personality qualities of a person of the opposite-sex who you heavily dislike.

    OH MY GOD! “girl, my nails are sooooooo ruined; UGH! That bitch just did that. Did you see that? Bitchbitchbitch
    I hate feminism. I hate it with a burning passion that EQUALS masculinity. It’s so fucking dumb, these gender roles.

    4) Are there any qualities that you dislike in other people that you find in yourself? What are they?

    Superficiality. I think I’m very ugly and I feel this want to be attractive to others but I end up doing nothing about it because it’s so superficial. Then it starts another cycle. I don’t do anything about it because it’s not a big priority.

    The Anima/Animus Complex

    5) What personality qualities do you generally like about people?

    a. Describe the personality qualities of a person of the same-sex who you really like.
    b. Describe the personality qualities of a person of the opposite-sex who you really like.
    I don’t pay attention to people so I don’t know. Male or female they’re still humans; to me they are equal in their actions and consequences.

    6) How do you normally interact with the opposite-sex upon first meeting or first impression?
    a. If the first impression/meeting was positive, why?
    b. If the first impression/meeting was negative, why?

    This question only works for str8 people. So I’m going to give a general answer.
    With both sexes I usually give a negative impression because it’s not like I deem you interesting from my observations. Cold, uninterested.

    7) What were your parents like in YOUR perspective when you were a child ages 4-12 and how or in what way do you feel they have affected or influenced you (whether negatively or positively)?

    Mother = bad, father = good (until 11) /bad (when I was 12)

    As you can see I came from a very happy family.

    Abuse from both parents, neglect and physical abuse caused me to be cold and uninvolved generally.

    Concreticism vs Abstraction properties

    8) *incomplete* Skip to 9)

    General Psyche State of Mind

    9) Are you currently depressed and if so, how long have you been depressed?
    I don’t know. I am in a current state of apathy and vengeance.

    a. If you are not depressed, have you ever been depressed before?
    I don’t know if I’ve ever experienced a state of depression as how society experiences it or how it is dictated by them. Maybe my depressive stage is apathy and isolation.

    b. During the depressive state, if applicable, are you more prone to centering attention to yourself than you would ordinarily do?
    I direct my attention to my plans for getting back at the person.

    10) Have you ever acted compulsively with no awareness or control? For example, you become overly concerned with people or things around you that you would ordinarily not care about. (This does not have to be in a form of anger. It could be you becoming much more obsessive over someone or developing unusual addictions to drugs and/or alcohols or anything similar to that effect.)

    Only whacked my mom with a chair and broke it, bonked her on the head twice and shouted at her millions of times. That screams anger to me.

    I don’t know about OCD. Everything I do is under control. I only lose control when I am angry.

    11) Whenever you are heavily stressed out and pushed over the edge to extreme points, what is your general response? It could be anger, sadness, isolation, violence, etc

    Here’s the stages:

    Isolation -> apathy -> vengeance -> apathy -> vengeance -> volcano erupt.

    12) (Free Write or Mind Dump question) State what you see as the major key events in your life and your response to each of them at the time.


    @Aleksei, @calysco, @Comrade DPH, @Yukawa - I answered these questions in my free time. Greatly appreciated if you guys can take a look at these answers and give a reply.
    @woofwoofl: come to chat please?
    k0rp wanted me to prod you for... you'll find out.

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    Quote Originally Posted by octopuslove View Post
    The thread title is pretty accurate, hey
    Which title are you referring to? xD

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    This thread was missing a homo pic:

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    What type do you go by these days?

    I still think you're a Fe-dominant. If not, quite possibly a Se-dominant.
    5w6 so; rcUe|I|;

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    Quote Originally Posted by Typhon View Post

  34. #74
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    All I got is more smeat for you.

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    I think, Se-ESFp sounds about right.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Typhon View Post
    All I got is more smeat for you.


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    why gamma tho

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    Quote Originally Posted by bionic View Post
    This thread was missing a homo pic:

    like what moms should do

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uwace View Post
    why gamma tho
    Didn't have a specific reason. I felt certain of ExFx and Se/Ni, and more likely irrational > rational type.

    Your displays of Fe come off as far less... sincere, almost like you're faking it for irony. The Betas I'm accustomed to take it much more seriously and tend not to self-parody as much as you do. Of course, my impression of you could be completely off.

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