Hm. I'm torn on this; I would offhand attribute this sort of thing to Fi, because it involves internal emotional responses to external things. However, the examples that were given are deeply rooted in Fe; an uncurled leaf has an objective emotional message of despair, recognizing emotional states in others so powerfully that they take over the individual themselves - these shed confusion on the specific functional relation. I see both, tbh; an individual who sees an external object and 'takes in' its objective emotional aspects so powerfully that it literally consumes the individual and throws them in that emotional direction - that would be Fe. An individual who produces strong internal emotional responses to these external objects who pays little attention to their objective emotional qualities (e.g. an uncurled flower may not necessarily evoke despair) but is still profoundly affected internally would be Fi.

I think it could be both. I can see its relationship to ethics, but I am unable to see the connection to N and it is most certainly not connected to Te/Se, although easily connected to Si and possibly to Ti.