Maybe, I could see a lot of ethical types having it, or at least relating to it, but IEI/EII are probably more debilitated by it (with Te and Se being the weakest strengths, and Ni+Fi being the strongest)
I would think this is why they tend to have the hardest time taking initiative with theirs lives being consumed with these self-absorbed thoughts and feelings that make the realities of life seem that much more unobtainable.

It's something that at least caused me a lot of problems in life, but I've learned ways of dealing with it through the years. As silly as it may sound, trying to stay focused on doing things productively that don't allow me to drift my thoughts inwards has helped a lot. When I don't have anything I could be doing I rationalize the "need" to do something that will keep me detached from those thoughts
Not to disrespect the beauty of how it all works though, since like you said, people who tend to be like this can often create magnificent works of art and literature as well as be great humanitarians, but I think a lot of people who manifest those feelings towards outlets like that can end-up destroying themselves by enveloping themselves with all those feelings, than again for others it could be cathartic