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Thread: Waffling Between a Few Types

  1. #1
    Killer of DJA's Fun fen's Avatar
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    Default Waffling Between a Few Types

    I suppose this will double as my introduction. :)
    Hello all! The name's Laura.
    I borrowed these questions from someone who posted before me. I hope they don't mind...

    Many thanks to anyone willing to brave the length of this post! :P
    Also, if it helps...I'm MBTI ENFP (though marginally E>I); E6w7 sx/sp.

    1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type?
    I am indecisive. :P

    I'm sort of waffling between IEE, EII, and IEI (I suppose). :P I am mostly debating between the first two. I am rather confident I am a Delta. :)
    I tend to double-check things with other people before I make final decisions. I usually ask other people for their opinions of things. I am never really satisfied with most answers from within myself. I'm always double-checking outside myself. I wish I wasn't like that, but...I just don't feel comfortable making resolutions when I could get more input. I guess I just don't trust myself in making decisions like this. :P

    I've always had a hard time deciding if I was an introverted or not. :/ I'm really shy and don't like parties...or anything like that. I'm uncomfortable meeting new people. I don't make friends easily. I dunno. But at the same time, I focus my energy outside myself a lot. I feel like a day completely alone is a day wasted. :/ It' just always been unclear to me....
    Not to mention it helps me to talk to think...which indicates E>I. I just don't even know... :P

    2) What do you yearn for in life? Why?
    Hmm! I'm always looking for profound, meaningful experiences. I'm not satisfied with "mundane" feelings..
    I also yearn for understanding. I love learning about things that interest me (psychology, philosophy, languages, etc).
    I yearn to make a difference in the way people think about things (possibly helping them be more open-minded)...and to help people realize their potential.

    3) Think about a time where you felt like you were at your finest. Tell us what made you feel that way.
    I was lying by a pond at night with someone special to me. We were having interesting conversations about many things that are important to us. I was talking freely, offering advice; I didn't feel nervous. I was still careful about what I expressed, but...anyway. Haha.

    4) What makes you feel inferior?
    I am not good at contributing to conversation when I am in a group setting. When I talk in those situations, I come off really cold. I guess I normally do come off as stand-offish when talking to people, regardless of the setting, but...I attribute that to the kind of advice I give. I try to give honest, non-"fluffy" advice, which is hard to deliver kindly. Anyway, when I talk in group conversations, I tend to somehow..mess up the vibe. It's discouraging.

    I also gauge how people respond to things I do and say. If I notice that something I am doing is making someone else respond unfavorably, I change my demeanor to maintain positive interactions as much as possible. It isn't all that bad, I just wish I could be myself...whatever that is...and not worry about maintaining harmony. Haha.

    I'm just bad at expressing happiness. I don't understand things like pep rallies or concerts. I like concerts, but not for the collective involvement. I can never get into it. :/ I dislike receiving gifts because even if I really like something, it's hard for me to be animated about my appreciation and enthusiasm.

    My thoughts are usually muddled. I want to think clearly, but I see different sides to things, so it's hard for me to have concrete opinions on some things.

    Health anxiety.

    5) What tends to weigh on your decisions?
    Whe making decisions for myself, I consider my personal feelings about it, as well as how my decision will affect other people (but if I feel strongly about something that people are usually against, I choose to stand my ground and act on my personal feelings). If it's a big, difficult decision, I tend to analyze the pros and cons as well. I've found this helps me make more rational choices. When I give advice, I tend to remind people to do what is right for THEM (not other people)...and to ask themselves, "Which will I regret more: doing this...or not doing this?"

    If I'm in a group and it's up to me to choose what to do or something, I will be extremely stressed. I do not like to make choices for other people. I don't want to somehow make people do things they don't want to do.. :/

    6) When working on a project what is normally your emphasis? Do you like to have control of the outcome?
    Like a group project? I suppose I usually take up most of the responsibility. It depends on the other people. I tend to organize the group and get us started I would say I like to have a good hold of what to expect of the final product.

    7) Describe us a time where you had a lot of fun. How is your memory of it?
    I was at the park with a friend of mine (who is now my boyfriend). We sat by the creek, far from everything. He's very taciturn. I played with the sand in my hands. I asked lots of "questions" and shared lots of ideas, such as "I wonder how many past lives I am holding in my hands (in the sand)...", "It's amazing how if you just stay still for awhile, the world envelops you. The birds come out, and go about their business as if you are not anything foreign...", "You know, we are kind of...made from the stars...". Being outside grounds me and helps me think more clearly. Not sure why. I also have to talk to figure out how I really feel about things..

    8) When you want to learn something new, what feels more natural for you? (Are you more prone to be hands on, to theorize, to memorize, etc)
    Memorization is NOT my thing at all. Hands-on helps if it's something like a computer program I want to learn (like Photoshop or something), but for normal learning, I just read and theorize. I understand things based on how they relate to other things...

    9) How organized do you to think of yourself as?
    Not at all. Haha. My room is never clean, and my school binders end up just a pile of papers. :P

    10) How do you judge new ideas? You try to understand the principles behind it to see if they make sense or do you look for information that supports it?
    I do both. I don't really know which more or less. :/

    11) You find harmony by making sure everyone is doing fine and belonging to a given group or by making sure that you follow what you believe and being yourself?
    Ahhh! Both. :( I'm not being helpful. :/ I mean, if I'm hanging out with friends, and someone is being excluded, I talk to them...but I don't really try to get the group involved with that one person. I just involve myself with that one person. I'm not usually central to a group anyway.
    I worry about other people's feelings. But...I'm also very concerned with living by my principles and helping other people stand by their own principles. I am an avid promoter of individualism.

    12) Are you the kind that thinks before speaking or do you speak before thinking? Do you prefer one-on-one communication or group discussions?
    If I'm uncomfortable, I plan my words to try to come across favorably. But...if I'm truly comfortable...I normally just ramble on and on in order to think. :P
    I DEFINITELY prefer one-on-one...

    13) Do you jump into action right away or do you like to know where are you jumping before leaping? Does action speaks more than words?
    I don't just jump into things. I try to see all the possible outcomes of things before i leap in.
    Actions definitely speak way louder than words.

    14) It's Saturday. You're at home, and your favorite show is about to start. Your friends call you for a night out. What will you do?
    I'd be out the door in a heartbeat.

    15) How do you act when you're stressed out?
    I tend to project my feelings. I try to talk it out, but am reminded that doesn't help at all. It just makes it worse. So I end up isolating myself. Probably taking a looooong nap. Haha.

    16) What makes you dislike the personalities of some people?
    Closed-mindedness, making hasty decisions, being judgmental of people and ideas, being fake.

    17) Is there anything you really like talking about with other people?
    Their hopes for the future, their problems, shared interests, "what if" ideas, the beauty of the universe, philosophy...

    18) What kind of things do you pay the least attention to in your life?
    Fashion, physical orderliness, day-to-day matters...

    19) How do your friends perceive you? What is wrong about their perception? What would your friends never say about your personality?
    They perceive me as indecisive, passive, rather quiet, interested in people and their potential, imaginative, negative. Haha. I'm not really negative. I just don't agree with choosing ignorance>facing the hard things in life. Ignorance just...hinders your growth. I don't have much respect for the whole "ignorance is bliss" mindset.
    They would never say I am outgoing or aggressive.

    20) You got a whole day to do whatever you like. What kind of activities do you feel like doing?
    Discussing ideas and potential things to do with friends...and doing fun stuff. :P

    21) In a classroom setting do you ever find yourself helping other people out with projects or homework when you see their struggling? Do you do this to make yourself feel more comfortable?
    I try to help people when I can. It's a way for me to break the ice with people, I suppose.

    22) Any peculiarities that you have noticed about your personality?
    I feel like I'm a giant contradiction. Haha. I don't really know what to put here. :P
    I'm socially awkward, but I want to help people actualize their potential...and being awkward isn't conducive to that at all. Hehe.

    And for VI purposes, if anyone likes to do those. :P

    First one is me trying to not make my awkward face for a picture with my friend. :P
    Second and third ones are of me making my awkward face...
    And the fourth is Awkward face included.
    Last edited by fen; 07-15-2011 at 03:20 PM.
    And I would hide my face in you and you would hide your face in me, and nobody would ever see us any more.

  2. #2
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Hmm. You look really nice and you look like you genuinely respect others and what they want to do in life. You seem to objectively look up to everybody in the human race in a way, like we can all teach you something, and that you can teach us too.

    I would cry, but I'm a guy, and my tear ducts feel too dry from the last time, and the world hardens me up even if all I do is sit on my computer all day. =p

  3. #3



  4. #4
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    hah i was going to comment on the appearance thing, i see it, except youre incredibly cute.

    i see you as delta nf very easily.

  5. #5


    I'd guess INFj btw. And not just because that'd make you my dual, I'm going through a type-change atm myself and not completely sure with ESTj. But the 'not making others do things they don't want to' sounds a lot like Se-POLR, and you don't value being expressive, or Fe-like, but value personal relationships and human potentials very much. All that points strongly to INFj.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Delta-NF; probably Ne-INFj.

    Also Mountain Dew is definitely not your dual.
    You went through a type-change recently yourself, just saying. But let's keep this thread about her, not me. If you wish to discuss my type, post in my other threads I made.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
    You went through a type-change recently yourself, just saying.
    No I didn't.
    ENTj --> ESTp. Yes you did. Don't change the facts. And you just lied now, so you went from 0 credibility to negative.

    fenryrr, I'll do the honorary warning. Ashton is socionics cancer. Maritsa understands the theory very well, but mixes Myers-Briggs and socionics often, so her typings are backwards. Most believe she is ENFj, not INFj. Aleksei's typings are often wrong, and he acts arrogant and dismissive of everyone 'not as smart' as himself, when everything is 'so obvious'.

    Countless others just like to troll. Most of these people don't hold full-time jobs, much less any job at all, and just spend the day wasting time, thinking their opinions matter without any credibility. Be careful who you listen to.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
    ENTj --> ESTp.
    He was SEI before so take that into account.

  9. #9
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    credibility? what credibility do you have when it comes to everything you just wrote? you see yourself as having the authority to pass off your opinions of forum members as fact? stop it.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
    ENTj --> ESTp.
    He was SEI before so take that into account.
    Ah good memory, hadn't known this. Thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by laghlagh View Post
    credibility? what credibility do you have when it comes to everything you just wrote? you see yourself as having the authority to pass off your opinions of forum members as fact? stop it.
    Someone had to say it. I'd rather get flamed, than have her listen to these people, get confused, and waste a lot of time.

  11. #11
    an object in motion woofwoofl's Avatar
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    Hello fenyrr!

    You're Delta NF, no question about it. Ne subtype sounds right, and yes, you do remind me of laghlagh too, and yes, this is good

    I don't have a load to go on to decide between Extratim and Introtim (or Rational and Irrational for that matter), so I'll set you at Ne-IEE; you're in Delta, you scored "E", I'll keep the "E"; it makes sense due to valued functions for Deltas to be a bit more low-key in general, and it matches up with what I've seen, so I'm going with it...

    Also, nevermind the squabble going on here Ashton's a great dude, makes sense in his typings (though we won't always come to the same conclusion), don't rob yourself of a good person... I have the opposite approach to Mountain Dew regarding these things, I listen to everyone, and whatever works the best for me or connects with me the fastest stays in the forefront of my mind; I can think of no other way to go about things...
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  12. #12
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    well im glad you were able to satisfy yourself with the thought of a job well done, making yourself a martyr to flaming no less. have you considered e2?

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    I have the opposite approach to Mountain Dew regarding these things, I listen to everyone, and whatever works the best for me or connects with me the fastest stays in the forefront of my mind; I can think of no other way to go about things...
    I was the same way when I started. Listened to everyone. You kinda have to at first, when you don't know who's right/wrong.

    woof is a good guy, you can trust him. (Am I driving you crazy laghlagh? )

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by laghlagh View Post
    well im glad you were able to satisfy yourself with the thought of a job well done, making yourself a martyr to flaming no less. have you considered e2?
    Thank you, yes, and unsure about it.

  15. #15
    So fluffeh. Cuddly McFluffles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post

    No I didn't.
    ENTj --> ESTp. Yes you did. Don't change the facts. And you just lied now, so you went from 0 credibility to negative.
    From what I recall, he did that for the lulz; so it's not an authentic type change.

    Most of these people don't hold full-time jobs, much less any job at all, and just spend the day wasting time, thinking their opinions matter without any credibility.
    This is pretty harsh. Do you even know whether that's really the case? I won't argue with you over who is and isn't credible, but surely you can leave accusations like this out of your mudslinging.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

  16. #16
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    of course he doesnt know if thats true. it doesnt matter as long as it feels about right and sounds good. unvalued Te gone bad.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by laghlagh View Post
    of course he doesnt know if thats true.
    I do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryene Astraelis View Post
    Do you even know whether that's really the case?

  18. #18


    Welcome to the forums, fenryrr!! Now that you know you're definitely Delta NF, you can participate in the arguing! I'm done posting for today, have fun everyone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
    Ah good memory, hadn't known this. Thanks.
    Yup, I remember he thought he is ILE as well but that was really brief.

    Quote Originally Posted by laghlagh View Post
    have you considered e2?
    I like you.

  20. #20
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    lol md...tell a blatant lie, attempt to take the high ground by addressing the op, and then leave. very cool.

  21. #21
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    um, addressing the op myself: fenryrr i hope youre not swayed away from delta nf by any comparison to me lol. your post was pretty textbook

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    Hi, welcome Fenryrr! I would lean Ne-INFJ for your type on impression. So when I first saw your username it gave me vibes, but basing my vote off your post and pictures.
    Last edited by 717495; 07-15-2011 at 10:21 PM.

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
    ENTj --> ESTp. Yes you did.
    No I didn't.
    You really think people won't notice you changed your type in your profile? Really?? You really think people can't tell you're lying?

    Both Absurd and I notice. And what about your older posts, where you say you changed so you could be duals with Aiss? You going to change those too, or delete them? Yeah, anytime you get held accountable for your words, you just change things.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    The only liar here is you, claiming I changed types when I clearly didn't.
    Yeah clearly. You're so clever.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    You're a Mormon and you work for Amway lol.
    No, I'm not a Mormon. Yes, I'm proud to work for Amway, which earned over 9 billion in revenues last year, projected over 10 billion this year. Who do you work for?

    Quote Originally Posted by laghlagh View Post
    lol md...tell a blatant lie, attempt to take the high ground by addressing the op, and then leave. very cool.
    After Ryene pointed out what I said was harsh, I felt guilty for saying it in the first place, so I didn't feel the need to point out how broke all of you are. Unless you want me to prove it, and list names? Provoke me further? I thought it was already obvious after the sale of 1/3 of the site, when people were talking about purchasing BG's share for like $25-100, throwing in $25 each, instead of just throwing in $500 to get what you want. Not to mention the various 'unemployed' threads that litter the site, or 'how to get a job', or pictures of people with long, unkept beards wondering why they're out of work, or pictures of people from their parents' basements... don't make me give specific names.

    Not everyone on this site is a bum... I know some good people out there, like WA is a doctor, for example, have jobs. But, the vast majority of people here lack ambition.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by jxrtes View Post
    Pretty cool stuff, but I only masturbate and surf this forum in my free time, and don't really have higher ambitions.
    So yes, I do back up my statements with facts, tyvm laghlagh. Not a 'blatant lie'. Do YOU have a job? What do you do? Or are you like most other people here, sign up on an internet forum, study socionics some, stay on the computer forever doing nothing to help the world or help society, take advantage of the conveniences provided to you by others, and think your opinion on anything matters? HMM?


  24. #24


    Go ahead, provoke me further. Laugh at my emotions more Ashton. Twist my words. Tell me I'm lying again, laghlagh. Bring it on. I'm tired of poeple like you acting haughty when you have absolutely no reason to think you're better than me. Call me Mountain 'Derp' more Ashton. Yeah it's funny, isn't it?

  25. #25
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    instead of having this outburst and grasping at straws, you could have just admitted you have no way of knowing whether the majority of the forum has jobs or not. it would have been much more respectable than this.

    provoking? im responsible for what ive posted and so are you.

  26. #26
    Fuck-up NewBorn STAR's Avatar
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    This is ridiculous.

    Also box finder. Pick them all. And dont stress so much about how you should manifest yourself. People naturally waffle around types. Unless they make themselves unwaffle.

    That is what they call : "the death of a character"

  27. #27
    ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ Birdie's Avatar
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    Not to derail the thread any further, but MD what is with your obsession with material wealth?

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    Quote Originally Posted by NewBorn STAR View Post
    That is what they call : "the death of a character"
    You know what ? I read you in a Duffy Duck voice.

  29. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
    Go ahead, provoke me further. Laugh at my emotions more Ashton. Twist my words. Tell me I'm lying again, laghlagh. Bring it on. I'm tired of poeple like you acting haughty when you have absolutely no reason to think you're better than me. Call me Mountain 'Derp' more Ashton. Yeah it's funny, isn't it?
    what's wrong, Mountain Derp? u cryin'?
    No. But if I were, that'd be pretty funny to you, wouldn't it?

    Quote Originally Posted by laghlagh View Post
    instead of having this outburst and grasping at straws, you could have just admitted you have no way of knowing whether the majority of the forum has jobs or not. it would have been much more respectable than this.

    provoking? im responsible for what ive posted and so are you.
    You kidding me? Don't play innocent now. I've been trying to be nice to you this entire time, and you've argued with every single thing I've said. It's obvious you don't like me. And it's obvious most people here don't have anything to live for outside of their own stupid boxes.

  30. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by NewBorn STAR View Post
    This is ridiculous.

    Also box finder. Pick them all. And dont stress so much about how you should manifest yourself. People naturally waffle around types. Unless they make themselves unwaffle.

    That is what they call : "the death of a character"

    Quote Originally Posted by Hydrangea View Post
    Not to derail the thread any further, but MD what is with your obsession with material wealth?
    ... Nothing. Except that it's a good indicator of who actually works hard, and who justifies their laziness or lack of ambition through various other excuses.

  31. #31
    an object in motion woofwoofl's Avatar
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    I was in the chatbox on the day of the type switch

    It was a few days back, Aiss was trying her best to toss me into Delta as IEE (Pirate was at it too); she was certain that she and I didn't inhabit the same quadra (she typed as ILI at the time). It wasn't working at all, I held my ground well as SEE; the crucial moment happened when I solidly pointed her out as devaluing. I put her as IEI (Merry, Decisive, Introtim, and Positivist are obvious to me in that order, Polrs were getting bludgeoned in the chat too), Ashton semi-jokingly "changed" his type to SLE to be her "Dual" for many reasons, and she's been there ever since
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  32. #32
    Fuck-up NewBorn STAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NewBorn STAR View Post
    This is ridiculous.

    Also box finder. Pick them all. And dont stress so much about how you should manifest yourself. People naturally waffle around types. Unless they make themselves unwaffle.

    That is what they call : "the death of a character"

    Quote Originally Posted by Hydrangea View Post
    Not to derail the thread any further, but MD what is with your obsession with material wealth?
    ... Nothing. Except that it's a good indicator of who actually works hard, and who justifies their laziness or lack of ambition through various other excuses.
    Your philosophical unawareness resulting from the lack of cognitio in the form of rigidity of thought, chance which has resulted you to get stuck in the manner of what you see. Instead of the manner of thinking what you see in the context of the past and future that you have seen. Resulted in this insecurity of having failed once. TO push away all the so called Introverted intuition materia. That is so obvious in you. But of course im not really talking to you. Im talking to the others. Of course you could be cured of the disease called personality typology.

    But like many minds filled with anxiety and desperate for approval result in the closeminded phenomenon of class structures that are viewed as absolutes and rigid like racism or religious sectarianism. Socionics as used here is the same facist conciousness.

    The point being: Live a good life and even though it wont help. The fact is that the personality typologies dont matter shit. But they can help to uncover some of the different expression of the human kind. But in as and self they are very incomplete and lifeless structures. Repressing the development of the understanding of the world that floats on and in us. Being a block that suffocates the spirit on its quest towards total freedom of expression.

    You can instead of developing yourself get stuck in a type of charasteristics and wait for your inevitable death. But yeah ofc you can live a semi satisfying life by being yourself. YOu dont have to have high conciousness to be needed. All you need to be is be yourself and happy about it. No matter what anyone says. And i think you have covered that much

    This comes from the one who ONCE WAS STUCK in the sewer. But then one day decided to go out. HAIL NEWBORN STAR HAIL NEWBORN STAR. THE ONE WHO LIVES WITH 4 DIFFERENT PERSONALITIES. WHOSE VERY EXCISTENCE MOCKS AUGUSTA, DJ, GILLY, MARITSA and MD to name a few. But also in this miechievious manner of expression also lies the bridge towards freedom. Like in anywhere.

    But lol what do iknwo. OP i think you belong into my quandra. But it just might be that there lies some shit in you that you need pull out of your anus for you to join me to the catwalk of absolute fame

  33. #33
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    While I agree that MD is shoving his leg in his mouth and chewing vigorously, this is Fenryrr's intro thread, and I'd hate to scare her off. Is there another place to take the conflict?

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

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    an object in motion woofwoofl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewBorn STAR View Post
    Your philosophical unawareness resulting from the lack of cognitio in the form of rigidity of thought, chance which has resulted you to get stuck in the manner of what you see. Instead of the manner of thinking what you see in the context of the past and future that you have seen. Resulted in this insecurity of having failed once. TO push away all the so called Introverted intuition materia. That is so obvious in you. But of course im not really talking to you. Im talking to the others. Of course you could be cured of the disease called personality typology.

    But like many minds filled with anxiety and desperate for approval result in the closeminded phenomenon of class structures that are viewed as absolutes and rigid like racism or religious sectarianism. Socionics as used here is the same facist conciousness.

    The point being: Live a good life and even though it wont help. The fact is that the personality typologies dont matter shit. But they can help to uncover some of the different expression of the human kind. But in as and self they are very incomplete and lifeless structures. Repressing the development of the understanding of the world that floats on and in us. Being a block that suffocates the spirit on its quest towards total freedom of expression.

    You can instead of developing yourself get stuck in a type of charasteristics and wait for your inevitable death. But yeah ofc you can live a semi satisfying life by being yourself. YOu dont have to have high conciousness to be needed. All you need to be is be yourself and happy about it. No matter what anyone says. And i think you have covered that much

    This comes from the one who ONCE WAS STUCK in the sewer. But then one day decided to go out. HAIL NEWBORN STAR HAIL NEWBORN STAR. THE ONE WHO LIVES WITH 4 DIFFERENT PERSONALITIES. WHOSE VERY EXCISTENCE MOCKS AUGUSTA, DJ, GILLY, MARITSA and MD to name a few. But also in this miechievious manner of expression also lies the bridge towards freedom. Like in anywhere.

    But lol what do iknwo. OP i think you belong into my quandra. But it just might be that there lies some shit in you that you need pull out of your anus for you to join me to the catwalk of absolute fame

    I like this it sounds like we're both approaching the same conclusion, more or less, through different means...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryene Astraelis View Post
    While I agree that MD is shoving his leg in his mouth and chewing vigorously, this is Fenryrr's intro thread, and I'd hate to scare her off. Is there another place to take the conflict?

    This all looks like it would be terribly effective in scaring off a Delta NF, and I don't want that to happen, I like Delta NFs a lot

    Maybe a mod could split the thread so this can all roar itself out elsewhere? It's gonna happen, it's just a matter of redirecting the fires out of this particular thread...
    p . . . a . . . n . . . d . . . o . . . r . . . a
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    Im gonna go tomorrow to a forest tantric union. The fact that there are so few tantric unions in the forest make me sad.

    All i see is assfaced turtles wallowing in theyr self pity and having sudden raging fit of self induced incapability.

    More orgasm people


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    Gandhi and Jesus were both dirt poor.

    I believe Mussolini and Fidel Castro were both mighty rich.
    Certainly must show who works hard, as well as other things (:

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hydrangea View Post
    Gandhi and Jesus were both dirt poor.

    I believe Mussolini and Fidel Castro were both mighty rich.
    Certainly must show who works hard, as well as other things (:
    I would tell you about the other important things, but i forgot

  38. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Great; but how much actual profit $$$ have you made?

    Technically, I'm unemployed and live in a van down by the river. Do you think less of me?

    If you're such a baller, what are you doing hanging out with a bunch of lowlifes on this board? You should be among more successful and respectable folk, obviously.
    $1,000, yes I'd think less of you, and you're absolutely right, so I'm deleting. Was a fun year, thanks everyone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Great; but how much actual profit $$$ have you made?

    Technically, I'm unemployed and live in a van down by the river. Do you think less of me?

    If you're such a baller, what are you doing hanging out with a bunch of lowlifes on this board? You should be among more successful and respectable folk, obviously.
    $1,000, yes I'd think less of you, and you're absolutely right, so I'm deleting. Was a fun year, thanks everyone.
    Mountain Dew:"I love you all!!! The discussion, the debate, the fighting, everything! Sorry for being a jerk a few weeks ago. Sorry to those I sent annoying private messages to. Thank you all for being exactly who you are. I don't want any of you to change... or get run over by buses lol. Haha. Thank you for not banning me, and thank you all for just being so awesome. "

    The up and down in life people. Here right here.

    Life and death







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    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Hydrangea View Post
    Not to derail the thread any further, but MD what is with your obsession with material wealth?
    ... Nothing. Except that it's a good indicator of who actually works hard, and who justifies their laziness or lack of ambition through various other excuses.


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