I relate to pretty much all that's been said so far. I hardly ever say "goodbye" to people, even when I know there's little likelihood that we'll be seeing each other again soon, if ever. I prefer a "see you later," or "hope we meet again someday," or something like that.

I love, love, love it when I can run into an old friend (or even a current friend that I just don't see all that often) and just pick right up where we left off as if it were only yesterday when we were together last. Low-maintenance, high-security friendships are what I seek for.

Like, one time when I was young my mom was driving me and my siblings all home on a 1-hour trip; my dad was not with us. The car broke down in Las Vegas, and so we had to stay the night. It happened to be the night of Mike Tyson's first match after getting out of jail, and every single hotel room in Vegas was booked. My mom remembered that we used to have some neighbors who had moved to Vegas several years before; she looked them up in the phonebook, gave them a call, and they immediately agreed to house all six of us, and even gave us their own bedroom and king-sized bed to sleep in.

THOSE are the friendships worth seeking. And the type of friend I strive to be.