Quote Originally Posted by gugu_ baba

more accurately, at least for me personally, is that i care about most of my grades, but i do not care at all about subjects which i do not care about and am being forced against my will to take.
exactly, you see, i think it's the p-ness that has that effect on you

j types are more conscientious. "goal-oriented people" (says the theory)

Observing myself, say, even if i don't like a subject, i'd still feel guilty if i didn't do my best. it's an inherent sense of duty.
agreed. i would say that i cannot identify with this as "an inherent sense of duty." ever since my escapade with the art class, i have made a better effort to keep my grades up at stupid subjects, but it is not out of duty, but rather a knowledge that i need to keep grades up in all fields in order to get into a good college, etc. but not because i care, want to know anything, or feel compelled to do so.