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Thread: clubs/types and interests

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    Default clubs/types and interests

    are your main interests consistent with those assigned to your club/type?

    NF - spiritual, philosophical, artistic, literary or humanitarian interests
    NT -science fiction, role-play games, groups of political discussions, and the like
    SF - families and personal relationships, artistic and sensorial interests such as cooking, gossip, and group social activities such as parties, dancing, travels and sportive activities
    ST -sport, manual work and engineering

    do you think that looking at one's interests is a good clue to determine type or not?

  2. #2
    Jesus is the cruel sausage consentingadult's Avatar
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    Well, you sure do ask a lot of questions! Are you by any chance collecting information in order to write a book or something?
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

  3. #3
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Spiritual: yes, but I never talk about it nor do I ever really want to
    Philosophical: not really
    Literary: I don't read much literature, but I do love a good story in any medium
    Humanitarian: hardly

    SF: not my bag, although I've read some good SF books recently recently
    RPG: Super Mario RPG fuck yeahhhhhhhhhh
    Politics: gay
    The like: grbjk;hagyhtaegtaertaewprt

    Families+relationships: tends to be on my mind, I suppose
    Art+sensory input: I appreciate a good art every now and then
    Gossip: what no
    Social activities: ew stop go away

    Sports: I would love to get into Curling, but otherwise nope
    Manual work: lol
    Engineering: I wanted to be a roller coaster designer when I was younger, but other interests had higher priority. K-Nex is still fucking awesome though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Marietta View Post
    are your main interests consistent with those assigned to your club/type?

    NT - political discussions
    ST -sport, manual work and engineering
    These are my taste so far.

    do you think that looking at one's interests is a good clue to determine type or not?
    No idea. You need a bigger pool of data to determine that, don't you ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    Well, you sure do ask a lot of questions! Are you by any chance collecting information in order to write a book or something?
    yes. actually the book is gonna be about you and your answers *.*

  6. #6
    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marietta View Post
    are your main interests consistent with those assigned to your club/type?

    NF - spiritual, philosophical, artistic, literary or humanitarian interests
    NT -science fiction, role-play games, groups of political discussions, and the like
    SF - families and personal relationships, artistic and sensorial interests such as cooking, gossip, and group social activities such as parties, dancing, travels and sportive activities
    ST -sport, manual work and engineering

    do you think that looking at one's interests is a good clue to determine type or not?
    I think what's more important is to look at how one approaches the activity versus the actual activity itself when looking at clues.

    For example, in sports, I know people of all types that play basketball. I've noticed, however, that some types of people tend to overanalyze the game and approach it like a science of something (INTp). On the otherhand, there are types that don't sweat it too much, and just play (ISTp)

  7. #7
    Jesus is the cruel sausage consentingadult's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marietta View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    Well, you sure do ask a lot of questions! Are you by any chance collecting information in order to write a book or something?
    yes. actually the book is gonna be about you and your answers *.*
    we're flattered!
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

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    Quote Originally Posted by Marietta View Post
    are yourmain interests consistent with those assigned to your club/type?

    NF - spiritual, philosophical, artistic, literary or humanitarian interests
    NT -science fiction, role-play games, groups of political discussions, and the like
    SF - families and personal relationships, artistic and sensorial interests such as cooking, gossip, and group social activities such as parties, dancing, travels and sportive activities
    ST -sport, manual work and engineering
    only bolded, moderate interest

    do you think that looking at one's interests is a good clue to determine type or not?
    yes i do

  9. #9
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    im gonna copy galen.

    Spiritual: interesting to learn about, but i dont actively do so. i dont consider myself spiritual, most of the time.
    Philosophical: not really.
    Literary: i like reading but i suck at it lately. im not really interested in classic authors specifically or like the study of reading and writing. i just like reading stuff.
    Humanitarian: not really.

    SF: not really.
    RPG: no.
    Politics: um, not really. the different systems and the topics that come up can be interesting but not politics politics.
    The like: why not.

    Families+relationships: tends to be on my mind, yeah.
    Art+sensory input: i like it but dont actively look for it usually. i dont make it.
    Gossip: maybe. i'm not really sure what qualifies as gossip. sometimes other people come up in conversation and im usually fine with it depending on context.
    Social activities: it totally depends, could range from hell no to hell yes.

    Sports: i dont like team sports because they usually end up with people yelling at me. a few sports are ok.
    Manual work: i do kinda enjoy raking leaves hah.
    Engineering: no.

    i can relate to the NF ones more when it comes to interest level than when it comes to activites partaken or whatever. for typing? meh i can see where the vibes are layin around in a caricatured way i guess but i wouldn't make a checklist lol.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marietta View Post
    are your main interests consistent with those assigned to your club/type?

    NF - spiritual, philosophical, artistic, literary or humanitarian interests
    NT -science fiction, role-play games, groups of political discussions, and the like
    SF - families and personal relationships, artistic and sensorial interests such as cooking, gossip, and group social activities such as parties, dancing, travels and sportive activities
    ST -sport, manual work and engineering
    do you think that looking at one's interests is a good clue to determine type or not?
    Yeah, but not the best thing to go by.

  11. #11
    Grand Inquisitor Bardia's Avatar
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    NF - spiritual, humanitarian interests
    NT - science fiction, role-play games
    SF - families and personal relationships, group social activities such as parties, travels and sportive activities
    ST - sports

    Those are the ones that interest me.
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marietta View Post
    are your main interests consistent with those assigned to your club/type?

    NF - spiritual, philosophical, artistic, literary or humanitarian interests
    NT -science fiction, role-play games, groups of political discussions, and the like
    SF - families and personal relationships, artistic and sensorial interests such as cooking, gossip, and group social activities such as parties, dancing, travels and sportive activities
    ST -sport, manual work and engineering

    do you think that looking at one's interests is a good clue to determine type or not?
    I don't think the stereotypical interests neccessarily reflect the interest of the respective club, but rather the strengths of someone from a particular club. For instance, I think I'm able to grasp and comprehend philosophical and literary materials more easily as compared to a number of STs I have known irl. However, I don't have an interest in these topics.

  13. #13
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    Spiritual: Somewhat, though it's more for interest about what other people consider Spiritual, so I'm going to write myself down as a no.
    Philosophical: Yup, I'm quite a Philosophy fan.
    Literary: I like looking at the bigger questions about literature, I sometimes sit in my friend's literature classes, White Noise and Brave New World, so you in some ways related to an interest in Philosophy.
    Humanitarian: Not really, though occasionally I'll hear about what people suggest we should do to help people. I guess Humanitarian problems are used as something Politics should try and fix.

    Science Fiction: I used to like science fiction, and fantasy, as a child, but not so much now
    Role Playing Games: I like looking at the different skills and powers each "class" has, but am not really a fan of playing it.
    Political Discussion: Related to Philosophy, how the State should be run. I find anything too related to our times and politics to be quite dull.

    Families and Personal Relationships: Not really, not concerned about what other people are doing, in general.
    Artistic and Sensorial Interests: I'm going to go with no, although I do like to know where good food is, or what a good movie is, or what good bands are.
    Gossip: Quite a bit, actually, I find it interesting to just keep tabs on what people are doing, although usually it's followed by me having to console them about whatever gossip they've just revealed. That part I don't like.
    Group Social Activities: Nah, they don't seem overly interesting.

    Sport: The main reason I listen to such conversation is so I can use it as conversation fodder when I meet someone else who likes sport. Apart from that, I don't have much concern. Playing sport? No.
    Manual Work: Not really, my brother tells me I'm not allowed to hold the remotes because I break things too easily.
    Engineering: I used to be interested in it, until I did Woodshop at my school, and I realised how much noise the machines made and how you needed to pay attention to all these details.

    I would say that interests or the way people approach different interests can suggest a certain club. That being that, even if someone does play sport, they may seem to approach it an "NF"-esque way. Whatever that may be.
    Warm Regards,

    Clowns & Entropy

  14. #14
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    Sort of. I enjoy art, but I'm not really one for most spiritual works. I don't know, it just seems to me that the people who are into all that spiritual stuff are just trying to deal with their guilt about something. I'd much rater them face the people they wronged then drown in some sort of make-believe thing that they feel can save them. When you bite, only the person you've bitten can take away the guilt. When you've been bitten, only your biter can take away the pain.

    A lot of child molesters and rapists and murderers and robbers and basically, everybody who's done sociopathic things in life, they know what they did was wrong, and they feel really guilty for it, and they try to use spirituality to cover it up. How come we can't simply not do the things we ought to know will make us feel guilty if we do them?

    As for philosophy, sometimes. But I get annoyed at how 'too head-y' it becomes and I eventually just want to throw a ball around the yard or something. =p

    Humanitarian and literary issues? most definitely.

    So for me:
    Artistic, humanitarian and literary.

    Not so much with the philosophical and spiritual.

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    Beta NF - Gay babysitter

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    Bananas are good. Aleksei's Avatar
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    Spiritual: Nah.
    Literary: Love fiction.
    Humanitarian: Beh, too lazy.

    SF: Love the genre.
    RPG: Pretty cool.
    Politics: One of my favorite interests.
    The like: My favorite.

    Families+relationships: Not very keen on those.
    Art+sensory input: Pretty cool.
    Gossip: Sometimes.
    Social activities: Sometimes. If the people involved aren't tards.

    Sports: Not bad, but I'm too lazy for them.
    Manual work: To be done by robots.
    Engineering: Interesting.
    What do these signs mean—, , etc.? Why cannot socionists use symbols Ne, Ni etc. as in MBTI? Just because they have somewhat different meaning. Socionics and MBTI, each in its own way, have slightly modified the original Jung's description of his 8 psychological types. For this reason, (Ne) is not exactly the same as Ne in MBTI.

    Just one example: in MBTI, Se (extraverted sensing) is associated with life pleasures, excitement etc. By contrast, the socionic function (extraverted sensing) is first and foremost associated with control and expansion of personal space (which sometimes can manifest in excessive aagression, but often also manifests in a capability of managing lots of people and things).

    For this reason, we consider comparison between MBTI types and socionic types by functions to be rather useless than useful.

    -Victor Gulenko, Dmitri Lytov

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    spiritual, philosophical,--Yes, but I pursue these only privately, or in the company of close friends who I know already share my spiritual/philosophical views or are sincerely interested in hearing about them without the need for debate.

    artistic-- Yes. But it has to be art that is practical or pleases the senses, nothing ugly or disturbing.

    literary-- Like with art, it has to be enjoyable or useful/inspirational. I don't appreciate books that are painfully pedantic or written solely to make some political or societal assertion; I will not recommend such books to others.

    humanitarian interests-- Most definitely. I love to give service and to help others. Though, only if I think the person I'm helping really deserves/needs to be helped and isn't just taking advantage of me or looking for a "free ride."

    science fiction-- It is fun and sometimes educational.

    role-play games-- I enjoy the aspect of character creation/development and plot development within a campaign; but I quickly grow bored/irritated with the hack-and-slash, and technicalities of gameplay.

    groups of political discussions-- I'll sit back and listen, but I won't typically join in.

    and the like-- Such as?

    families-- Yes. I am all about Family.

    personal relationships-- Yes, though they are not my primary focus/need.

    artistic-- Wasn't this also listed under NF pursuits? See above.

    cooking-- Yes, oh yes.

    gossip-- I'll listen and observe, but I don't engage. And I rarely take gossip seriously; gossip typically tells me more about the one doing the gossiping than it does about the person being gossiped about.

    parties-- Depends on the purpose of the party, and who's attending.

    dancing-- Love to dance. Especially in the privacy of my own home. I'm more...inhibited when I'm in public.

    travels-- I love exploring/seeing new and interesting places. Traveling extensively, though, can get tiring/tedious after a while. What I wouldn't give for a good method of instant transportation (and yes, I realize we're a whole lot closer to it now than we ever were in the past, for which fact I am quite grateful).

    sportive activities-- Yes. But not competitive. And I prefer individual sports over team sports.

    manual work-- I don't mind manual labor, as long as it serves a useful purpose, or I can still allow my mind to wander as I work.

    engineering-- I am in awe of those individuals who are capable of such feats. I want them to join forces with me and help me make my wildest dreams come true, for I am incapable of doing so for myself.

    do you think that looking at one's interests is a good clue to determine type or not?
    A good clue, yes. Not enough in and of itself, though. I suppose it helps if you know the individual well enough to know why they're interested in certain things, and in what ways/to what extent they choose to pursue those interests.
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  18. #18
    Dance Magic Dance CloudCuckooLander's Avatar
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    Spiritual: Absolutely not - I have no interest in it, except insofar as it may seldom relate to the below.
    Philosophical: Most definitely, a major interest of mine from existentialism to epistemology.
    Literary: Absolutely. I'm a massive literature-geek. Don't get me started on Dumas, Shakespeare, or Shelley - you'll be listening to me rant for hours. Emily Bronte, for that matter, also goes into that category of "authors I won't shut up about."
    Humanitarian: On occasion, if I find the cause worthy.

    SF: I love science-fiction, yes. Babylon 5 in particular ranks amongst my favorite shows, but Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica, and Star Wars count too despite their "science" part being shaky at best.
    RPG: Final Fantasy nerd, so yes - to say nothing of Western RPGs like Baldur's Gate and Planescape. Actual tabletop RPGs and LARPs are a bit shakier in my interest, but so long as the group is bearable, they're enjoyable.
    Politics: My favorite subject aside from what's clearly stated below.
    The like: Very interesting.

    Families+relationships: Absolutely always on my mind. Indeed, my family and friends are the most important thing in my life, my girlfriend especially, which ties into my primary life goal of a continual loving romantic relationship and family therefrom of my own.
    Art+sensory input: Define "art" - but yes, I'm quite artistic. Theater nerd in particular, though I can appreciate artwork, cuisine, fashion, et cetera.
    Cooking: I usually don't do it, and can frankly survive on ramen noodles if need be - that said, I do appreciate fine cuisine, and if pushed to cook I can do so quite well.
    Gossip: Ewww. I confess, I can engage in its most catty forms when annoyed by someone and wishing to vent, but I generally find it distasteful.
    Social activities: Depends on what activity. I like talking to people - as long as they don't annoy me or involve me in activities that annoy me, which I'm quite guarded against as, frankly, many people are rather annoying. That said, with the right group of people, absolutely.
    Parties: Of the mindlessly hedonistic variety? Count me out. Defined as merely a social gathering, the above applies - it's all dependent upon the people involved.
    Dancing: I can do the lame rich white boy dance. In all seriousness, I don't really dance - I can slow-dance, and do enjoy that if done with someone I'm romantically involved with (if not, it's extremely awkward), but nothing else unless headbanging counts.
    Traveling: I do love to travel, yes. Seeing sights abroad is always enjoyable - whether just a short distance away up in the Adirondacks, or all the way in Bangkok, I find it very intriguing.

    Sports: Chess totally counts, right? No? Okay, I can play soccer, baseball, and lacrosse passably from middle school, but I generally find sports so utterly dull.
    Manual work: Die in a fire.
    Engineering: Die in a fire.
    Last edited by CloudCuckooLander; 06-29-2011 at 07:40 PM.
    2-subtype system: IEI-Fe
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    "He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness. We must have felt what it is to die, that we may appreciate the enjoyments of living." - Edmond Dantes (The Count of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas père)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post

    Science fiction is gay, role-play games are gay, political discussions are mostly stupid. Why couldn't you give a better selection for NTs?
    it's not my description, what would you add to make it a better selection?

    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Marietta View Post

    yes. actually the book is gonna be about you and your answers *.*
    we're flattered!
    don't be so modest. I meant "you" in singular.

  20. #20
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    here's my list:

    NF: Whatever they want to do
    SF: Whatever they want to do
    NT: Whatever they want to do
    ST: Whatever they want to do

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    Quote Originally Posted by Marietta View Post
    are your main interests consistent with those assigned to your club/type?

    NF - spiritual, philosophical, artistic, literary or humanitarian interests
    NT -science fiction, role-play games, groups of political discussions, and the like
    SF - families and personal relationships, artistic and sensorial interests such as cooking, gossip, and group social activities such as parties, dancing, travels and sportive activities
    ST -sport, manual work and engineering

    do you think that looking at one's interests is a good clue to determine type or not?
    No. Well, it's okay within the "content-oriented" school. The issue is whether IM elements are defined as content interests, or as different structures for how one processes something. Content-oriented typologists such as Keirsey put people into types based on occupation, without the slightest attention to the actual structure of how the person interacts with the world.

    Mainstream socionists have typed a whole bunch of philosophers, actors, and musicians in NT. So if they're right, then these interest lists don't hold up. However, I wouldn't completely rule them out as evidence about type. In particular, some people may see themselves as being in one club but have interests aligning with another. At the very least, that may create some uncertainty about type, or suggest that the person straddles types in some way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Marietta View Post
    are your main interests consistent with those assigned to your club/type?

    NF - spiritual, philosophical, artistic, literary or humanitarian interests
    NT -science fiction, role-play games, groups of political discussions, and the like
    SF - families and personal relationships, artistic and sensorial interests such as cooking, gossip, and group social activities such as parties, dancing, travels and sportive activities
    ST -sport, manual work and engineering

    do you think that looking at one's interests is a good clue to determine type or not?
    No. Well, it's okay within the "content-oriented" school. The issue is whether IM elements are defined as content interests, or as different structures for how one processes something. Content-oriented typologists such as Keirsey put people into types based on occupation, without the slightest attention to the actual structure of how the person interacts with the world.

    Mainstream socionists have typed a whole bunch of philosophers, actors, and musicians in NT. So if they're right, then these interest lists don't hold up. However, I wouldn't completely rule them out as evidence about type. In particular, some people may see themselves as being in one club but have interests aligning with another. At the very least, that may create some uncertainty about type, or suggest that the person straddles types in some way.
    There is no issue. The 2-type theory deals with the matter very succinctly. "Schools" are stupid and obsolete. In real science, there is only objective truth.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post

    There is no issue. The 2-type theory deals with the matter very succinctly. "Schools" are stupid and obsolete. In real science, there is only objective truth.
    That's very well and good, and I'm interested in your dual-type theory too, but it's also a which includes only you and maybe a few other people.

    Of course there is only one reality. But that's not a reason to assume that one's own system is any better than anyone else's. Actually, you can have different systems that are mutually valid, as long as they don't contradict each other. They may appear to contradict each other because they use the same words to mean completely different things. I think we'd all like to find the most useful, elegant understanding of things, but without empirical studies, there's no way to know which schools are correct.

    As to dual-type theory, I would love to consider it, but I would need four things:
    1) A method to actually determine one's dual type...without asking you.
    2) A clear way to distinguish between what aspects of behavior come from the 1st type, and which ones come from the that I could say for example with this person, this behavior is clearly from type #1, but that other behavior is clearly a manifestation of type #2.
    3) A way to analyze discourse and various things that people create based on dual-type theory, so that one can know which parts come from the various functions in type #1, and which come from the functions in type #2.
    4) A theory to explain the mechanism that leads to having two types...that is, explaining why someone's EM type is different from their IM type...why they wouldn't be the same.

    BTW....what are your thoughts on Gulenko's DCNH? Do you think DCNH is really looking at the exact same thing as dual type theory?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Marietta View Post
    are your main interests consistent with those assigned to your club/type?

    NF - spiritual, philosophical, artistic, literary or humanitarian interests
    NT -science fiction, role-play games, groups of political discussions, and the like
    SF - families and personal relationships, artistic and sensorial interests such as cooking, gossip, and group social activities such as parties, dancing, travels and sportive activities
    ST -sport, manual work and engineering

    do you think that looking at one's interests is a good clue to determine type or not?
    The NF interests resonate best with me, with the caveat that concerns NF people label "spiritual", "philosophical" and "humanitarian" are often just silly nonsense and meaningless babble.
    The NT ones come in second place, SF ones 3rd, ST ones last.

    And yeah I think interests are a big clue.
    Greetings, ragnar
    ILI knowledge-seeker

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