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Thread: Rationals (Judgers) xxxJ

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    Default Rationals (Judgers) xxxJ

    I wonder, do rationals see themselves as having a kind of disadvantage?

    From my perspective (perceiver), I tend to see them that way. If somebody calls me to go to a party, I stand up and go. But judgers can't do this, they need to know it in advance, so they can prepare for it. They are also easely stressed and can't change their mind quickly.

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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Can you be more explicit on the disadvantage?

    The party example makes the difference out to be last-minute adaptability vs planned directiveness.

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    Seems to me that the defining trait of a judging type is looking at an irrational situation, and seeing something immediately wrong with it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    From my perspective (perceiver), I tend to see them that way. If somebody calls me to go to a party, I stand up and go. But judgers can't do this, they need to know it in advance, so they can prepare for it. They are also easely stressed and can't change their mind quickly.
    Simplified pop-psychology:

    Judging (J)
    I use my decision-making (Judging) preference (whether it is Thinking or Feeling) in my outer life. To others, I seem to prefer a planned or orderly way of life, like to have things settled and organized, feel more comfortable when decisions are made, and like to bring life under control as much as possible.

    Since this pair only describes what I prefer in the outer world, I may, inside, feel flexible and open to new information (which I am).

    Do not confuse Judging with judgmental, in its negative sense about people and events. They are not related.

    The following statements generally apply to me:
    * I like to have things decided.
    * I appear to be task oriented.
    * I like to make lists of things to do.
    * I like to get my work done before playing.
    * I plan work to avoid rushing just before a deadline.
    * Sometimes I focus so much on the goal that I miss new information.

    Here, the rational type:

    5. Recapitulation of Extraverted Rational Types

    I term the two preceding types rational or judging types because they are characterized by the supremacy of the reasoning and the judging functions. It is a general distinguishing mark of both types that their life is, to a [p. 453] large extent, subordinated to reasoning judgment. But we must not overlook the point, whether by 'reasoning' we are referring to the standpoint of the individual's subjective psychology, or to the standpoint of the observer, who perceives and judges from without. For such an observer could easily arrive at an opposite judgment, especially if he has a merely intuitive apprehension of the behaviour of the observed, and judges accordingly. In its totality, the life of this type is never dependent upon reasoning judgment alone; it is influenced in almost equal degree by unconscious irrationality. If observation is restricted to behaviour, without any concern for the domestic interior of the individual's consciousness, one may get an even stronger impression of the irrational and accidental character of certain unconscious manifestations in the individual's behaviour than of the reasonableness of his conscious purposes and motivations. I, therefore, base my judgment upon what the individual feels to be his conscious psychology. But I am prepared to grant that we may equally well entertain a precisely opposite conception of such a psychology, and present it accordingly. I am also convinced that, had I myself chanced to possess a different individual psychology, I should have described the rational types in the reversed way, from the standpoint of the unconscious-as irrational, therefore. This circumstance aggravates the difficulty of a lucid presentation of psychological matters to a degree not to be underestimated, and immeasurably increases the possibility of misunderstandings. The discussions which develop from these misunderstandings are, as a rule, quite hopeless, since the real issue is never joined, each side speaking, as it were, in a different tongue. Such experience is merely one reason the more for basing my presentation upon the subjective conscious psychology of the individual, since there, at least, one has a definite objective footing, which completely [p. 454] drops away the moment we try to ground psychological principles upon the unconscious. For the observed, in this case, could undertake no kind of co-operation, because there is nothing of which he is not more informed than his own unconscious. The judgment would entirely devolve upon the observer -- a certain guarantee that its basis would be his own individual psychology, which would infallibly be imposed upon the observed. To my mind, this is the case in the psychologies both of Freud and of Adler. The individual is completely at the mercy of the arbitrary discretion of his observing critic -- which can never be the case when the conscious psychology of the observed is accepted as the basis. After all, he is the only competent judge, since he alone knows his own motives.

    The reasonableness that characterizes the conscious management of life in both these types, involves a conscious exclusion of the accidental and non-rational. Reasoning judgment, in such a psychology, represents a power that coerces the untidy and accidental things of life into definite forms; such at least is its aim. Thus, on the one hand, a definite choice is made among the possibilities of life, since only the rational choice is consciously accepted; but, on the other hand, the independence and influence of those psychic functions which perceive life's happenings are essentially restricted. This limitation of sensation and intuition is, of course, not absolute. These functions exist, for they are universal; but their products are subject to the choice of the reasoning judgment. It is not the absolute strength of sensation, for instance, which turns the scales in the motivation of action, but judgment, Thus, in a certain sense, the perceiving-functions share the same fate as feeling in the case of the first type, or thinking in that of the second. They are relatively repressed, and therefore in an inferior state of differentiation. This circumstance gives a particular stamp to the unconscious [p. 455] of both our types; what such men do consciously and intentionally accords with reason (their reason of course), but what happens to them corresponds either with infantile, primitive sensations, or with similarly archaic intuitions. I will try to make clear what I mean by these latter concepts in the sections that follow. At all events, that which happens to this type is irrational (from their own standpoint of course). Now, since there are vast numbers of men whose lives consist in what happens to them more than in actions resulting from reasoned intention, it might conceivably happen, that such a man, after careful analysis, would describe both our types as irrational. We must grant him, however, that only too often a man's unconscious makes a far stronger impression upon one than his conscious, and that his actions often have considerably more weight and meaning than his reasoned motivations.

    The rationality of both types is orientated objectively, and depends upon objective data. Their reasonableness corresponds with what passes as reasonable from the collective standpoint. Subjectively they consider nothing rational save what is generally considered as such. But reason is also very largely subjective and individual. In our case this share is repressed -- increasingly so, in fact, the more the significance of the object is exalted, Both the subject and subjective reason, therefore, are always threatened with repression and, when it descends, they fall under the tyranny of the unconscious, which in this case possesses most unpleasant qualities. We have already spoken of its thinking. But, in addition, there are primitive sensations, which reveal themselves in compulsive forms, as, for instance, an abnormal compulsive pleasure seeking in every conceivable direction ; there are also primitive intuitions, which can become a positive torture to the individuals concerned, not to mention their entourage. Everything disagreeable and painful, everything disgusting, [p. 456] ugly, and evil is scented out or suspected, and these as a rule only correspond with half-truths, than which nothing is more calculated to create misunderstandings of the most poisonous kind. The powerful influence of the opposing unconscious contents necessarily brings about a frequent interruption of the rational conscious government, namely, a striking subservience to the element of chance, so that, either by virtue of their sensational value or unconscious significance, accidental happenings acquire a compelling influence.

    5. Recapitulation of Introverted Rational Types

    Both the foregoing types are rational, since they are founded upon reasoning, judging functions. Reasoning [p. 496] judgment is based not merely upon objective, but also upon subjective, data. But the predominance of one or other factor, conditioned by a psychic disposition often existing from early youth, deflects the reasoning function. For a judgment to be really reasonable it should have equal reference to both the objective and the subjective factors, and be able to do justice to both. This, however, would be an ideal case, and would presuppose a uniform development of both extraversion and introversion. But either movement excludes the other, and, so long as this dilemma persists, they cannot possibly exist side by, side, but at the most successively. Under ordinary circumstances, therefore, an ideal reason is impossible. A rational type has always a typical reasonal variation. Thus, the introverted rational types unquestionably have a reasoning judgment, only it is a judgment whose leading note is subjective. The laws of logic are not necessarily deflected, since its onesidedness lies in the premise. The premise is the predominance of the subjective factor existing beneath every conclusion and colouring every judgment. Its superior value as compared with the objective factor is self-evident from the beginning. As already stated, it is not just a question of value bestowed, but of a natural disposition existing before all rational valuation. Hence, to the introvert rational judgment necessarily appears to have many nuances which differentiate it from that of the extravert. Thus, to the introvert, to mention the most general instance, that chain of reasoning which leads to the subjective factor appears rather more reasonable than that which leads to the object. This difference, which in the individual case is practically insignificant, indeed almost unnoticeable, effects unbridgeable oppositions in the gross; these are the more irritating, the less we are aware of the minimal standpoint displacement produced by the psychological premise in the individual case. A [p. 497] capital error regularly creeps in here, for one labours to prove a fallacy in the conclusion, instead of realizing the difference of the psychological premise. Such a realization is a difficult matter for every rational type, since it undermines the apparent, absolute validity of his own principle, and delivers him over to its antithesis, which certainly amounts to a catastrophe.

    Almost more even than the extraverted is the introverted type subject to misunderstanding: not so much because the extravert is a more merciless or critical adversary, than he himself can easily be, but because the style of the epoch in which he himself participates is against him. Not in relation to the extraverted type, but as against our general accidental world-philosophy, he finds himself in the minority, not of course numerically, but from the evidence of his own feeling. In so far as he is a convinced participator in the general style, he undermines his own foundations, since the present style, with its almost exclusive acknowledgment of the visible and the tangible, is opposed to his principle. Because of its invisibility, he is obliged to depreciate the subjective factor, and to force himself to join in the extraverted overvaluation of the object. He himself sets the subjective factor at too low a value, and his feelings of inferiority are his chastisement for this sin. Little wonder, therefore, that it is precisely our epoch, and particularly those movements which are somewhat ahead of the time, that reveal the subjective factor in every kind of exaggerated, crude and grotesque form of expression. I refer to the art of the present day.

    The undervaluation of his own principle makes the introvert egotistical, and forces upon him the psychology of the oppressed. The more egotistical he becomes, the stronger his impression grows that these others, who are apparently able, without qualms, to conform with the present style, are the oppressors against whom he must guard and [p. 498] protect himself. He does not usually perceive that he commits his capital mistake in not depending upon the subjective factor with that same loyalty and devotion with which the extravert follows the object By the undervaluation of his own principle, his penchant towards egoism becomes unavoidable, which, of course, richly deserves the prejudice of the extravert. Were he only to remain true to his own principle, the judment of 'egoist' would be radically false; for the justification of his attitude would be established by its general efficacy, and all misunderstandings dissipated.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    I wonder, do rationals see themselves as having a kind of disadvantage?

    From my perspective (perceiver), I tend to see them that way. If somebody calls me to go to a party, I stand up and go. But judgers can't do this, they need to know it in advance, so they can prepare for it. They are also easely stressed and can't change their mind quickly.
    When it comes to be very easy-going, I do see myself at a disadvantage. It's hard for me sometimes to just go with the flow of events. Actually, I prefer not to know about a party until the last minute because then I get anxiety from an impending event (never fails). Future events are registered in the back of my mind, and it's close to impossible for me not to prepare for it in some way or another. It's an advantage in that I'll surely be prepared and on time (on the dot), but it does suck when things like a party aren't suppose to cause stress .

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    I think it all balances out in the end because irrationals have trouble simply getting something that needs to be done and this can get in the way of having fun if you're worrying about things that rationals would of finished easily.
    Last edited by Raver; 06-28-2011 at 12:34 AM.
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    So far in this thread I'm looking like a Rational type. I think that speaks of an obvious problem.
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    EffyCold The Ineffable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    From my perspective (perceiver), I tend to see them that way. If somebody calls me to go to a party, I stand up and go. But judgers can't do this, they need to know it in advance, so they can prepare for it. They are also easely stressed and can't change their mind quickly.
    That doesn't not describe Socionics j/p. Also, if that were true, the Duality between Rationals would have been implausible.

    That "catch the train else you'll be left behind" is more of an Ethical Rational attitude than an Irrational. In fact I don't know what made you conclude that such readiness can be an Irrational quality...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    I wonder, do rationals see themselves as having a kind of disadvantage?

    From my perspective (perceiver), I tend to see them that way. If somebody calls me to go to a party, I stand up and go. But judgers can't do this, they need to know it in advance, so they can prepare for it. They are also easely stressed and can't change their mind quickly.
    That depends on whether such judger had planned to do something else or not. Otherwise I can't see why a last-minute invitation would be refused. Unless by "in advance" you mean 30 mins - 1 h.
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    Jesus is the cruel sausage consentingadult's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    I wonder, do rationals see themselves as having a kind of disadvantage?

    From my perspective (perceiver), I tend to see them that way. If somebody calls me to go to a party, I stand up and go. But judgers can't do this, they need to know it in advance, so they can prepare for it. They are also easely stressed and can't change their mind quickly.
    This is how I see many rationals as well. I used to have an LSE friend who I used to call on Friday evenings asking "What are you doing tonite?", he'd typically answer "Uhhh, nothing, just watching TV". So I would ask him if he wanted to join going somewhere, and he never ever accepted. If, however, I would ask him 3 weeks ahead, it would pretty much always be a yes.

    Same thing with my current rational friends, acquitances and even family members. You always have to file a request in three-fold five weeks ahead if you want to meet with them. Consequence: I only meet them very occasionally. Fortunately, there are also irrationals in my network!
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    I don't have a problem with spontaneous plans. Someone can call me up when I'm not busy and say lets go do this, meet in 10 minutes and I'll be good if I'm not doing anything. The problem is if I already have plans I will most likely go with whatever I have planned unless the new thing is a rare opportunity such as someone calling me up saying they have an extra ticket to a concert of a band I really like or something like that. Also, it's really frustrating when people cancel plans, change plans to something I don't want to do, or are consistently an hour late late. Those are the kind of things that annoy me.
    “No psychologist should pretend to understand what he does not understand... Only fools and charlatans know everything and understand nothing.” -Anton Chekhov

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    Guys, this isn't Myers-Briggs.

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    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    I always interrupt the things I'm doing in order to do completely different things. If you aren't like me then you're just a weird person and I don't want anything to do with you. True fact.

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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    This is how I see many rationals as well. I used to have an LSE friend who I used to call on Friday evenings asking "What are you doing tonite?", he'd typically answer "Uhhh, nothing, just watching TV". So I would ask him if he wanted to join going somewhere, and he never ever accepted. If, however, I would ask him 3 weeks ahead, it would pretty much always be a yes.
    I probably act this way, too. If I've settled down comfortably, made some popcorn, and started watching a good movie, I'd be loathe to interrupt what I'm currently doing. On the other hand, if I weren't doing something particularly engaging, I would be very open to suggestions of doing something else. It's not so much that I need to prepare for something, but that I don't want to interrupt an activity in midstream. Consequently, 2 hours' notice is almost always plenty, and even no notice at all is fine in some cases.

    Edit: obviously, I can interrupt an activity under certain circumstances. If the house is burning down, I don't need three weeks' notice to evacuate: I'll put down whatever I'm doing and leave, like any sane person.

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    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Irrationals are at a disadvantage because they're not as dependable.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bardia View Post
    I don't have a problem with spontaneous plans. Someone can call me up when I'm not busy and say lets go do this, meet in 10 minutes and I'll be good if I'm not doing anything. The problem is if I already have plans I will most likely go with whatever I have planned unless the new thing is a rare opportunity such as someone calling me up saying they have an extra ticket to a concert of a band I really like or something like that. Also, it's really frustrating when people cancel plans, change plans to something I don't want to do, or are consistently an hour late late. Those are the kind of things that annoy me.
    I concur with everything said in this post. The easiest way to not be friends with me is to cancel on me or be late most of the time. I usually will give someone a chance or two but after that I won't go out of my way to hang out with someone. If this makes anyone feel that I'm at a disadvantage in life, oh

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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    Irrationals are at a disadvantage because they're not as dependable.
    I agree they are not as dependable, but why is it a disadvantage in your opinion?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bardia View Post
    I don't have a problem with spontaneous plans. Someone can call me up when I'm not busy and say lets go do this, meet in 10 minutes and I'll be good if I'm not doing anything. The problem is if I already have plans I will most likely go with whatever I have planned unless the new thing is a rare opportunity such as someone calling me up saying they have an extra ticket to a concert of a band I really like or something like that. Also, it's really frustrating when people cancel plans, change plans to something I don't want to do, or are consistently an hour late late. Those are the kind of things that annoy me.
    Yeah, same.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    I always interrupt the things I'm doing in order to do completely different things. If you aren't like me then you're just a weird person and I don't want anything to do with you. True fact.
    Do you sometimes cancel plans too, like the bad examples of Bardia, cracka, etc?
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    Unless I, actually, planned something already knowing it will benefit me in some way or another, I don't sway off the course, saying I'm busy.

    As to the spontaneous part, I am spontaneous, I take risks, but what I've said above still stands.

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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    Irrationals are at a disadvantage because they're not as dependable.
    Manage to oblige me and I'd go to the end of the world to fulfill a task.

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    and an ILI in motion is probably not an ILI

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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    Irrationals are at a disadvantage because they're not as dependable.
    yes I was interested in the opposite view too.

    I guess being dependable is something that others like, but I myself don't find it a disadvantage. Actually you can depend more on me to say yes to a new sudden event than a rational, so I guess it also depends on what you call dependable.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
    When it comes to be very easy-going, I do see myself at a disadvantage. It's hard for me sometimes to just go with the flow of events.
    yes that's what I meant indeed.

    It seems they can be so stubborn and rigid at times that it is difficult for themselves to cope with it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Ineffable View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    I always interrupt the things I'm doing in order to do completely different things. If you aren't like me then you're just a weird person and I don't want anything to do with you. True fact.
    Do you sometimes cancel plans too, like the bad examples of Bardia, cracka, etc?
    I have broken every plan I have ever made.

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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    Irrationals are at a disadvantage because they're not as dependable.
    I agree they are not as dependable, but why is it a disadvantage in your opinion?
    Idk about Abbie but if people are not dependable I will cease trying to hang out with them. Inconsistency signals a lack of interest imo.

    When I have something planned I think I unconsciously prepare for it. So when plans are canceled it is a disappointment or when asked to do something I wasn't expecting I may not feel like doing it because I wasn't storing energy or thinking about it.
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    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bardia View Post
    When I have something planned I think I unconsciously prepare for it. So when plans are canceled it is a disappointment or when asked to do something I wasn't expecting I may not feel like doing it because I wasn't storing energy or thinking about it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    My Ti-ENTp brother often tells me, stop thinking ahead or plan it out so much, with good ideas. Just see what happens and go with it. If it's a boring idea or plan, then of course I'm not going to care. But I get disappointed if plans change, it feels like it drains energy just to rethink the course of things, or have to reprepare for a sudden change. A little bit of planning only wastes a little bit of time, but pays off in the end.

    But c'mon, if there's a cool party or something in a half hour and I have nothing else going on/in the mood, of course I'm going to go.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bardia View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post

    I agree they are not as dependable, but why is it a disadvantage in your opinion?
    Idk about Abbie but if people are not dependable I will cease trying to hang out with them. Inconsistency signals a lack of interest imo.

    When I have something planned I think I unconsciously prepare for it. So when plans are canceled it is a disappointment or when asked to do something I wasn't expecting I may not feel like doing it because I wasn't storing energy or thinking about it.
    IMHO, this still doesn't explain why it is a disadvantage to the irrationals themselves. Wouldn't they be better off in the first place by mingling with other irrationals instead?

    Speaking as a student of Sociology, I know there are societies where rationality (in the Socionics sense) is more or less the social norm, and irrationals are at a disadvantage in some respects (e.g. economically). But there are also societies or social groups that could be characterized by by an emphasis on irrational (in the Socionics sense) social norms, where unpredictability is not an issue, and within these groups, rationals are at a disadvantage.

    Or isn't this what you mean?
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    I wonder which type is evolutionary older. Rationals? Irrationals? Neither?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bardia View Post
    When I have something planned I think I unconsciously prepare for it. So when plans are canceled it is a disappointment or when asked to do something I wasn't expecting I may not feel like doing it because I wasn't storing energy or thinking about it.
    i was skimming through the thread and trying to think of how to explain my attitude toward plans and then i saw this which i can relate to a lot.

    i'm not a planner but i tend to see things going a certain way - not necessarily like a goal or anything, but just what i expect to happen, i guess. as opposed to just seeing everything up in the air, which is a perspective i have a hard time imagining.

    i have no problem doing things at the last minute on principle, but i can feel blindsided by things - like if i'm sitting around in sweatpants and expecting to spend the day reading and somebody invites me out, it takes some mental/mood adjusting and that adjusting in and of itself might take more energy than i feel like expending. or i might get excited and really want to go. lol. depends on anything, i guess.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    I've zero punctuality, often forget plans or don't make them in the 1st place, and generally make major decisions upon impulsive whims.
    Yeah, since you type yourself LIE it means you never read the LIE and SEE descriptions. Can you tell where ENTj contrasts with ESFp? (no need to explain now, just yes or no)
    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    I have broken every plan I have ever made.
    Smart move. Respect.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Analyst Trevor View Post
    I wonder which type is evolutionary older. Rationals? Irrationals? Neither?
    I would associate Rationality with improved regulation from the prefrontal cortex. It could equally be some other source of motivation to "correct" the world, i.e. other people, things, and the Rational themselves.
    Know I'm mistyped?

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    The two are complementary and have an particular way to do things and the relevance of this thread make me doubt author is INTp.
    Notice too that you have strong judger, weak one, ect... Depend probably of many things, more than type.

    EII I know for example, you can make them move if you light just a bit motivation onto them, other seem always to be more concentrated on a thing wich apparently make them always happy, so they dont give a fuck about being in move, ect...

    ESTJ are often more hard to get to move on spontaneous things

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    i don't find that the stereotype interpretation of J ever very well applies to me.

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    I'm definitely more P in the MBTI sense, with some J characteristics: more mentally than externally. But it's easy to tell I'm different compared to irrationals, just by looking at behavior.

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    Some rational attitude plan; I know LSE make and keep plans and ESE role out Te so they like others to move with plans, but I'm very very flexible with my schedule. J has to do with how rational types tend to make concepts out of things, how they tend to define (give meaning to everything around them) mostly, I think to try to fit things into understanding of them rather than looking at them and experiencing them for what they are. They fit the coincidence of life into defined boxes.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Irrespective of Judging/Perceiving, the disadvantage of being spontaneous is being unable to pack a series of activities efficiently into a span of time. Spontaneity naturally results in task switching at less-than-optimal times, which causes wastage. In that particular distinction, I'm more the spontaneous sort most of the time IRL, though I tend to play computer games in an inflexible, high-efficiency manner.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Bardia View Post
    When I have something planned I think I unconsciously prepare for it. So when plans are canceled it is a disappointment or when asked to do something I wasn't expecting I may not feel like doing it because I wasn't storing energy or thinking about it.
    I relate to this as well. Though I'm less likely to resist canceling of plans than spontaneous activity. A canceled activity, especially if it's potentially uncomfortable, leaves room for other, more comfortable things. And since I've stored up energy already, I can either expend it doing something else or save it for later.

    Not that this helps the conversation any, but I fit the "judging" description Jarno put in the OP. In my personal life and activities I almost always prefer advance notice when I need to do something, whether that's preparing for a guest or going out to do something. And I'm discovering the same is true in my professional work. For example, I try to get my clients to tell me at least two weeks in advance when they need me to get something done for them. I respond very slowly when people spring something on me. I need a certain amount of time to get myself in gear and settle things in my mind.

    That's not to say I can't be spontaneous. It does happen occasionally, lol. It's just I'm more likely to easily switch directions if I'm already in a "going" or "energy output" mode. If someone urgently needs something from me right away, I'll usually do as much as I can to help them asap regardless of advance notice, though I'm usually more efficient when I know what I'm doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    Some rational attitude plan; I know LSE make and keep plans and ESE role out Te so they like others to move with plans, but I'm very very flexible with my schedule. J has to do with how rational types tend to make concepts out of things, how they tend to define (give meaning to everything around them) mostly, I think to try to fit things into understanding of them rather than looking at them and experiencing them for what they are. They fit the coincidence of life into defined boxes.
    I tend to agree with the above. It's because the 1st function is a judging IE (and "judging" is a confusing translation, I think, arousing various strong cultural connotations). The 1st function is the natural one, the one you live by. So from a theoretical standpoint, what Maritsa says here is sound.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Ta da.
    LOL! Everybody knows that LIEs are flexible, still everybody knows that LIEs make plans and don't go randomly/on whims for things. You can't differentiate positive causes from negative causes: one thing is to change an immediate schedule in order to support a longer, long-term plan, and a different thing is to quit it based on whims, spontaneity or not make plans entirely. In your quote that's clear:
    - "it would be naive to believe [LIE] adheres strictly to the schedule drawn up by them" - that means they actually draw schedules. You don't.
    - "so he is constantly making adjustments to daily routine" - you don't have any, you don't do any, you're not inclined to any, you have nothing to adjust .
    - "It makes no sense to ask Jack about the time of his return home, or on his plans for the evening" - they're adaptable and opportunistic. And this is Ni-Creative (Si-PoLR) indicative: they announce their deadlines and visions, they are calculated and persistent in what they do, but precisely to meet them they sacrifice time, the mundane "come home", "go to sleep", "lunch hour", "scheduled vacation" are things that irritate them when they interfere with their feeling about how much needs to be done. Think about Phileas Fogg, if he were both strictly scheduled and totally random he would not be Phileas Fogg. You're totally not Ni-Creative, let alone Te-Base.
    - "Jack is not one to customize their affairs under a timetable drawn up to them" - yes, because *they* do it, they *adjust* everything on the fly.


    Now let's keep you in mind and read the LIE traits which seem to be found in your blind spot:
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    I've zero punctuality, often forget plans or don't make them in the 1st place, and generally make major decisions upon impulsive whims.
    - "They prefer to attain high EFFICIENCY by the reasonable and rational distribution of their forces. For this very reason, representatives of this type are unequaled on the part of development and introduction of new technologies, rational and effective organization of working process" - this is in fact true, I dealt with LIEs both in work and in free time (music band, trips).
    - "The LIE is the ardent enemy of all irrational and ineffective method of operations. ... They love to work and know how to carry out work" - LOL @ Ashton
    - "He is farsighted. His actions are evaluated from the point of view of their consequences. He can’t suffer irresponsibilities in any kind of relationship."
    - "They do not love to depend on strangers for a timetable, or on their initiative; therefore they prefer the work, where they can be the owner: to assign own rate, to make own plan, to establish own standard. They do not love to work with a sluggish partner."
    - "They know how to see the benefit of the future changes, just as they know how to see hopelessness and lack of promise of "depression periods". The LIE knows how to see and to estimate the moment, in which possibilities will be opened, and the knows how to use all those goods and advantages, which he possesses. He knows how to be adapted to the difficult times and to suffer them with the damage smallest for himself. He knows how to force time to work for him. ... He knows how to hurry and knows how to wait. He knows when it is necessary to act decisively, and when it is necessary to be stored up by patience and to wait out." - this is so true, actually.
    - "The LIE prefers the saturated rhythm of life and itself he feels well, when his day is painted on the hours and, to the limit it is condensed by interesting and pressing matters."
    - "If the "business day" of the LIE is not filled sufficiently with serious matters, this is the accurate sign of the fact that he is undergoing heavy times (The LIE hates idleness, but unproductive expenditure of time and energies he hates still more)."
    - "The ENTj is irritated by any unforeseen expenditure of time. Sluggishness in all its manifestations irritates him, for example, when someone slowly talks. Most of all the LIE is irritated when someone slowly goes or slowly will go before him."
    - "The LIE is irritated by the need for being distracted from work to give explanations, which he already gave many times gave" - so true, though SEEs are even more bothered by someone who just "doesn't get it" the first time.
    - "Its mottoes - "time does not await" and "time - money". Its time actually is expensive. Its plans are flexible and are dynamic."
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    Anyway, replying to the topic: I don't see that type of attitude as a disadvantage, it's just who I am.
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