Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
I wonder, do rationals see themselves as having a kind of disadvantage?

From my perspective (perceiver), I tend to see them that way. If somebody calls me to go to a party, I stand up and go. But judgers can't do this, they need to know it in advance, so they can prepare for it. They are also easely stressed and can't change their mind quickly.
When it comes to be very easy-going, I do see myself at a disadvantage. It's hard for me sometimes to just go with the flow of events. Actually, I prefer not to know about a party until the last minute because then I get anxiety from an impending event (never fails). Future events are registered in the back of my mind, and it's close to impossible for me not to prepare for it in some way or another. It's an advantage in that I'll surely be prepared and on time (on the dot), but it does suck when things like a party aren't suppose to cause stress .