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Thread: Rationals (Judgers) xxxJ

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    Irrationals are at a disadvantage because they're not as dependable.
    Not necessarily true.

    I am pretty good at keeping my schedule open much of the time. I can often be ready at an hour's notice to drop everything and help a friend, and I often do. How is that not dependable?

    Disciplined, I am not. Dependable, I believe I am.
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  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by noid View Post
    The two are complementary and have an particular way to do things and the relevance of this thread make me doubt author is INTp.
    good to know you are not competent at typing.

    btw rational and irrational isn't complementary, they are opposites. Duals are complementary and share same rationality.

  3. #43
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    BTW, do people distinguish between goals vs. plans? I do operate towards goals/objectives (stuff I want), but don't really go thru explicit plans for attaining them.
    I have plans, not goals.

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    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  4. #44
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    You want time to prepare for a party because you're shy and middle-class and vulnerable to negative social criticism and need time to 'prepare your defenses' in case somebody says something that you don't like. (The root of social anxiety)

    A lot of people are that way though.

    Nothing to do with being a judger. I love you a lot dear but I believe that's just an excuse.

    This is hard to do and takes practice, but when somebody says things we don't like it's no excuse not to live our own lives, is it? Parties can be a lot of fun! Of course there will be your jerks there that aren't very empathetic to your feelings....but I think if I let them ruin my happiness, then that makes me the weak one. Sometimes I just want to dance like the world is ending and not care what anybody else thinks of me, of how gay I am, of how awkward I am, of all my 'loser qualities' you know? I just want to

    Now I'm trying to lighten up more and enjoy parties and extroverted-ish stuff and not be intimidated by all the manly straight jocks. I'll just hit on them instead and use my gay powers on them. =D

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by laghlagh View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Bardia View Post
    When I have something planned I think I unconsciously prepare for it. So when plans are canceled it is a disappointment or when asked to do something I wasn't expecting I may not feel like doing it because I wasn't storing energy or thinking about it.
    i was skimming through the thread and trying to think of how to explain my attitude toward plans and then i saw this which i can relate to a lot.

    i'm not a planner but i tend to see things going a certain way - not necessarily like a goal or anything, but just what i expect to happen, i guess. as opposed to just seeing everything up in the air, which is a perspective i have a hard time imagining.

    i have no problem doing things at the last minute on principle, but i can feel blindsided by things - like if i'm sitting around in sweatpants and expecting to spend the day reading and somebody invites me out, it takes some mental/mood adjusting and that adjusting in and of itself might take more energy than i feel like expending. or i might get excited and really want to go. lol. depends on anything, i guess.
    Kassie and Bardia expressed how I experience this. And whether I'm up for doing something spontaneous depends in part on whether I was imagining being spontaneous in advance, lol.

    If I'm blindsided or pulled off course a lot, I get irritated or even exhausted.
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    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

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  6. #46
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    You're just being shy
    A billion psychological excuses to discover why
    Therapy offices, drugs, bills and jobs
    You're just being shy

    Everybody is so shy like you
    Secluded in their own world of 'me' and 'you'
    Wanting to drown in the romantic blue
    Can't you please wise up?
    And learn that everybody is shy like you

    You say it's your function or type
    That its cuz you're born under the mercury sun
    With a flourscent tiger's stripe
    Narcissists couldn't absorb like you do
    But you're just being shy, hey you

    It's okay, be weak for a second
    And just cry
    Just die a little when you need to
    And you'll come out
    Stronger on the other side

    Because you're just shyyyy
    (Everybody is in their own way)
    You're just shyyyy

    You can't expect that they will protect your ruse
    A prick will break it down for you
    And maybe you'll think they haven't got a clue
    But they were once,
    Shy like you

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