I don't think I could categorize my relationships with people to this extent since I known people from all types who I've had different degrees of closeness with, whether by circumstance or personal differences

This is pretty much a breakdown of my closest good type relations from memory

Dual-best friends for about 13 years until moved away in childhood. Probably the most satisfying bond I've had

Mirror- had multiple close friendships over my life. Very easy to start and maintain and the only time they've ended is from lack of contact through moving about.

Activator- takes a little time to develop closeness, usually instant feeling of ease though. I've initiated all of these relations and they've all been good yet a bit boring at times.

Identical- similar to activator to start, yet sometimes the other has initiated first. Always a feeling of ease yet haven't always been close (usually due to different beliefs, values, interests, etc). I don't have any close EII's relations atm

Semi-dual- almost feels like duality with a dash of mirror when started, a feeling of closeness with an underlying inadequacy. I've enjoyed talking to and working with them, but day to day things have been harder to do together longterm. My closest relation was with one I knew through doing group outdoor adventure stuff with, still have contact with

Beneficiary- best friend through most of high-school, at the time I was more frivolously minded and went along with her lifestyle. I matured out of the relationship although there was some non-type related issues that pushed this even more

Mirrage- good friend for years though I've found it difficult to maintain the sort of closeness I like since she's a more socially driven person who bounces from person to person. I don't think she cares about needing close friends as much as having currently enjoyable relations with people. We still like each other though

Benefactor- Used to be good friends with one for 3-4 years but it grew apart when she became too isolated and at the time I didn't know how to get her out of that state. I liked her and have liked the ILI's I've known and have a lot of respect for their bluntness and find their distaste of Fe comes across as funnier than it dose in SLI's, but at times a bit too mean for my taste

Business- One of the easiest types to get along with at work and 2 have grown into friendships. They're the most pleasant Ti's to be around (IMO) and tend to be very willing to help with things, especially explaining things, if they're asked. The best way of evaluating them has been mutually platonic but in a good way