Quote Originally Posted by octopuslove View Post
For me individual differences influence relationships a lot. I can have heaps of fun with an IEE and hate being around an EIE. And I can't put a strict order on it, I love my activators and identicals around equally but for radically different reasons. But my preferences are loosely:


Activator = Identical

Mirror = Semi-dual = Illusionary

Kindred = Business = Benefactor = Beneficiary

Contrary = Supervisee = Superego

Supervisor = Quasidentical


Yeah, ok, I admit I could've been ore stringent but this is pretty accurate and lets me have a 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 diamond pattern.
this works for me as well. although identity can be kind of boring or worse yet, competitive. like the literature says i find it better for a mentor-mentee type of relationship than a let's be friends and hang out type of relationship.