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Thread: Psychopaths

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  1. #1

    Default Psychopaths

    It's funny how everyone's idea of a psychopath is usually something like this:

    Most psychopaths don't murder people, they think it's too messy and bloody. Think of them as slow poison rather than a knife. They'll slowly kill you and eat away at your emotions until you are a shell of your former self. This is a picture of a how a real psychopath looks like:

    It's all about emotionally manipulating you like a chess piece until they have you where they want. Some food for thought: 4 out of 100 people are psychopaths, therefore 4 out of 100 members in this forum are psychopaths, but I'd say the number is even higher considering it's the internet.

    Sleep tight!

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    Thanks -- I'll be on the lookout for Patrick Bateman look-alikes from now on.

  3. #3
    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Begoner View Post
    Thanks -- I'll be on the lookout for Patrick Bateman look-alikes from now on.
    Quote Originally Posted by EddieMorra View Post
    This is a picture of a how a real psychopath looks like:

    Suit + combed back hair = psychopath?

    On a more analytical note, what sensory inputs sparked this thread, if I may ask?

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  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Begoner View Post
    Thanks -- I'll be on the lookout for Patrick Bateman look-alikes from now on.
    Quote Originally Posted by EddieMorra View Post
    This is a picture of a how a real psychopath looks like:

    Suit + combed back hair = psychopath?

    On a more analytical note, what sensory inputs sparked this thread, if I may ask?
    Haha, good one!

    Something called life experience my friend.

  5. #5
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    hi eddiemorra who the fuck are you

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    hi eddiemorra who the fuck are you
    Look at my intro thread, the video will fill you in my friend.

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    Quote Originally Posted by EddieMorra View Post
    It's all about emotionally manipulating you like a chess piece until they have you where they want. Some food for thought: 4 out of 100 people are psychopaths, therefore 4 out of 100 members in this forum are psychopaths, but I'd say the number is even higher considering it's the internet.
    Sociopath. And I'm sure that statistic holds up to scrutiny.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by crazedratsshadow View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by EddieMorra View Post
    It's all about emotionally manipulating you like a chess piece until they have you where they want. Some food for thought: 4 out of 100 people are psychopaths, therefore 4 out of 100 members in this forum are psychopaths, but I'd say the number is even higher considering it's the internet.
    Sociopath. And I'm sure that statistic holds up to scrutiny.
    Okay, do a voluntary survey and let me know how that works out? mmmm...kay?

  9. #9


    Psychopathy is probably more diffuse with a spectrum and gradients than you've presented it.

    It's not like a switch where 4 people out of a typical 100 person population are "on" and the other 96 people are "off".

    I see it more as a condition which can grow in people and relax, maybe like a fever or some other illness. Sometimes people develop the condition when they never had it before, sometimes it progresses worse and worse, and sometimes exposure around others can cause people to catch the "virus" and begin contracting it.

    In my opinion social values of any given society seems to have a certain degree of sociopathy/psychopathy inherent to itself. I'd argue that American society has certain elements of sociopathy that are considered socially acceptable, its not a lot or an intense case of it, just a little subtle drop of it like maybe a drop of food coloring into a large glass of water which gives it a very slight hue that's almost unnoticeable.

    American psycho to some degree is interesting because I think Patrick Bateman is somewhat a result of his environment. He is a psychopath but its not like a Hannibal Lecturesque psychopath, you clearly see him fratenizing with his vapid and somewhat narcissistic/psychopathic coworkers in 1980's American Corporate Culture. It feels like throughout the movie he is contemptuous of them and that drives him to murder, rather than him just simply being sick. It's like he absorbs the psychopathy of the culture and solely releases it in concentrated doses back on his victim, rather than integrating with the social values that allow for that small dose of it at a time. Throughout the movie there is a sense of slow building tension as he interacts with other people. In my opinion he's not really all that bad, but a product of his culture... which I think is the point of the movie... American Psycho. It's not just a movie about a psychopathic individual, but also a psychopathic culture and the relationship between an individual and that culture.

    At any rate, I still look at psychopathy more as a disease. I also think it develops in stages, anti-social being kind of the first step along the way.

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    Given that a fair amount of psychopaths experienced no significant trauma, and that many people who did grew up to be fine, I'm convinced that it's an inborn 'condition,' not driven by heredity, and an emblem of the instinctive truth behind the American collective mind.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    I'm convinced that it's an inborn 'condition,' not driven by heredity,
    How can it be inborn and not driven by heredity? Birth defects?
    Basically because in every case where the subject grew up in a stable, privileged environment, no family members who bore a similar condition could be found ('The Mask of Sanity,' Hare).

    some interesting info...

    Hare claims that it may not be a matter of necessity, but potentially choice; I can't see it being simply a matter of the 'psychopathic will' because a)there is an immense amount of programming instilled across all regions of the brain in young children, and b)all of the cases I referred to above showed distinct signs from early childhood.

    What's that mean?
    That our society is driven by a subliminally embedded sense of danger and estrangement in the reptilian brain, and some people come out of the womb more 'naturally adapted.' There's always a central symbol with any imbalance. Motherfuckers needed Jesus, they got ******, etc.

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