Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
My typing methods aren't infallible, but neither are yours.
Thanks, I dind't notice it before.

There is no proof that an IEE can't be a 5.
Obviously, Socionics and Enneagram are different systems. But there is no proof than I'm a 5w6, neither there is a proof that you're LSE. Is there?

If you read about the core values of E5, which their goals are, their fears, and how they interact with themselves and the world, all of this fits in introversion and logics (I agree with Ineffable this time). So if you have an user which is supposed to be extroverted and ethical, you have not only one but two properties which simultaneously (relevant when speaking about probabilities) and directly conflict with the core values of E5.

There is no 'yes/no' pure answer, but you can estimate the probabilities of being an IEE E5 against the probabilities of being bad typed in one or even two of these systems.

There is no other IEE E5 in this forum, and I've never seen an MBTI ENFP, ENFJ or in general EF E5. Will this user win the lottery without having bought at least one (I or T) ticket? The fact that I can't 100% prove the impossibility of existence for an IEE E5 does not make this option even a bit likely.

As to the feedback, I've noticed IEEs need confirmation from people about their actions. Don't ILIs know whether their actions were appropriate without asking anyone?
That is not the definition of feedback you previously offered. And although I have to agree with you in this aspect, I've not seen the OP speaking about himself in these terms. Let's him to confirm/deny this and in which degree.
All introverts are prone to lack of self-confidence to some degree, which could be misunderstood with that behavior.

And if you didn't notice it before, my assumptions about his ILIness are based in his supposed 5w6 enneagram. He still could be an IEE and not an E5.