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Thread: Quadra Descriptions Turned Type Descriptions

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    Crispy's Avatar
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    Default Quadra Descriptions Turned Type Descriptions

    Just fookin around with dis: [Translated]

    What major strength does each type bring to the quadra table? (<-- title i made up)

    ESFj: the minimization of negative emotions. The non-admission of quarrels and scandals, emotional instability generally occurs for this quadras more important than obtaining positive emotional it is splash.
    ISFp: positive sensations, comfort. In the atmosphere of stress, strictness they cannot effectively realize themselves. Their style of activity is characterized precisely by weakening, freedom, presence of conveniences. Relations with the environment, where is turned their activity, must be friendly, pleasant. Their company is always comfortable, is flattened flatten, is domestic. It never is rough, eccentric.
    ENTp: promising ideas. Therefore in "air" kvadre are always conducted conversations about the future, not known, possible. These socionic types can seem from the side by the uncorrectable dreamers. And this so there is: they attempt to glance further all - beyond the horizon, they advance and with the pleasure discuss "reckless" theories. By certain of these theories, however, is prepared long life. Such long that they always survive their creators.
    INTj: The tool, which they constantly use in the knowledge of peace, this systems analysis. The universal laws, which are guided by peace, interest them first of all. Moreover all traditions, conditionalities, limitations in this case are rejected. To comparison, to analysis and analogies undergoes literally everything. The central objective, which they pursue, this universal, that grips spirit by its extensiveness and by order the united picture of peace. The idea of integrity, rationality and validity of entire real pierces their world view right through.

    ENFj: They are capable of be glad at small. Against the background of the stormy dramatic emotions, which always accompany their kvadre, even the small deserving positive response detail is considered as occasion for happiness and raising the mood.
    ESTp: the minimization of weakness - F, i.e., durability in the fight with the deprivations and the opposing enemy. This is quadra, where the force of will - indispensable condition of effective activity. Durability, resoluteness, endurance and inflexibility will always available to them the highest authority.
    INFp: the passionate desire to avoid danger - T. They are disposed to that in order not to commit the errors, already once perfected. In their medium very value the experience, byvalost', iskushennost'. They confidently themselves feel in the extreme situations.
    ISTj: organizational logic + L, which is rested on a developed feeling of debt, civilization, faithfulness to the chosen matter. Therefore this is most disciplined and organized quadra, which knows how to rapidly gather all forces into the cam in the case of imminent danger or appearance of extreme situation.

    ISFj: This aspect indicates the criticism of evil, the tendency to leave from the poor people and the negative relations, to fence itself from the enemies and enemies. They want to minimize negative experiences, because all extruded problems, as it is known from the psychoanalysis, it is necessary one way or another to emotionally react, paying for the purification of subconsciousness physically.
    INTp: Holding in control their internal seething and hot temper, these socionic types prefer gradual advance in the future, although sharply they reject the obsolete ideas, criticizing past errors and errors. Drawing near step by step near, real future, they as a whole believe in the linearity of development, i.e., according to their deep ideas, it is necessary to only remove the interfering obstacles - the survivals of the past - and immediately in front will be opened the unlimited possibilities of increase. This quadra does not fear chaos and shakings: they know how to make the matter under the conditions of spontaneity, risk, confusion.
    ENTj: the business logic of risk and enterprise. The priority of refusal of the useless, the small, the customary is characteristic for them. This aspect stands higher than accumulation and rational consumption. Sotsiotipy of third quadras can successfully act under the conditions of the economic scarcity, when it is necessary to be twisted out, relying on the use of the fact that at first glance uselessly, but is located in the surplus.
    ESFp: durability and opposition. This quality testifies that that socionic types of quadras know how well to defend themselves and their positions. It it is not easy to pridti to the authority, since it is necessary to resist for volitional kvadre of "beta", but after taking authority, they successfully retain it in spite of all attempts at the restoration. Protection, the ability to give rebuff, not to let out from the hands achieved - that principle, which they respect.

    INFj: good, warm relations. Psychological factor plays in them the most important role. As the acknowledgement of religion, individuality and nonrepeatability of each, nonintervention into the internal peace of man, the concrete humanism, etc., stability, which they in every way possible support, it is hardly possible without the ethical values of positive nature, such.
    ISTp: presence of good conditions for the work, the absence of discomfort, the unwillingness to change the routine of existence, the exception of the adverse effect of environment, briefly, the minimization of negative sensations. In this kvadre they cannot work emergency, highly value the convenience in the work site, the coordination of the association. The most important place is assigned ecology and to clean products.
    ESTj: the logic of consumption and economical utilization of resources. This is most zealous quadra, which knows how rationally to consume, which prefers qualitative and high-quality goods. For the sociotypes of this quadras of nesvoystvenen risk, clear lower decks, economic chaos, machination. The society of qualitative consumption can be only stable.
    ENFp: alternative, unusualness, sensationalness. In spite of entire their zazemlennost', socionic types of this quadras respect uncommon, talented people, which propose alternative. In any case, are not made the obstacles for the propagation of the new information, such as avant-guardist it not was. Therefore in the society, which is located on the stage of fourth quadras, periodically burst some sensations, occur the flashes of interest in original people and the fact that they preach, are advanced the alternative ideas of development.

  2. #2
    stray's Avatar
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    These are cool (as much as I can understand the translations). There's something missing from EIE though.. it doesn't differentiate from ESE much.

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    EffyCold The Ineffable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crispy View Post
    What major strength does each type bring to the quadra table? (<-- title i made up)
    Not very inspired. If quadras were groups of people than yes, but quadras are merely sets of types.
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    Hmmm lemme check

    What major strength does each type bring to the merely sets of types table?

    Oh good, it works just as well.

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    EffyCold The Ineffable's Avatar
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    So you're apparently unaware of the reification, you think it was merely the naming... Ask yourself "whose table?" and you get it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crispy View Post
    Just fookin around with dis: [Translated]

    What major strength does each type bring to the quadra table? (<-- title i made up)
    Interesting reinterpretation of the quoted article.

    Gulenko is going through each quadra, ostensibly in terms of what the 4 valued IM elements bring to that quadra, not necessarily intending to give type descriptions. However, because he uses his "+" and "-" idea differentiating different forms of the IM elements, they sound like type descriptions.

    He keeps repeating quadra (or "kvadra" as a Rooshian would say it), meaning that he apparently thinks that the description of the four elements apply to everyone in the quadra, or at least to more than one type.

    Particularly odd in the descriptions is the apparent description of Gamma-intuition (or in your interpretation ILI) as being related to being hot-tempered, as if Gammas, or ILIs in particular, are full of seething anger always raging inside them. This may be due to personal bias, as there seems to be no theoretical reason why Ni would be related to being driven by emotion, much less being fixated on one particular emotion, namely anger.

    Perhaps what Gulenko is trying to say here, though, is that Gammas, through their value of "+" Ni (being Ni in combination with Te), prefer to keep their emotions in check, so that even if they're angry (or have other kinds of strong emotions), they move calmly forward...or something like that (not that the passage has to necessarily make sense, but that's one attempt...).

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    Slippery when wet Simon Ssmall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Ineffable View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Crispy View Post
    What major strength does each type bring to the quadra table? (<-- title i made up)
    Not very inspired. If quadras were groups of people than yes, but quadras are merely sets of types.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Ineffable View Post
    So you're apparently unaware of the reification, you think it was merely the naming... Ask yourself "whose table?" and you get it.
    All the people who value certain elements can be represented by their 'quadra.' I think we all know what he means. No need to nit-pick.

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    EffyCold The Ineffable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azeroffs View Post
    All the people who value certain elements can be represented by their 'quadra.' I think we all know what he means. No need to nit-pick.
    I'm not nitpicking, he just misrepresented my point.

    Correction should not be taken so personally, I think we all know how false myths stick around. I for one am sick and tired of how quadras are treated like parties, it has no utility either. People forget how type-related inclinations affect everyone in the actual groups individuals are found into, as if EIIs won't care for everyone, they will care for Deltas only, or whoever excites and gets along well with Betas is one of them, and so on.
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    One thing about Gulenko's definitions is that he tends to fall squarely on the "content" side in terms of whether IM elements are about structure or content.

    Thus, while many Socionists type people such as Sir Isaac Newton, Jung, Richard Feynman, and other prominent intellectuals who have added to our understanding of "universal laws" as Gamma NTs, within Gulenko's model they all have to be put into the Alpha camp, and basically the only people who can remain in Gamma are business leaders who focus on "the business logic of risk and enterprise."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan View Post
    One thing about Gulenko's definitions is that he tends to fall squarely on the "content" side in terms of whether IM elements are about structure or content.

    Thus, while many Socionists type people such as Sir Isaac Newton, Jung, Richard Feynman, and other prominent intellectuals who have added to our understanding of "universal laws" as Gamma NTs, within Gulenko's model they all have to be put into the Alpha camp, and basically the only people who can remain in Gamma are business leaders who focus on "the business logic of risk and enterprise."
    Yeah, that's an extremely big problem (and one of the reasons why, IMHO, many people still don't agree f.e. with my own self-typing - even if I don't want to compare to newton or feynman, ofc).
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    Where did you see Gulenko typing Newton Alpha? I've always heard INTp from most other socionists, and I thought he agreed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Crispy View Post
    Where did you see Gulenko typing Newton Alpha? I've always heard INTp from most other socionists, and I thought he agreed.
    It's quite possible that he types him as INTp, like other Russian socionists. But in that case, his article is inconsistent with his typing. According to the above, he says that Gamma-Te is all about "the business logic of risk and enterprise" and Alpha-Ti is about finding the "universal laws."

    Surely if someone knew nothing about Socionics and read these descriptions of Gamma-Te and Alpha-Ti, such a person would have to conclude that Newton's work represents the latter.

    This is really a bigger issue with Socionics in general. I've noticed that sometimes Socionists seem to go in one direction when typing, but then they contradict that in their descriptions of the IM elements and what they mean.

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    It's ok, unno. I don't really relate to these usual Socionics descriptions exactly. I think I could write mine better.

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