I can definitely get along with any type.

EIIs I tend to find a little boring, but we can always find something to laugh about and have a good time. The biggest problem with them is that you never know what's going to offend them, and then they'll either get all quiet (obviously judging you), or if you're close (or they're particularly forward) you'll be engaged in a Moral Confrontation in which they explain why what you said was Not Appropriate. That is irritating. But like I said, as long as you keep it superficial, they can actually be a whole lot of fun.

LSEs... eh... I mean, I can get along with them. I can make them laugh and stuff. But they're just confusing in general, and while I can follow their obsessive compulsion as necessary, if it satisfies an important goal for me, I would absolutely never ever ever put up with that in my inner circle of friends/family. I would remove myself from a close relationship with a person like that pretty quickly. But again, superficially, we can get along fine, as long as I present a good amount of mask.

IEEs I actually get along with pretty well. I don't mind them. Of all the deltas I think I like them the best. I just have to avoid certain sensitive issues, but since IEEs are more forward, it's usually easier to ascertain what the sensitive spots are. (For instance, I have a good IEE friend that I just don't talk about politics with). They're a lot of fun if you can get them gossipping about something that's in their safe zone of things to gossip about. It's even fun to let them get on their soapbox about their issue of choice, as long as you don't have strong feelings about the issue and can avoid letting them know your actual opinion.

SLIs. They confuse me the most out of all the deltas. I'm pretty sure I like them, but I'm never sure if they like me (I think that's reciprocal). They're usually dependable and fun, and often funny if you get them out of their shell. I'm just never sure about them, and that makes me nervous. But I really admire their dependability, at least all the ones I know. I don't think I've ever met a flakey SLI (perhaps they exist?). So yeah. This is usually a relationship of mutual appreciation in which neither party is secure enough in the appreciation to really grow all that close. Also I usually don't have any interest in being best friends with an SLI. I just sort of like them if they're around, and I really feel in their debt when they help me out. But I wouldn't go seek one out, to be honest.