I've been letting ILE for ****** rattle around in my brain some, and it'll still have to do some rattling...

I've been thinking about Fred Durst again - he could certainly command the hell out of a crowd, even people who dislike the guy (there are many - I'm not one, by the way) admit that much...

At 1:32 it happens - his intention is to fire up the crowd in an manner, and it apparently works, but the forcefulness and grandeur comes from the setting, not the speaker himself... "release all of that negative energy" strikes me as / valuing, as do his bodily movements and stage presence (alternating between lumbering around like a gorilla and flapping his arms like a bird, not a lot of attention to forcefulness; ESE Alex Lifeson and ILE Geddy Lee from Alpha quadra band Rush have a maneuver where they stand side to side and start bending back and forth in unison which starts at 2:53 and really gets moving at 3:05 - definitely over , and valuing from the looks of Alex Lifeson at least)...

Nice job breaking it, hero

At 1:48, what looks a lot like -Polr happens from Fred Durst, and... ughhh... just, ughhh...

All of that, combined with the incredibly -oriented liner notes I've read in Limp Bizkit albums in the "Fred Durst" section, lead me to declare with almost certainty that Fred Durst is an ILE - here's the deal sealer:

And this ILE was capable of getting people so fired up that they started deadly riots - and at Woodstock '99, no less!