So, I go over to dinner at my mom's last night and my SEE cousin is there. She's very picky about her food and my mom naturally cooks what she likes; they are duals; it must be a dual thing. I start telling them about me possibly trying out raw milk that has not been pasteurized and my SEE cousin goes into a panic attack. My mom's very silent about it and uses Te, thank goodness, to explain that farmers used to drink it all the time and nothing happened to them and the hype about non pasteurized milk may be a bit over exaggerated. Anyway. My cousin goes on about me trying goat milk...goat milk...goat milk...I'll stop saying that in a while. I must not be all that thrilled about going from raw milk to goat milk and I wonder if someone would explain to me how my mom goes from not being okay with raw milk and going out (I should say RUSHING out) and buying me goat milk. Is this an introverted rational?