Quote Originally Posted by Idio
Self Centered thinking... is that not part of being an I? Perhaps it is more direct, more apparent, with I--Js.

Quote Originally Posted by Auvi
There were technically three independent clauses in there. See use of semicolon here. Though, that last clause was a doozie.
(English major)

Quote Originally Posted by The Cool Cat
Which ISTps don't have... or do they?
Yeah they do... but only in terms of animate objects.

Quote Originally Posted by Flower
Of course, ISTJ's are sometimes known for judging others against their own standards aswell, and can be critical of others if the ISTJ thinks they should have done better.
I'd disagree. I haven't seen IxTJs really criticize people a lot actually. It seems to just be Te (whether they tell other people about it or not).

Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
I think intuitive types are the worst. They see what "could have happened, if only...".
I've done that too... it just seems to be a negative side of reflection.

Quote Originally Posted by Pedro
ixtx types seem prone to it as well
Possibly. Though I tend more towards thinking that other people are "stupid" and stuff like that. It manifests itself more in a "hating the world" kind of way.

Addition: do the ExxPs criticize themselves in the same manner?