[I'm posting this in General Discussion because I have a pretty good feeling that socionics will be discussed about it at some point, just like everything in this forum lol]

So last Sunday I went to Catholic mass with my family, even though I don't really believe in the spiritual aspects of it. I go every week because that's like a family tradition, and we all eat lunch together afterwards which is nice. This last time I went was special because it was a mass being offered for a deceased relative of ours, enough to make my aunt, uncle, and cousin go. They never go to mass, and I know for a fact that they are atheists, and I was actually a bit surprised that they decided to go.

While mass was taking place, I noticed that, unlike my aunt and uncle, my cousin deliberately did not follow certain things you're supposed to do during the ceremony, such as standing up at certain times (New Testament readings about Jesus, for example). It's deliberate because he was raised Catholic and knows what he has to do, but the most obvious sign is that everyone else was doing it and he just decided to sit down throughout. He was making a statement which didn't make sense to me, considering how he wasn't forced to attend the mass in the first place. Anyway, the worst thing he did, and it definitely got strangers giving him an upset look, was how he was pressing buttons to try and turn my uncle's phone off (it rang twice before) during the consecration of the eucharist, instead of waiting for that part of the ceremony to be over before doing so. For anyone who doesn't know, that's probably the most important part of the entire mass, and everyone kneels, etc. I found that to be so rude and it actually pissed me off a bit, because instead of just not attending if he's not going to be treating the ceremony with respect, he decided to just act uninterested and blatantly show how little he cares about it.

Thought this would be a good topic for discussion, and see what you guys thought of it.