Copper Copper Copper!

I am completely and totally infatuated with Copper.
I see something made of copper, I'm distracted by it.
I see something the color copper, I look to see if the design can be made from copper.

Funnily enough, my second most favored color, which also attracts my attention, is kind of a mix of bluish green or greenish blue. I have a difficult time figuring out which it is more of. (maybe I should mix some paints to figure it out)... The reason I say "funnily enough" is because it's kind of close to the color of copper "rust". Combine the two and I'm all over it!

(I always attributed this to a possible previous life of creating copper ornamentation/defense. Put chainmail in my presence, and I'm drooling, looking to see how well it's been put together. Give me COPPER chainmail and I feel as if i've died and gone to heaven!)