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Thread: colour of your soul?

  1. #41


    My ah, colors.

  2. #42
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    Grayish Blue and Navy Blue. - Blue colours, Silver

    I used to like green as a child if that indicates anything.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

    6w7 sp/sx

  3. #43
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    I can see one thing to this -- INTps usually love black.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Default Doubts

    I started to doubt that it is possible to infer the type from the lolour or if it is possible - then it is not straight forward thing. Because it seems to me that colour gives a special additive to the type not necessarily by reflecting it. This means that we shall have prople of the same types who will be working on different dimensons: Ego -Id, Ego - Superego and etc.

    So far association of colours with blocks works great and I am interested to deepen the knowldege about colours and its associatoin with blocks and psychological qualities.

    My new observation shows me that yellow is about leadership and being a sun around which planets go round, loving attention. Those whose souls originate in Superego may like yellow but not spot of attention. This is fine because it is opposition which creates tension. Oversensitive individuals need to learn to handle leadership. Those who prefer yellow may not like people to teach them morals or how to live thier lifes (violet/pink).

    I am going soon to write about greny blue colour how I feel it and would be happy to hear your feedback. Feel the colour!
    Socionics: XNFx

  5. #45
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    Default Re: Doubts

    Quote Originally Posted by Olga
    Those who prefer yellow may not like people to teach them morals or how to live thier lifes (violet/pink).
    I like yellow, and I agree with you assesment. However, I think nobody likes people teaching the morals and how to live their lives.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  6. #46
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    Default this is the way we go

    I do expect to get a lot of: everybody like this and everbody does not like that. We have only 8 colours, only four elements which give us mysterious number 6 possible dimesnions or oppositions for balancing.
    And no research evidence to prove. Instead fo become disheatrtened - I will continue.

    Yes, people do not like to be taught rules, but those with Id and Ego block would may feel more rebelious. Superego types are actually do not mind to be educated and are obedient to authority and would rather do as they told. Superid types can listen or pretend that they listen but still will do what they think they know better: they have their own "escape" world.

    Id types and Ego types like freedom. Yellow and orange types probably would not mind a hierarchy/system and a nice place within it (place under the sun -we call it in Russia.) Red and green - both powerful but do not need structure as such. Red - freedom of emotions while green -is more about life enjoyment.

    I do not mind to assocaitons like that but it would be interesting to find an "official" description of colours already existing in astrology or alternative knowldege. I think the associations already exist of shape + colour. It could furhter enhance our understanding of colours.
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  7. #47
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    if you are serious about color, get the the art of colorby johannes itten. it is a fantastic book that will knock your socks off. the elements of color is an acceptable substitute. the depth achieved by itten is astounding.
    that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.

  8. #48

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    I have noticed the difference between infps. INFPs have got powerful emotions -strong creative - that is why they like red - this is common to all (?) INFPs. Some INFPs can be percieved as more extraverted - they bring lots of (prefer black?), the other INFPs - do not show their but do like to have control over their lifes and protect themselves from intervention of others into their life (prefer blue?). Some are very introverted - they prefer blue to black.
    I'm very creative so I guess I really like red. I like black more because it's slimming than the actual color but also, it's sexy and mysterious and at the same time don't attract a lot of attention but make me feel good and the option of being either hidden or sexy. I don't like to control my life I don't think but I do protect myself from others' intervention (I actually hate that, I hate people who help me out without me asking). I wear jeans and jean skirts but not blue shirts as they don't look great with my complexion so i never really prefered blue. It's nice but there's nothing that really attracts me to it. I keep thinking about clothes! Well, I guess, if I don't think in terms of clothes, then I'll like every color.

    Dreamer, how introverted are you and how red colour is expressed in your feelings and behaviour? Can you relate to what I am saying or it does not make sense?
    It makes perfect sense. I'm pretty introvert around strangers but with close friends, people I feel completely comfortable and at ease me, I'm a total extrovert. I would blah about anything. But I'm pretty damn introvert in general. Sometimes I'll surprise myself and act 'normal' like last night, i actually talked with the kids i was babysitting's mom about her boyfriends. But then she got the impression that I didn't want to talk and left me alone so I was like okay. Conversation with strangers can be very awkward for me so most of the time I just don't try. But I know that I'm not at the very bottom of introvert-ness. If my ramblings make sense.

    I wear red when I want to be noticed. Red makes me feel confident and wild and sorta bad. But not all kinds of red, like the wine-red. I wouldn't paint my room red but I like to wear red.

    Your other colours come from the block Superego which means that you are a romantic person and obedient to atuhority to a certain degree and other -orientated. But I could consider your dimension are more self -centred Superid - Ego, it does not mean that you are selfish or anything like that. The focus on yourself is the perspective from which you see things. That is why it is easier for some people like ou to consider what colour they were rahter than to consider colours in abstract terms.
    Very accurate. I'm totally romantic and yes obedient to some degree as long as it's not against something I believe in. And I completely focus on myself. I have a hard time feeling bad for something when it doesn't concern me. I don't know if I have always been this way or not. If I don't have a personal interest in it, then I don't care. I feel deeply for orphans but I know this girl who got into a pretty bad accident and I just don't care at all. And someone called me self-centered once. I do like talking about myself a lot online. I just ramble. Hell, I post in my blog at least twice a day. But when things happen, I always focus on how it makes me feel and how it affects me than someone else's perspective or the facts.


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    Default Dreamer

    @Dreamer: That was very interesting insight into your personal world, thanks for it.

    It would be interesting to know what is the difference between those who likes black and red versus blue and red. How extraverted are those types whose preferred colour is blue., do they express their emotions outwardly?
    It would be nice to hear from INFPs who like blue and red but all other types are welcome too.

    I come to think that the type can coincide or not coincide with the colour description. I would be interesting to establish if people who prefer the same colours have got things in common and if yes- what is it?
    Socionics: XNFx

  10. #50

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    Purple!!! the color of serenity.

  11. #51
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    My INFP brother wears mostly black. The exception is that he has 2 "dress" shirts. One a brickish red, the other a blue of the sane.... tone ?. " (Ok, so I don't know color theory.) He wears these shirts when he is in the mood for a little color. He usually wears a black Jacket over them and will zip it up, showing only as much color as he is in the mood for. Rarely (if ever) will he wear one of these shirts without the jacket.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  12. #52
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    I'm starting to think that all Ixxps love black. Except for Erkki (INTp), who wears mild light colors.

    PS! I asked my sister, and she said I have a light blue aura. Can't say anything about other colors, but there is definitely light blue (babyblue).

    For herself, she said purple and yellow, "because you gotta have contrast!" :wink: She's beta NF. I see her more as some shade of mild red (not pink).
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

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  13. #53
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    Default Rainbow of feelings


    YOu wrote: She's beta NF. I see her more as some shade of mild red (not pink).

    What did you mean She's beta NF? My husband deals with colours at his work (printers). He said that pink is 80% of red colour.

    YOur sister said that you have blue aura - it is exactly what I am suspecting that the colour of second choice -is the aura and the first choice colour is the core. The flowers have got lots of combinatons of colour which do refelct on different dimensions/variatoins. If you see a red flower with black and yellow core - this is the contrast and opositions in nature. I assume people will be similar to all the variaties we can find in the nature... I think we are not far from considering the animal world. Then it will be an "animal theory" .

    Nobody yet knows a colour theory - it is someting we create here and now. some knowldege about association colour with shapes and psychologica functions and even medicine, colour therapy exists. But nothing like what we are doing here. I heard that socionics is at the moment in crisis - one of the articles presented at conference was about it. I have not read it yet, but I am not surprised. If the theory is set in stone there is no space to move around. On this forum we have got freedom of thought and speech - there is a hope.

    Purple usually is named with yellow or gold. I think purple is similar to pink in a way taht people are looking for love of others and social approval, very other - orientated.

    It was interesting to read about your brother Anndelise. It sems that black is a protective colour: eats up or sucks in all colours or may be even reflects the colours? I remember one I had a wired experience. I was in the lower ground floor of the church which was built like that one in Ierusalim. It was an empty room and my vision is not good anyway. I saw something reflecting like mirror at the end of the room. When I cme closer - I was shocked - It was a black marble coffin reflectin the light from the window.

    I am thinking that people usually choose either white + other colours or
    black with other colours, but I did not hear anybody actually saying my favourite coours are white and black! May be this preference does not exist? I would assume that both colours reperesent introversion and even more: white/morality/Superego and black/antimorality/Superid.
    Please, don't take any offence in this line of thinking. I do not consider Superid as primarily negative block or Superego as positive block.
    It may well be that white and black are the extremes of moraltiy-antimorality dimension and taht is why they are not included in the Rainbow. I am not saying that logical thinking in white and black colours is not good but I do think that the God wanted us to enjoy the colours- rainbow of feelings. That is why our world is so beautiful and diverse.
    School of Associative socionics:

  14. #54
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    I thought for a long time that my sister is ENFj, but I haven't really excluded INFp yet.

    I think that the color theory can't be this simple. If my sister is ENFj, she should have answered "red and blue", but those colors don't match, so she would never say that. And she should also seem "blue" to others, but blue is too cold to describe her. She's a warm person with a warm personality. She could be a "non-aggressive red", but not the kind of "friendly quiet pink" that people seem to be.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

    Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!

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    Default sister

    The psychological type can not be inferred just by the colours - only to a certain degree. For example, if your sister likes purple - that means she is most probably introvert. Could she be INFJ oe ISFJ or even INTJ? the pruple colour means that she is very other orientated -love and social approval seeking, she "needs somebody beside her in everything she does", very romantic.

    Yello means that she is nature loving and friendly, avoind strong expression of emotion but rather enjoys a summer breaze, personal pleasant experiences. I can also assume that she can stand for herself and have a certain degree of power to push. These colours are similar to ISFJ colours-pastel. The prefereance in colour makes people fo the same different. Explain heer the colours how i see them and ask her what she thinks - that would be interesting to know.
    Socionics: XNFx

  16. #56
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    Default Black square building

    I did not know that in Islam the symbol of God is the black/square room/building built long time ago so nobody knows exactly when by Abraham? Thera are little black stones around this building which are believed to be "holly" and the people move around this building for 7 times in a direction of positive swastika. I saw it on the picture - it looks scary to me and reminds exactly this: . I can associate this building with collective unconscious which is consisted of individual unconscious - those little black stones which are believed to be from space.

    What do you think about it?
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  17. #57
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    Default Muhammad

    What was the colour of Muhammad's soul?
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  18. #58



  19. #59
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    Default Posh colours

    Diana, what is your type?
    I wonder why some people prefer pastel, light colours and some prefer dark colours - I can not grasp this difference. Although I assocaited white with Superego and Morality and dark with Superid and Antimorality but I hope you do not take it for real, the meaning is much deeper and complex. Some people like vibrant /contrast colours which is also different from those who like predominantly light or dark colours.

    Your prefernce of colours can be interpreted in this way: you are most probably introvert?, friendly? confident? nature loving?

    Your d not like reds (overt expression of emotions, hiding your inner world of emotions -anger?), do not like orange - not very strong on organazational skills, applied logic, not being overly smart and posh ?

    Bleu and green are calm fresh colours so anybody could say thatyou like
    peace and quiet. I associate green with intuition - and dark blue with . It would be intresting to know how you feel about being strong on intuition and being aware of your bodily comfort? I am trying to understand colours and this is trial and error approach. It woudl be nice if you could help me to understand it better.
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  20. #60
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    Default Sick colour

    Sometimes I feel blue - very blue and feel restless at the same time. I gues it is to do with my colours. I am from Pinky- Purple- Violet block and blue is not good for me:

    What I find difficult is to find people who thinks similar to me in my immidiate environment, that is why I feel socially isolated. I would love to be a part of some sort of a group of people who would share my interests. We have got thoughts and feeling which we want to share - and that means we need supportive environment to provide some sort of relief. Those who is working out Superego -Id dimenstion may be very dependent on social approval. It is not like being always around people and being able to chat a lot - this is different.

    I would assume that types from other blocks can expereince it as well. At the end of the day we all suppose to work on all dimensions but to a different degree. What "colour" make you sick?
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  21. #61
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    Default colour systems

    I found a website in German, interesting -about colour theory, colour systems. There are lots of pictures there.

    I found interesting: Goete colour system, CIE-Norm-Farbtafel (1931), CIELab-System (1976), and NCS-System (1964)
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  22. #62

    Default Re: Posh colours


  23. #63
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    Default Difference between INFJ and ISFJ

    I have met another INFJ who liked blue and grey colours. It seems to me that INFJs compared to ISFJs are more introverted and individualistic due to the difference between the creative functions. ISFJ's creaitve is aimed to hug the whole world- power of air/wind and INFJs are more focused in looking into a particular object - their extraversion is directed onto individual.

    Differences in the external producing of information - two levels: genera/extraverted and individual/introverted.

    The purpose of ISFJ is to create a general model/ guidance - which can be applied to many different people. Infjs is the one who will take the genera model and will adjust it to anyone particular individual, bring to light details whcih will make the model more sufficient and flexible, adjusted to individual needs! I guess, ENFPs could be good at it too?
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  24. #64
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    Olga, what would you say about my preference for dark blue and orange? Does this mean that I'm FeSi/SiFe?
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  25. #65
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    Default Gilligan87

    I am not going to name any particular type - we do not know enoufh yet about colour preference. Preference suggest that you are most probably intorvert with no intentions "to hug the world" as such, with more individualistic approach. You like your privacy, dependent on it to a degree. Orange is more about abilities in organizing objective knowldege, being smart, intelligent and original. It is close to red in a strive for a strong Ego but without powerful overt interpretation :wink:

    Did you look at that colourwebsite? I am going to paste some of info, but I did not figure it out yet how to paste those bueatiful pictures. Have you been born in 1987?
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  26. #66
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    Default Trinity of God is One God

    Goethe associated colours:
    red - (together with blue shade) - phantasy, gelb - vermunft? decency?,
    green -sense? sinnlichkeit; blue - understanding.

    Goethe examined, like colors for human consciousness and the feelings works and assigned even human character characteristics to the colors. The color yellow connected it with "light, purity or warmth", which embodied color blue for it "the dark, cold weather or the emptiness". Goethe went it less around a physical explanation of the colors. Rather he tried to determine the "sinnlich moral effect" of the individual colors "on the sense of the eye... and by its switching on the mind".

    This paragraph is a bit boring but I still translated it:

    Although Goethe likewise set up a farbkreis due to attempts with prisms, he fought Newton's theory, the spectrum with the prism develops by the division of white light. He believed that the colors in the human eye would develop.
    (Blue and yellow were for it the "urfarben". From them it derived all other colors. In addition it accomplished the following attempt: If one places small white stairs into a blue copper sulfate solution (picture left) or into a yellow Kaliumdichromatloesung (picture right), an increasing redness of the Blaus or the Gelbs appears in each more deep-seated stage. The colors would thus not result from dismantling of the light, as Newton stated, but "at the bright one and at darkening". It placed red against the point of the farbkreises, which is a factor as pure red "neither in the yellow nor in the blue" and it called magenta, which is called as many as "royal red". (in addition, it pointed out that the old magenta-red works blaustichig, meant is today rather a carmine)

    By looking at those colour systems I have come to realise how my thought is similar to the knowldege already existed. There is an interesting picture of how colours are considered in chakras in Indian religion, the picture can be found on the topic posted by Rainbow some time ego under the general discussion.

    I would like associate further: blue - mind -reflecton- absract- guidance -introversion- Son;
    green - Life, Father, experience, exploration, time/clock, apple- appletree- knowldege - extraversion, general level, freedom; Red - Passion, Love, Closeness, emotion, power, free will, attraction, beauty, individualism/egocentrism, Holly Spirit, Mary, Mother.

    I have tried to confine associatoins to three colours only. It would be interesting of course to understand it in detail and separation. the idea was simple: three colour can explain Trinity of the God and opposition between The God and Devil. Three colours can create white colour or black colour dpeneding on the presence of light. At the day time - we see colours because the Sun gives us light. At the night - no colours - because of darkness, no beauty and no diversity - black box.

    Light and darkness must be naturally related to life,knowledge and time. You can only enjoy if 1. you know that you have -individual conscious awareness of being an individual, having something your own like identity, experience and 3. pleasure related to time and change, otherwise we would not appreciate it. It all seems to be interrealted.

    the story told about Muhammad when he told ones that the God is not one but three. Later on they considered these statements as satanic and argued that the correct knowledge was that the God is One...colour? Well, three colours create One or in fact Two White and Black depending on simple things like Light and Darkness.
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  27. #67
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    Yeah, actually, I was born in 87.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  28. #68
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    Default Dark blue and orange


    Dark blue must be a strong individualism and . Are you very aware of our body and body functioning. do you respect you body as a gift of life or you do not care as such? What about quality foods, clothes, taste? Orange is like a middlegroung between emotional expression and leadership. Are you good at ? Do you remember were you put things?
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  29. #69
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    I'm ENTp. I do have semi-strong Te, I identify with lots of things like argument style, but I'm ENTp nonetheless.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by gilligan87
    I'm ENTp. I do have semi-strong Te, I identify with lots of things like argument style, but I'm ENTp nonetheless.
    . You remind me of Transigent now.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

    6w7 sp/sx

  31. #71
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    My favorite colors are red and green then blue (more like a sky to medium blue), in that order. I identify more with red's strength and fortitude and its majestic appeal, but would rather see more green around me, like my room, outdoors, etc.

    I'm pretty sure I'm ENTP - Do these colors typically go with an ENTP?

  32. #72
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    At the moment there is no clear association: the stage of collection info.

    The first two colours could be associated one way or another with your base and creative function but it is only if you have a clear type.

    What is more probably is to suggest:

    1. Extraversion/introversion: warm colours show you are an extravert.

    2. Your strong block opposition: Ego - Id.

    That means you work on the balancing between Ego control and Id instincts. Ego block means you like to take charge on things in your life, to use your free will, not listening too much to other people. Red colour suggest that you may be emotional person and do not mind expresses openly your emotions.

    Id block means you are a big kid, you know how to enjoy life and nature, your love for life is strong and it is not easy to put you down. Green means well developed intuition, you are firendly, bring positive emotions,
    could be impulsive.

    I do not see why it could not suit ENTP. The whole idea about colour theory to understand the differences between the people of the same type. I could imagine that not all ENTPs will prefer the same colours but i would expect green colour to be strongly represented as it is associated with intuition in the colour theory.

    Blue colour reflects intellect and the need for solititude from time to time as a natural conditon for reflective thought.
    School of Associative socionics:

  33. #73

    Default Re: Trinity of God is One God

    Quote Originally Posted by Olga
    the story told about Muhammad when he told ones that the God is not one but three. Later on they considered these statements as satanic and argued that the correct knowledge was that the God is One...colour? Well, three colours create One or in fact Two White and Black depending on simple things like Light and Darkness.

    What if Im a polytheist, etc, etc, etc? To be honest, Im not all that comfortable relating Socionics to religion.

    But anyways... my favorite hues of colors (or lack of) in clothing are the dark green, dark blue, steel blue, black spectrums. I also like earth tones if theyre blended well. In nature, I like sky blues, dark purples, vivid oriental reds, chocolate-y russets (I hate golden russets...) and tangerine orange.

    Well...lets be honest here. I like 95% of all the colours. I just hate some select colours like golden russets, magentas and shrill pinks.

  34. #74
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    What does it mean polytheist - many religions, well they all talk about the same , don't they ?

    I am sorry if I annoy you with my belief system which for me seems as a natural part of existance and socionic. But you can ignore it ...if you think that the religious belief systems are of no value to you. You can consider it from the point of irrationality which existence is not disputable. At the end of the day I am not a profhet and things that I write are not set in stone and aimed to make sense for those who are religious and who is not. I actually hope that together: by thinking and arguing we can achieve more insight into irrationality than I could do it by myself.

    You colours suggest to me that you are most probably introvert and the dominant block must be Superid. Green and Blue and dark - very sleepy, cooling down colours. There is no trace of having emotional outbirsts or showing feelings/emotions. Very down to earth. Solititute and intellectual activity, intuition must be strong .

    The extraversion is present in warm colours but there is more evidence for the second block to be an Ego block, you are individualist who better understands the world of individual than groups of people. I would be not suprised if would be also strong. You would prefer things to be your way but you will not passionately defend yourself - you colours do not suggest power. You are an intellectual ( dark purple) and good organisational skills . There is no evidence as such for F- or S -functions. You do have an originality and taste and understanding/ appriciating the beauty. You may well be well balanced individual. Even if you like all colours your individual unconscious predisposes you to like certain colours, certain people and etc..

    What type are you? I very rarely remember types of forum members.
    It would be interesting to see where I go wrong.
    School of Associative socionics:

  35. #75


    Polytheist refers to multiple gods in one religion/belief. I guess what bothers me is that something has to only be one way. What about those with varying other faiths? I dont think it is right to discount them in something such as this theory :/

    I have tested as every NF combo imaginable. The closest description in Socionics has been an INFj description by Stratiyevskaya.

  36. #76


    I went to the store for dinner and got back recently. On the way home I was thinking of this some more. I was remembering that when I was in grade school, I was fascinated with my massive box of Crayolas. I had the majority of the colors memorized rather quickly. I think some of the other students thought this was weird. I mean, "What is a male doing with color crayons!?!?! Knowing what colors are is just not something little boys should be doing!," would be the general sentiment. Thank life for a very awesome mother that did not care about social stupidity. I remembed that forest green was my favorite crayon then. I believe it is because it reminded me of the Black Hills Spruce in Black Hills, South Dakota (where I was born). I remember feeling that forest green was better than pine green because pine green was far too light to be healthy lol.

  37. #77
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    Default Jadae

    In this case we need to do some correction about you major balancing dimension. If I understood dark right green is number one and then blue -grey shades and then the rest of other colours you mentioned.
    Is it right? If yes, we can say intuition is the most strongly reperesented in your type which we shall assume to be INFJ. gives you cold blue/grey spectrum instead of pink one simply because there is more darkness in colours than light. That menas that your is different from the os ISFJ who likes light colours.

    The dark cold shade of means the tendency to individualism in balancing -"mixing up colours" and potentially leading to black. We do not consider black as negative colour - this is the stage of understanding the role and meaning of colour black extra to what is already known: black -mystery, unconscious.

    In this case I would suggest that you are the baby of differend psychodynamic tension: Superied -Id. In fact I would not call it tension - it maust be more harmonic than Superid Ego because the colours are not in a contrast. Superid -Id suggestthat you do like your dependenc/security/privacy but you also enjoy the nature and get inpowered by it. You are probably very friendly person and create positive atmoshere in a "quiet and peaceful" way like all blue/green shade types do - very relaxing way. Id is a strong core, you must reimerge from troubles as a goose out of the water coming up dry or you are still learning thow to enjoy your life?

    As regards to many Gods in one Religion - it is better to ask INFPs - they will feel and respect all Gods in all religions. In christianity we consider 3 Gods which make One -although they are three they do not feel good to be separated - they feel good as one-together. Love is one of them it glues them together as it glues everything in this world. No matter how much we introverts or loners: everybody needs somebody

    I do not want exclude any ohter faith, help to bring more in! I think Mariano is going to contribute at some point about Hindu and chacras..and who knows what the future holds for us? i already tlaked to one of the Muslims about the colours of their flags and the preffered colours, we are going to consider and asssociate cultures and continents -who can stop us?
    School of Associative socionics:

  38. #78

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    Default Democrats/aristocrats

    The model B has explained already one of the Reinin dimensions: statics -dynamics.

    I wonder if the colour theory will help us to explain the democrats-aristocrats dimension. The basic idea is that those types who prefer lighter colours/shades and possibly bright -could be democrats and those with preference in dark colours could be aristocrats. I would not yet associate it with blocks. it is posible to suggest though that Superego block, white colours demoarats and superid, dark block - aristocrats.

    For example, if the person likes yellow and blue or blue and red or blue and violet - could be aristoctrats/individualists - strong connection with Superid. Those who likes violet and green, pink and yellow, red and pink or green and red/orange - democrats. Does anybody wish to chek it out?
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    I'm very creative so I guess I really like red. I like black more because it's slimming than the actual color but also, it's sexy and mysterious and at the same time don't attract a lot of attention but make me feel good and the option of being either hidden or sexy.
    i think i quoted the right person? i bolded the hidden or sexy thing. I feel very in my element when i can feel like i can move between the states fluidly.

    i like this quote, and i adore red and black. red gives me some satisfaction that im not sure i should be indulging in. I feel that way to some extent to rich vibrant dark blue. But in general there I like vivid intense color or a pallid muted palate. Yes id say i can reach further levels of satisfaction staring into a flat stretch of red or black for long periods of time. Lasting satisfaction. heh

    Olga, i am a 9. my favorite colors-- not necessarily what i would wear though-- are indigo, blue, black, and pale yellow.. they have been changing... i find it interesting that the colors i like to be most intense are the ones i am supposed to be seeking socionics wise: Red and blue (si and Fe). yes i love a nice vulgar slutty red. and i notice that the other colors i like which are not vivid-- i love the color of persimmons, for example-- are toned down versions of functions i am supposed to dislike or are otherwise weak: you have orange listed as Te, and i am very particular about what yellows (Se) i like. interesting..

    EDIT: i am only on page three of this thread and i find more things that are interesting. yes i do prefer a violet to green.. this would push me further to INTj rather than INTp with what you have stated.

  40. #80
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    Ms. Kensington,

    I like this quote, and i adore red and black. red gives me some satisfaction that im not sure i should be indulging in. I feel that way to some extent to rich vibrant dark blue. But in general there I like vivid intense color or a pallid muted palate. Yes id say i can reach further levels of satisfaction staring into a flat stretch of red or black for long periods of time. Lasting satisfaction. heh

    I assume you are ISFP? Dominant suggests extra attention to your body functioning. Interestingly you produced very sensual description of colours you like. I had to look in a dictionary to undesrtand the meaning.

    You said number 9. Did you mean your life path? It should include the numbers which make number 9, for example, 27/9.
    I did not have time recently to look into how actualy the association of colours and life prupose and blocks work together. But I noticed that those who like creamy - peachy colour do associate with number 9 and Id block. We need to see first if assiciation of numbers and colours is correct and readjust it if necessary. We need to look into it.
    School of Associative socionics:

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