I have just realized that the model B is working by associating the colours with the functions. However, it is not 100% yet. due to the fact that not everything is known yet and people are not clear types but have got sybtypes - this is for sure.

The idea is that people will prefer the colours of the functons which belong to their Ego block (see model B).

Preferences in colours:

Introverts will go for the cold colours : pink, purple, violet, blue, indigo, and black.

Extraverts will go for warm colours: red, orange, green, yellow, gold, brown and white.

It is always better to ask to choose colours from rainbow, not the one to wear or at home.

People usually suggest two colours or you can ask them to name two colours. The preffered colour is more likely to be associated with the base function but not necessarily.

I noticed that people shift sometiime in their preference between the colours of the base function to the colour of the creative function.
It could be realted to the developmental changes within the psyche.

For example, INFPs will prefer blue and black. Some of them like red but some not, while some like it depending on thier mood. Which is fiar enough: red colour is excitement and joy but it is also a powerful emotion associated with anger.

Please, tell your psychological type and the preferance in colours.
I am in particular interested why sometimes the theory does not work - it may well be because of the dynamics within the psyche and the developmental changes. What colour you always liked? What other colours you liked before and has been replaced for other colours.

i would assume that these colours will be mainly within the range of two dimensions either Id -Superego or Ego - Superid.