For instance, who else has ever used "shut up" as an argument?
Any person of any type who wanted to say "fuck you", but was too polite. It's not meant as an argument. Not in the very least.

Well, you should care if it's since understanding the functions - and your use of them - would be a step towards correct typing.
That's why I wanna leave this place. I already feel like I'm constantly trying to prove I'm not this ethical friendly girl-next-door. Because I'm not. And I can't agree with people telling me that I'm a disturbed version of ISFj, because I don't think one bit like is said in any ISFj description. And to be honest, I certainly don't get a dual vibe from ENTjs. I don't have the "please use your , it turns me on"-feeling. To be honest, I'm somewhat annoyed by ENTjs never taking anything for granted. It's always necessary to argue and to prove wrong. I can say that I'm usually laid-back and not bossy, but anything I say will be distorted by others to prove something else. And to be honest, people just quote it and say "ISFj!", which I see as the ultimate stupidity, because it's just bashing with no proof.

And as I said, that yould be an indication that you're Beta, since ENTjs and ENFjs are similar only very superficially. You seem to think you were counter-arguing my point but you just confirmed it.
Tell me one type in beta who I could be with no controversies. Me spending my life (and room) with a beta would definitely change how I see the world. It won't make me beta, but it will make me similar to them. You can't just say stuff without considering everything about it. If you think I'm beta, prove it (completely explain it).

I do get too detail-oriented sometimes, trying to achieve the perfect result, but maybe it's just me trying to have some ISFj-ish influence in my life. I don't give a fuck why I use my but I know I don't use it all the time. My ESTj father has more than I do.