View Poll Results: What type is Kristiina?

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Thread: kristiina's type

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    I already feel like I'm constantly trying to prove I'm not this ethical friendly girl-next-door.
    That is the big problem with typing you. You have those stereotypes in your head and it is by comparing yourself to those that you try to find your type. And no matter how often one says that those stereotypes are incorrect, you keep coming back to them.

    I have already told you that my ISFj ex is a very successful professional, and that one of my friends from university did his PhD in chemical engineering and became a full tenured professor before anyone else, but you prefer to stick to your stereotypes.

    In point of fact, I'd bet that should you ever meet any of the forum ENTjs personally, your reaction would be "these guys aren't ENTjs! They do not correspond to my image of what an ENTj is"!

    That is so .

    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    Tell me one type in beta who I could be with no controversies. Me spending my life (and room) with a beta would definitely change how I see the world. It won't make me beta, but it will make me similar to them. You can't just say stuff without considering everything about it. If you think I'm beta, prove it (completely explain it).
    There again comes you with your . This is a ridiculous challenge. As Joy said, there is no way to "prove" anything about typing, especially online. The best you can do is make a case considering everything and see which one fits best all the available evidence. But one has to look at it neutrally, which you are not doing. Your whole point with this little challenge is to be able to say, "you did not prove it completely, so shut up, I'll stick to ENTj" etc.

    I can't prove that you are Beta. This is ridiculous. I can only make the case. I'm not even "sure" you are Beta myself.

    But I'll make the case anyway.

    First, the most consistent thing about you - and that FDG, Dynamicism, Eidos, and myself have noted (and, frankly, dislike) is that you have Aristocratic values. You clearly see people as belonging to different groups, not as individuals - your references to "social darwinism" etc. You don't naturally see people as individuals. That also seems to be your approach to typing, by the way.

    Second, you have over , which together with being Aristocratic puts you in Beta. I'm not so sure about > because ISFjs can also make this impression. The hidden agenda of ISFjs confuses this IMO.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    I haven't really even seriously considered INFp. You can see why, if you read about him here: http://oldforumlinkviewtopic.php? (scroll down until you see his pic and brief description)
    From that description, he makes an INFp as well as INTp impression, the main factor for INTp being that he seems to be very critical, that is, Negative. However, if he was well into intuitive subtype, the Positive/Negative dichotomy would blur. But his being so jokey and people-oriented at work would point toward INFp instead.

    Something for you to consider. If you are ISTj well into sensory subtype, and he, INFp intuitive subtype, he'd be at a peak of Victim and you, at a peak of Aggressor. And you'd still be both in Beta which would account for your compatibility.

    It would also account for the ISFj impression that you make. It might even account for your own on-off if it's just the 8th function of a sensory subtype.

    Now if you think you're not ISTj because you don't fit your stereotypical view of them, well, it becomes difficult.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    If anyone tells me I'm any type besides ENTj, please provide me the full explanation of how I could be that type.

    -harmony with INTp
    -Lack of tact
    -being bitchy about lack of comfort
    -similarities with ENFj sister (Fe part is the difference)
    -big goals
    -narcissism (not sure if it's type-related)
    -practical nature
    another type to consider is ENFj, based on this. aside from that, your sister seems rather INFp (she v.i.'s as the most INFp-INFp ever.)

    you described the ENFj polr accurately in one thread (attemping to describe ENTj polr.)

    and yes, ENFjs can come off as tactless, or rude, depending on their mood.
    6w5 sx
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  3. #43
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    Yeah I also think that ENFj makes sense. But the Victim-Aggressor thing should make it easy to find out if looked at neutrally. Altogether I think ISTj fits better.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  4. #44

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    I already feel like I'm constantly trying to prove I'm not this ethical friendly girl-next-door.
    That is the big problem with typing you. You have those stereotypes in your head and it is by comparing yourself to those that you try to find your type. And no matter how often one says that those stereotypes are incorrect, you keep coming back to them.

    I have already told you that my ISFj ex is a very successful professional, and that one of my friends from university did his PhD in chemical engineering and became a full tenured professor before anyone else, but you prefer to stick to your stereotypes.

    In point of fact, I'd bet that should you ever meet any of the forum ENTjs personally, your reaction would be "these guys aren't ENTjs! They do not correspond to my image of what an ENTj is"!

    That is so .

    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    Tell me one type in beta who I could be with no controversies. Me spending my life (and room) with a beta would definitely change how I see the world. It won't make me beta, but it will make me similar to them. You can't just say stuff without considering everything about it. If you think I'm beta, prove it (completely explain it).
    There again comes you with your . This is a ridiculous challenge. As Joy said, there is no way to "prove" anything about typing, especially online. The best you can do is make a case considering everything and see which one fits best all the available evidence. But one has to look at it neutrally, which you are not doing. Your whole point with this little challenge is to be able to say, "you did not prove it completely, so shut up, I'll stick to ENTj" etc.

    I can't prove that you are Beta. This is ridiculous. I can only make the case. I'm not even "sure" you are Beta myself.

    But I'll make the case anyway.

    First, the most consistent thing about you - and that FDG, Dynamicism, Eidos, and myself have noted (and, frankly, dislike) is that you have Aristocratic values. You clearly see people as belonging to different groups, not as individuals - your references to "social darwinism" etc. You don't naturally see people as individuals. That also seems to be your approach to typing, by the way.

    Second, you have over , which together with being Aristocratic puts you in Beta. I'm not so sure about > because ISFjs can also make this impression. The hidden agenda of ISFjs confuses this IMO.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    I haven't really even seriously considered INFp. You can see why, if you read about him here: http://oldforumlinkviewtopic.php? (scroll down until you see his pic and brief description)
    From that description, he makes an INFp as well as INTp impression, the main factor for INTp being that he seems to be very critical, that is, Negative. However, if he was well into intuitive subtype, the Positive/Negative dichotomy would blur. But his being so jokey and people-oriented at work would point toward INFp instead.

    Something for you to consider. If you are ISTj well into sensory subtype, and he, INFp intuitive subtype, he'd be at a peak of Victim and you, at a peak of Aggressor. And you'd still be both in Beta which would account for your compatibility.

    It would also account for the ISFj impression that you make. It might even account for your own on-off if it's just the 8th function of a sensory subtype.

    Now if you think you're not ISTj because you don't fit your stereotypical view of them, well, it becomes difficult.
    i thought whether i should respond to this or not, but i think its ok.

    I don't think what you said about Ti is correct, because Ti does not automatically reject something in the face of real life examples. Ti needs input from the outside world to make rules. At least, i think that is the case with what i do with my ego block Ti + Ne. I could see how Ti + Se would seem at a disadvantage in making their rules because you can never experience every manifestation of a kind of physical object. However, i thought this is what your language implied, that Ti cannot accept rather than automatically reject matters of truth (and i use "truth" because the rules an ISTj makes are those which are based on Se, and would be in the same realm as the new evidence). Likewise, i think kristiina implied with her Se language that you could actually prove she was Se but i knew she meant give her some examples as to why you suggested she was Se, or Beta or whatever.

    maybe i shouldnt have taken your statement the way i did, but my feelings are the same as this quote from you:

    "The best you can do is make a case considering everything and see which one fits best all the available evidence." i think this is what I see my Ti as doing. So, what is rejected or will to reject will be dependent on the categories and indeed the individual.. if this was not needed for you expat i mean it for anyone who would interpret Ti as being unchangable. the extreme inflexibility attributed to Ti sometimes is, i feel, the result of pride. When someone encounters something that is a counterexample to a Ti rule, they amend the rule or reject the evidence as not reliable in some way. So i would expect Ti + Se to say, it is reliable evidence that FDG is an ENTj, so my Ti rule for how ENTjs should be is faulty. reject rule. Or it could very well be : FDG is not ENTj because he does not show enough signs for him to be ENTj according to my criteria. And it doesn't have to be all the criteria, just enough to put it over the hump of another possibility. This option does misplace Fabio who I assume is an ENTj, but my point is that the other option, to amend the Ti rule, is available. Finally, I would discourage seeing Ti rules as having one scale only: a large overarching scale. There can be millions of little rules in the overall understanding of the world. So i would reiterate that a Ti definition should go closer to categories that can work with each other and change.

  5. #45

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    For instance, who else has ever used "shut up" as an argument?
    Any person of any type who wanted to say "fuck you", but was too polite. It's not meant as an argument. Not in the very least.

    Well, you should care if it's since understanding the functions - and your use of them - would be a step towards correct typing.
    That's why I wanna leave this place. I already feel like I'm constantly trying to prove I'm not this ethical friendly girl-next-door. Because I'm not. And I can't agree with people telling me that I'm a disturbed version of ISFj, because I don't think one bit like is said in any ISFj description. And to be honest, I certainly don't get a dual vibe from ENTjs. I don't have the "please use your , it turns me on"-feeling. To be honest, I'm somewhat annoyed by ENTjs never taking anything for granted. It's always necessary to argue and to prove wrong. I can say that I'm usually laid-back and not bossy, but anything I say will be distorted by others to prove something else. And to be honest, people just quote it and say "ISFj!", which I see as the ultimate stupidity, because it's just bashing with no proof.

    And as I said, that yould be an indication that you're Beta, since ENTjs and ENFjs are similar only very superficially. You seem to think you were counter-arguing my point but you just confirmed it.
    Tell me one type in beta who I could be with no controversies. Me spending my life (and room) with a beta would definitely change how I see the world. It won't make me beta, but it will make me similar to them. You can't just say stuff without considering everything about it. If you think I'm beta, prove it (completely explain it).

    I do get too detail-oriented sometimes, trying to achieve the perfect result, but maybe it's just me trying to have some ISFj-ish influence in my life. I don't give a fuck why I use my but I know I don't use it all the time. My ESTj father has more than I do.
    well none of this contradicts ISTj, including the short list you provided earlier. Except perhaps um. the relationship you have with your bf, whcih to me sounds like activity or dual but if not, something in the same quadra or with your illusionary at least.

    why did you have doubts about ENTj in the first place?

  6. #46
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    well none of this contradicts ISTj, including the short list you provided earlier. Except perhaps um. the relationship you have with your bf, whcih to me sounds like activity or dual but if not, something in the same quadra or with your illusionary at least.
    There is only half of understanding between me and ISTjs. They say how they want details and perfection, I say "yeah, exactly the same with me!", but the rest of the personality, intertype relations, etc are different. For example, an ISTj I know is always very interested in what a certain ISTp says (being creative and telling a story). She finds it amazing and cool. I'm always bothered. Different things stimulate us (me and ISTj) mentally and physically. When we talk about any kind of philosophy, I don't understand where the ISTjs are coming from. (what lead them to that conclusion). We have different reactions to the same stimulants. mhh... what else is there... I have more in common with ISTps. At least I can discuss things so that we both agree on many things.

    With the ISTp ex we would discuss anything from philosophy to gossip. We usually agreed in general, but something about the way we expressed ourselves made it impossible to spent 2 days (hanging out in the same room) together without fighting or getting very annoyed.

    Me as an ISTj
    - Assuming I'm ISTj, aren't I too active? You know... socially active, often enthusiastic, reactive,... Ok, I agree. This is a stereotype.
    - I don't really have the Ne-polr of ISTjs. I could have the Ne-polr of ISFjs if I haven't understood it correctly, but I don't have a problem with seeing other options/opinions/sides of the same story. (yes, I do have a problem with agreeing with opinions I consider faulty, but that't not Ne-polr).
    - My preferance of the "pretty pattern, perfect outcome" is an on/off thing. Most of the time, I do things in an adequate way, I don't feel like bothering too much. But with ISTjs, I see that they want perfection and patterns in almost anything they do. Ok... I might be noticing it more in them.
    - Fi-role in stead of Fe-role seems unlikely. I can see myself stressed over saying the wrong thing in the wrong situation ("How could have been so stupid! I probably offended her!"), but I can't see myself being upset because I didn't understand someones feelings. I know Fi has a wider meaning, but anything I imagine is Fi just leaves me baffled. IRL I get a hunch how others might be feeling, but if I fail in that area, I don't feel very bad about it. (I don't consider this my strong side anyway)
    - Beneficiary relations are awful in one direction, very good in other! I can't understand the ISFps and they can't understand me. They drain all energy and make me lose any trace of enthusiasm. ok, I might have mistyped the ISFps... When I'm the benefactor, the outcome is great. INTps are the best!
    - Super-ego is one of the best relationships. I always feel so empowered during and after spending time with INFjs. They are great.
    - Activity/duality (whichever type my sister is) is nice and stable. It doesn't give me the kind of energy that I get with INFjs, but oh well...

    Wow. I'd make a great ISTj. :wink:
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

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  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    - Assuming I'm ISTj, aren't I too active? You know... socially active, often enthusiastic, reactive,... Ok, I agree. This is a stereotype.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    - I don't really have the Ne-polr of ISTjs. I could have the Ne-polr of ISFjs if I haven't understood it correctly, but I don't have a problem with seeing other options/opinions/sides of the same story. (yes, I do have a problem with agreeing with opinions I consider faulty, but that't not Ne-polr).
    When people speak about your PoLR is more about your dislike of uncertainty and need for security, I think.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    - Fi-role in stead of Fe-role seems unlikely. I can see myself stressed over saying the wrong thing in the wrong situation ("How could have been so stupid! I probably offended her!"), but I can't see myself being upset because I didn't understand someones feelings. I know Fi has a wider meaning, but anything I imagine is Fi just leaves me baffled. IRL I get a hunch how others might be feeling, but if I fail in that area, I don't feel very bad about it. (I don't consider this my strong side anyway)
    The role function in ISTjs is more about being dutiful in relationships. ISTjs aren't sure of what ethics and bonds with people are, so they prefer to follow what they see as the "accepted norm" (according to their own criteria) for that) but not through a real, confident understanding. An aspect of it is to assume that deep feelings follow no logic or system anyway; so why bother about understanding them.

    Something else for you to consider.

    It is clear that your biggest desires are -related. It is also clear that you are more confident about using than most ENTjs.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  8. #48
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    At the risk of losing what could have been a friendship, I'm going to have to vote

    Fi in the first (Kristiina has consistently shown that she has evaluated the types, and found some to be worthy and others to be lacking in whatever criteria/standards she holds),

    Se in the second (Kristiina has consistently shown her willingness to create and pursue the perception of the types which meet said standards. Despite attempts by others to explain where her perceptions of the types continues to utilize and push those stereotypes as if they are indeed real),

    Ti in the third (I have yet to see Kristiina consistently utilize a logical structure in her arguments. She may start out logical, but then falls back upon her previously stereotyped judgements and descriptions. Most of what I see is talking about how logical she is and how much she uses her thinking. I don't actually see her statements using much thinking behind them, I do see her statements as using a lot of justifications, aggression, and yes, emotion as the underlying factors. Ti is a role, an attempt, and one that cannot be held for long before her emotions get in the way.)

    Ne in the fourth (unfortunately, she seems to have a difficult time finding the meaningful connections between what people are saying, and what her own perceptions/judgements are. ie, people say Fi is xyz, but kristiina has a difficult time incorporating xyz into her model, insisting on believing that Fi is mno).

    From the beginning I found myself wanting to step in when I'd read some of her writings, wanting to help her see the inconsistencies between what others are saying and what she's saying, between what she says and what she does, etc. I held back because...well...she hadn't quite fallen yet and so didn't need to be picked up. However, she did fall in a way I had hoped she wouldn't. By her high handed attitude, her arrogance, her desire and willingness to force things to mold to her world view, and her aggressiveness, she has managed to turn quite a many people on this board "against" her.

    However, I would like to use this opportunity to point out that had certain people BACKED THE FUCK OFF!!!, and allowed her more time to explore socionics, instead of PUSHING their own thoughts onto her, it is unlikely that Kristiina would have felt pressured to act high handed, to act arrogant, nor to act as aggressively as she has been.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  9. #49
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    Anndelise, I don't get angry when I'm presented with facts (or hunches with explanation). I didn't even think about using this post as a reason to start disliking you or something.

    This kind of post gives me something to think about. But I won't answer anything now.

    I finished the final thesis (the research), I did well. Now all I have to do is buy a dress and show up at my graduation. Now I have time to relax and meditate. :wink: I will do my best to avoid stating things and I'll just let the facts gather dust. That's often the best way to see the truth.

    Expat: Should IxTjs have Se as their biggest desire? Wouldn't they just use it and not think about it?
    BTW, as you see, my Se is aggressive, but it doesn't really work. It's the same in real life. I might try to be bossy, but it just seems bitchy. I use it as a final resort. (Please don't tell me I use it all the time. I agree I use it all the time when I'm defending my type or when otherwise pressured.)
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
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  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    I finished the final thesis (the research), I did well.
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
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  11. #51
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    I'd like to take back my original ISFj vote and cast one for ENFj.

    Check out my Socionics group!

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    I don't think what you said about Ti is correct, because Ti does not automatically reject something in the face of real life examples. Ti needs input from the outside world to make rules. At least, i think that is the case with what i do with my ego block Ti + Ne. I could see how Ti + Se would seem at a disadvantage in making their rules because you can never experience every manifestation of a kind of physical object. However, i thought this is what your language implied, that Ti cannot accept rather than automatically reject matters of truth (and i use "truth" because the rules an ISTj makes are those which are based on Se, and would be in the same realm as the new evidence). Likewise, i think kristiina implied with her Se language that you could actually prove she was Se but i knew she meant give her some examples as to why you suggested she was Se, or Beta or whatever.
    I think you're quite right, with one comment - - I see 's "default mode" as first trying to adapt evidence to the already-formed system, and only "reluctantly" adapt the system to new evidence once the system is formed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    maybe i shouldnt have taken your statement the way i did, but my feelings are the same as this quote from you:

    "The best you can do is make a case considering everything and see which one fits best all the available evidence." i think this is what I see my Ti as doing. So, what is rejected or will to reject will be dependent on the categories and indeed the individual.. if this was not needed for you expat i mean it for anyone who would interpret Ti as being unchangable.
    Not "unchangeable", "resistent to change" is more accurate.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    Expat: Should IxTjs have Se as their biggest desire? Wouldn't they just use it and not think about it?
    BTW, as you see, my Se is aggressive, but it doesn't really work. It's the same in real life. I might try to be bossy, but it just seems bitchy. I use it as a final resort. (Please don't tell me I use it all the time. I agree I use it all the time when I'm defending my type or when otherwise pressured.)
    Fair enough. What I actually wanted to say is that your goals are , and you seem to have already confidence enough in that area, so I don't see why you worry so much about being reassured about your type.

    Because this is what this is about, isn't it? Your dislike of the idea of being seen as an ISFj is due to your weird perception of ISFjs as weak, fragile, etc. Which is total rubbish. The ISFj is the bloody supervisor of the ESTp, by the way, so even according to your criteria of evaluating your abilities according to type, this should give you something to think about.

    I'm not convinced of the ISFj theory for you, though, because you seem more Beta to me.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Because this is what this is about, isn't it? Your dislike of the idea of being seen as an ISFj is due to your weird perception of ISFjs as weak, fragile, etc. Which is total rubbish. The ISFj is the bloody supervisor of the ESTp, by the way, so even according to your criteria of evaluating your abilities according to type, this should give you something to think about.
    I opinion of the ISFjs has changed. I don't think they are weak or stupid. When I think of an ISFj girl, I see someone who has lots of willpower (a trait I see as very positive and admirable). She also has a distinct style and is perfectly able to look fresh and pretty everywhere. She knows what to say to other people and she's not bitchy or mean. (she could be mean, but never by accident). ...etc....

    The ISFjs have all these positive traits that I can't really agree with. Neither can I agree with their negative traits. But subconsciously, the image of ISFj is also similar to the average girl next door. While I consciously know I'm not similar to the ISFjs, subconsciously, I will see it in a simpler way and I end up saying things that make it seem like I don't like ISFjs at all.

    Kim. Thanks.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
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  15. #55
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    I am fairly similar to Erkki. Maybe nationality also plays a key part in the development of the person. So far I think I'm gamma, but I could be beta (would make sense according to dichotomies).

    PS! still contemplating.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

    Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!

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  16. #56
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    I'm still wondering why so many people from very different types have seriously typed me as their dual. Does it mean I have some that I'm not aware of? I think your earlier suggestion that I could be ESTj was just meant as a compliment, but there have still been many types who have suggested duality.

  17. #57
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    I'm still wondering why so many people from very different types have seriously typed me as their dual. Does it mean I have some that I'm not aware of? CurousSoul, I think your earlier suggestion that I could be ESTj was just meant as a compliment, but there have still been many types who have suggested duality.
    I don't really "want you to be my dual". I don't care about this. I just see too many similarities with people that I have typed as my dual. Do not put any further meaning into us typing you as ISFj.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    I'm still wondering why so many people from very different types have seriously typed me as their dual. Does it mean I have some that I'm not aware of? CurousSoul, I think your earlier suggestion that I could be ESTj was just meant as a compliment, but there have still been many types who have suggested duality.
    I don't really "want you to be my dual". I don't care about this. I just see too many similarities with people that I have typed as my dual. Do not put any further meaning into us typing you as ISFj.
    Aren't you a charmer...

    I never said that people want me to be their dual. You can re-read what I said and I meant it as people sensing me as their dual. They get the "dual-feeling" rather often. Not because I'm so perfect for them, but because I am so different, but at the same time I have some weird similarity - like being the opposite but having the same goals...
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    Upon further conversation with kristiina and further reading about functions and further pondering... I do indeed think that she is ENTj. What we're seeing isn't "true" Fe as it would appear in an ENFj... it's just a Fe role making desperate attempts to compensate for weak Fi in the absence of her dual.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    Upon further conversation with kristiina and further reading about functions and further pondering... I do indeed think that she is ENTj. What we're seeing isn't "true" Fe as it would appear in an ENFj... it's just a Fe role making desperate attempts to compensate for weak Fi in the absence of her dual.
    Please. You've attempted to explain everything with every kind of argument. Your credibility is 0 now.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    it's not about my credability. it's about Fe and Fi.

    furthermore, it makes a lot of sense that other ENTjs get irritated with kristiina's Fe

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    Kristiina, ENTj's should be very similar to INTp's. Can you predict the future? Do you know well people? From little you can create the destiny of someone. Are you always prepared to all sort of troubles,do you always know how things will turn out, do you like to take risks, do you wait for the right moment to act? Do you like to dream?
    Semiotical process

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    Quote Originally Posted by jsb'07
    Kristiina, ENTj's should be very similar to INTp's. Can you predict the future? Do you know well people? From little you can create the destiny of someone. Are you always prepared to all sort of troubles,do you always know how things will turn out, do you like to take risks, do you wait for the right moment to act? Do you like to dream?
    If I live with an INTp and INFp, it should make us a happy bunch of forecasters. Socionics intuition isn't completely like that. Or maybe I take some things totally for granted.

    Predicting the future - anyone can see what probably will happen. Because the facts and trends are usually visible. I think about "what could be" more than the present.
    Knowing other people - I am fairly good at sensing how other people feel, but it's usually not very detailed. I can usually notice when there is something wrong (total shift in body language), but I don't really feel what they feel. And I can't do much to cheer them up.
    Knowing someones destiny after a very short time - yeah. Doesn't everybody? You know when you look at someone and he doesn't even have the balls to say anything bad about the wine you picked out. Or people who own the entire room after 10 seconds. There is a distinct difference. I have been right about everyone, except people who I hoped would fail in life.

    I carefully choose the moment to act, I'm not impulsive.
    I'm daydreaming most of the time. It's not exactly daydreaming, because I'm just imagining all the things that I know are happening but I can't see.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsb'07
    Kristiina, ENTj's should be very similar to INTp's. Can you predict the future?
    NOBODY can predict the friggin future!!
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    people who I hoped would fail in life.
    This is horrible
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    people who I hoped would fail in life.
    This is horrible
    its so horrible, its good. i like it like i like kitsch.
    that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    You know when you look at someone and he doesn't even have the balls to say anything bad about the wine you picked out. .
    Balls? There is such a thing as politeness, you know. Whether you have "balls" or not is seen in other, more important situations than choosing goddamn wine.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    kristiina and tcalldilling should hook up.
    that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy
    kristiina and tcalldilling should hook up.
    Haha Mhh... getting a lover... mhh... I'm not sure Erkki would like that.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
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    Kristiina, don't take me too seriously, because I am not the smartest sociotyper. But your answers show me that you have strong . And believe me, there are a lot of people who can't do those things you just described easily. And those things were also related to . You would be surprised that most of the people don't know before even the simplest things like in what mood the lectorer will be today.

    And you should believe in yourself. You already know who you are. Why else are you defending yourself? So, perhaps the best you can do is just rent some videos/dvds with female ENTJs on the leading roles. And read some books where such women are presented. You just need to see who you are in the eyes of the others. That's all.
    Semiotical process

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsb'07
    Kristiina, don't take me too seriously, because I am not the smartest sociotyper. But your answers show me that you have strong . And believe me, there are a lot of people who can't do those things you just described easily. And those things were also related to . You would be surprised that most of the people don't know before even the simplest things like in what mood the lectorer will be today.

    And you should believe in yourself. You already know who you are. Why else are you defending yourself? So, perhaps the best you can do is just rent some videos/dvds with female ENTJs on the leading roles. And read some books where such women are presented. You just need to see who you are in the eyes of the others. That's all.
    I appreciate your opinion, but I'll clear up the misunderstandings - I don't know the lecturers mood before I see him. But I get a hunch of his state of mind after 5-10 seconds in the same room with him. With friends it takes less time. Even the tone of voice has its story to tell. (PS! there was a "spot the fake smile" test, and I did really bad - I think I got only half of them right, if not even less.)

    The fact that a lot of people have the same skills is exactly what troubles me. It might not be . It could be anything. Maybe the same thing can be done with the help of and . I think it's a good idea to try to read more about female ENTjs.

    New things: I realized that my family is full of types. Also, I'm trying to consider that my sister is INFp, not ENFj. I have actually gone so far that I've even considered to be INTp. The amount of in my family would have a weird effect on my polr, which would make me different. It would explain my comfortably pleasant relationship with another INTp, but it wouldn't explain many other things.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
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