No offense, but I hate wasting my time on quizzes like this. Answering silly questions, just to get an answer which usually isn't true, how I won't get along with someone. I believe anyone can get along with anyone if they try. Socionics is about improving intertype relations, not categorizing opinions/types like this quiz does into incompatible little boxes.

And as a disclaimer, cause I feel it being said already 'ooh maybe that's typical of YOUR type!'....... I don't know if it's typical of anything, but I'm just saying that it's MY opinion.

As another disclaimer, I feel it being said already, 'MD, of course nobody takes this quiz seriously. It's just to have fun'. I know. But you'd be surprised how little things like this affect your overall thinking, and how it builds a habit of getting caught up in categorizing people and setting up unnecessary boundaries.