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Thread: Values and Socionics Type

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    Question Values and Socionics Type

    What do you value most? What mindsets do you hate? Do you think that certain types are more likely to value what you do over others?

    I value...
    -A curious attitude. The more you know, the wiser you are.
    -Perspective and gratitude. This too shall pass, and you are damn lucky.
    -Compassion. Without it, we'd all be sociopaths and psychopaths.
    -An open mind. You don't know everything there is to know.
    -Loyalty. Throwing away relationships is foolish, and ignoring your friends' feelings is cold.
    -A grasp on the subjects of evil and pain. Yes, you really can get screwed over.
    -The delta quadra in socionics. Think I'm shallow? You don't know socionics.
    -Sensitivity. Some words just make things worse, no matter how true they are.
    -Responsibility. Respect people's time and energy.
    -A positive attitude. The point of life is to appreciate it.

    If someone values all of these, then we're probably going to get along really well.
    Last edited by blankblank; 06-04-2011 at 10:40 AM.

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    Thank you to all who completed the quiz! But I'm closing it now. I don't want to score anymore of them. It's time-consuming!

    From this thread and others like this, I discovered (please note that when I say "people", I mean people who visit threads like these on sites like these):

    Most people...
    ...value most of the same things I do. the GLBTQ community. not need drugs to have fun.

    There are a handful of people who...
    ...actually value all the things I do.
    ...value the opposite of what I do, which is not too many people.
    ...are very open to changing their minds. consensual incest.

    A surprising high number of people...
    ...are not spiritual absolutists.
    ...are cool with polyamory.
    ...are not guillible.
    ...know about enneagram.

    Here's the results of all the quizzes on multiple sites.

    ILE - 100% friends
    LII - 100% friends
    SEI - 100% friends

    IEI - 100% acquaintances

    SEE - 50% best friends, 50% acquaintances
    LIE - 100% friends
    ILI - 50% friends, 50% enemies

    EII - 38% best friends, 50% friends, 12% acquaintances
    IEE - 67% friends, 33% acquaintances
    LSE - 100% acquaintances

    INTJ - 50% friends, 50% enemies
    INFJ - 100% friends
    ENFP - 100% friends
    ENTP - 100% friends

    INTP - 20% best friends, 60% friends, 20% enemies
    ENTJ - 100% friends
    ISTP - 100% acquaintances
    ESTJ - 100% acquaintances

    INFP - 25% best friends, 75% friends

    3 - 25% best friends, 50% friends, 25% acquaintances
    4 - 25% best friends, 50% friends, 25% acquaintances

    5 - 60% friends, 40% enemies
    6 - 25% best friends, 75% friends

    8 - 50% friends, 50% acquaintances
    9 - 25% best friends, 75% friends
    1 - 50% best friends, 50% acquaintances

    Conclusions: Values aren't type-specific. Type is only one factor in determining what someone values and how you'll get along with them.
    ^What a relief! I was concerned I was so rigid that I'd never be able to take seriously anyone who's not my type.
    Last edited by blankblank; 06-04-2011 at 12:36 PM.

  3. #3
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    ooh, interesting.

    i tried to answer all of them even if i didn't agree with the exact wording but instead more the "spirit" of the answer

    1. What do you do about controversial topics?
    B. I’ll take them as they come along. But I don’t like going out of my way to learn about them because they’re confusing/depressing/take up a lot of time.

    2. Could your life be much worse?
    C. Oh, absolutely! My life could always be much worse!

    3. You don’t get into your dream college and instead settle for your second choice. Are you bummed?
    B. Yeah, I’m bummed. But I’m glad I still get to go to a school I like.

    4. Your friend is complaining about having an income that makes her lower-class. Your income, though, is below poverty level. Do you feel bad for her?
    B. I can relate, considering we’re both poor, but I do feel pangs of jealousy.

    5. If your best friend told you he had magical powers, is there any chance that you would believe him?
    A. Ummm, no. Magic doesn’t exist.

    6. When you get into a fight with a friend, what do you do?
    C. As long as they didn’t do something just plain evil (like raping me), I’d be ready and willing to work out our problems and come to an understanding, even if that understanding is to stop being friends.

    7. Does everyone deserve love and affection?
    C. Yes. As long as people aren’t sociopaths are psychopaths, which means there is no hope for them, everyone NEEDS love and affection. Though they need to be handled with caution (and preferably bound up), murderers and rapists especially need love because they’re only lashing out because they’re in pain.

    8. A friend of your husband’s gives you a boatload of valid evidence that your boyfriend is cheating on you. Do you believe him?
    C. If it really is valid evidence, and a lot of it, then yes, I would. Because then, it would be obvious.

    9. If someone makes a mistake and is really embarrassed, do you tease him about it?
    C. No. He’s already humiliated enough; I don’t need to make it worse.

    10. When you schedule a get-together with someone, even an informal one, is it important to keep it at the time you agreed on?
    A. No, especially not if it’s informal. Circumstances change…needs change…my friends need to accept that they need to be flexible.

    11. If two of your friends became enemies, what would you do?
    B. If one of them was a real ass, I might distance myself from them, but since they are both my friends, I wouldn’t want to just end my relationships with either of them. I’d still be friendly to both of them.

    12. Is empathy important?
    B. Yes, it’s very important.

    13. What quadra are you in?
    C. Delta

    Tell me your socionics, enneagram, and MBTI type, if you know them.
    EII-Ne-H, 9w1 sp/sx (946), INFP

    Tell me your age or age range if you are comfortable with doing so.

    1. What do you think about spiritual beliefs (atheism vs. theism, religious vs. irreligious, etc)?
    B. Your beliefs are your business.

    2. Do you believe in a higher power (if you identify as, for example, and “agnostic atheist”, choose one)?
    C. I’m primarily an atheist.

    3. Do you support GLBTQ people?
    C. I rigorously support homosexuals, bisexuals, asexuals, transgenders, bigenders, AND agenders!

    4. Do you support polyamory?
    A & B

    5. Do you support consensual incest?
    A & B

    6. What do you think about prostitution?
    N/a, probably closest to C

    7. What do you think about your race?
    B & C ish

    8. Do you use drugs to get high?
    B. The consequences of drugs far outweigh their advantages.

    9. What do you think of abortion?
    C. It’s the mother’s choice. It’s not anyone’s business to tell a woman she needs to keep something that is not self-aware alive.

  4. #4
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    I think you messed up a bit with your wording on #8 in Part One...Also, #10 was a bit vague, like you left out a word or two.

    Anyway, my answers:

    Part 1

    1. B
    2. B
    3. B
    4. B
    5. B
    6. B
    7. Other
    8. B
    9. C
    10. C
    11. A
    12. B
    13. C

    Part 2

    1. Somewhere between A and B. I mean, I'd never get into a "holy war" or anything to force my beliefs onto people; but I do believe the world would be a better place if more people shared my beliefs and religious values. But others are welcome to believe differently.
    2. A
    3. B
    4. A, B, or C depending on the situation. It's complicated.
    5. Mostly B. But there might be rare situations where it's unavoidable/necessary.
    6. mostly B. But if I were desperate to take care of my kids and there was absolutely no other option, I can't say I wouldn't do it; though, to have no other option really seems pretty unlikely to me.
    7. B. I appreciate the beauty and diversity of other races; I wouldn't want to see us all just become exactly the same, kwim?
    8. B
    9. B. With a fix: [i]If it would make the mother miserable, such as it being the result of rape, or it threatened her life, then it’s okay. Otherwise, she should have the baby." (Keep it or give it up for adoption)
    My life's work (haha):
    Input, PLEASEAnd thank you

  5. #5
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pianosinger View Post
    7. B. I appreciate the beauty and diversity of other races; I wouldn't want to see us all just become exactly the same, kwim?
    lol wink wink nudge nudge

  6. #6
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    My instinct is to spam the thread with "DEPENDS ON THE CONTEXT HURP DURP" but I'll play along.

    1. What do you do about controversial topics?
    B. I’ll take them as they come along. But I don’t like going out of my way to learn about them because they take up a lot of time.

    2. Could your life be much worse?
    C. Oh, absolutely! My life could always be much worse!
    But without all the exclamation points.

    3. You don’t get into your dream college and instead settle for your second choice. Are you bummed?
    B. Yeah, I’m bummed. But I’m glad I still get to go to a school I like.

    4. Your friend is complaining about having an income that makes her lower-class. Your income, though, is below poverty level. Do you feel bad for her?
    A. She has no right to complain. I’m the one with a right to complain!

    5. If your best friend told you he had magical powers, is there any chance that you would believe him?
    A. Ummm, no. Magic doesn’t exist (in the conventional sense of the word).

    6. When you get into a fight with a friend, what do you do?
    It really depends on how good of a friend they are. If they're someone I truly care about then I'll definitely want to work it out. Else, I'll probably just let it fall by the wayside unless it's brought up.

    7. Does everyone deserve love and affection?
    Can I just answer 'no'?

    8. A friend of your husband’s gives you a boatload of valid evidence that your boyfriend is cheating on you. Do you believe him?
    C. If it really is valid evidence, and a lot of it, then yes, I would. Because then, it would be obvious.

    9. If someone makes a mistake and is really embarrassed, do you tease him about it?
    C. No. He’s already humiliated enough; I don’t need to make it worse.

    10. When you schedule a get-together with someone, even an informal one, is it important to keep it at the time you agreed on?
    Depends on how much time in advance they give me to say that plans have changed, and how far back the plans have been pushed.

    11. If two of your friends became enemies, what would you do?
    A. What do you mean what would I do? This is between them, not me and them. I can still be friends with both of them.
    C just confuses me. How do you consciously stop being friends with someone?

    12. Is empathy important?
    B. Yes, it’s very important.

    13. What quadra are you in?
    lol why are alpha and gamma glued together?

    Tell me your socionics, enneagram, etc etc
    Fi-ENFp (N, whatever that means lol) 6w5 sx/sp INFP (I guess)

  7. #7
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    oh hey more!

    1. What do you think about spiritual beliefs (atheism vs. theism, religious vs. irreligious, etc)?
    B. Your beliefs are your business.

    2. Do you believe in a higher power (if you identify as, for example, and “agnostic atheist”, choose one)?
    B. I’m primarily an agonstic.

    3. Do you support GLBTQ people?
    C. I rigorously support homosexuals, bisexuals, asexuals, transgenders, bigenders, AND agenders!
    Rigorously! With rigor!

    4. Do you support polyamory?
    B. It’s not really my place to say polyamorous people shouldn’t be polyamorous.

    5. Do you support consensual incest?
    C. Yes, I support them and am willing to defend them.

    6. What do you think about prostitution?
    A. It’s perfectly fine. People need to get over themselves. People aren’t automatically doomed if they enter prostitution. I wouldn’t have a problem with my friends or family becoming or paying prostitutes.
    Well, I mean I wouldn't say it's "perfectly fine," in the same sense that being an accountant isn't "perfectly fine" for everybody out there.

    7. What do you think about your race?
    B. It’s…a race?

    8. Do you use drugs to get high?
    C. I may or may not, but I definitely don’t need drugs to have fun. I’m not a drag.

    9. What do you think of abortion?
    C. It’s the mother’s choice. It’s not anyone’s business to tell a woman she needs to keep something that is not self-aware alive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by laghlagh
    ooh, interesting.
    It is? Lol.

    "We’d be friends. We could hang out together, but there would be major tension if we tried to get closer."

    EII vs. EII
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    Quote Originally Posted by pianosinger View Post
    I think you messed up a bit with your wording on #8 in Part One...Also, #10 was a bit vague, like you left out a word or two.
    Heh, thanks for the concern, but I don't really care about the wording because this is just a quick little thing.

    "We’d be awkward acquaintances, but we would just barely tolerate each other. Let’s not become online buddies."

    IEE vs. EII

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    My answers are as follow:

    1. What do you do about controversial topics?
    B. I’ll take them as they come along. But I don’t like going out of my way to learn about them because they’re confusing/depressing/take up a lot of time.

    2. Could your life be much worse?
    B. Well, sure, it could always be worse.

    3. You don’t get into your dream college and instead settle for your second choice. Are you bummed?
    B. Yeah, I’m bummed. But I’m glad I still get to go to a school I like.

    4. Your friend is complaining about having an income that makes her lower-class. Your income, though, is below poverty level. Do you feel bad for her?
    B. I can relate, considering we’re both poor, but I do feel pangs of jealousy.

    5. If your best friend told you he had magical powers, is there any chance that you would believe him?.
    B. He’d have to have pretty damn good proof.

    6. When you get into a fight with a friend, what do you do?
    A. Depends on what they did. If they did something really hurtful, I’d probably give them the silent treatment or trip them while passing by.

    7. Does everyone deserve love and affection?
    A. The greater integrity you have, the more you deserve love. The less integrity you have, the more you deserve being hit on the head with a frying pan.

    8. A friend of your husband’s gives you a boatload of valid evidence that your boyfriend is cheating on you. Do you believe him?
    B. I’d get suspicious, but I’d have to have more evidence to be sure.

    9. If someone makes a mistake and is really embarrassed, do you tease him about it?
    B. I might make a light joke for the lulz but then let it go.

    10. When you schedule a get-together with someone, even an informal one, is it important to keep it at the time you agreed on?
    C. If it’s super informal, no, but otherwise, yes. I respect people’s time, and they need to respect mine.

    11. If two of your friends became enemies, what would you do?
    A. What do you mean what would I do? This is between them, not me and them. I can still be friends with both of them.

    12. Is empathy important?
    B. Yes, it’s very important.

    13. What quadra are you in?
    C. Delta

    INFj / 4w3 / INFP

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    Answers to optional questions:

    1. What do you think about spiritual beliefs (atheism vs. theism, religious vs. irreligious, etc)?
    C. Spirituality is too subjective. No beliefs are right, and none are wrong.

    2. Do you believe in a higher power (if you identify as, for example, and “agnostic atheist”, choose one)?
    B. I’m primarily an agonstic.

    3. Do you support GLBTQ people?
    C. I rigorously support homosexuals, bisexuals, asexuals, transgenders, bigenders, AND agenders!

    4. Do you support polyamory?
    B. It’s not really my place to say polyamorous people shouldn’t be polyamorous.

    5. Do you support consensual incest?
    A. No, it’s gross/immoral/unnatural/wrong/stupid.

    6. What do you think about prostitution?
    C. People with high self-esteem don’t have a bad experience with prostitution. The problem is that a lot of prostitutes already have low self-esteem and so they think it’s alright for them to be pushed around. People think prostitutes are all smiley, happy, pleasure-seeking people and they’re just wrong.

    7. What do you think about your race?
    B. It’s…a race?

    8. Do you use drugs to get high?
    B. The consequences of drugs far outweigh their advantages.

    9. What do you think of abortion?
    B. If it would make the mother miserable, such as it being the result of rape, or it would cause her to be deep in debt, then it’s okay. Otherwise, she should keep the baby.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Random Ness View Post
    "We’d be awkward acquaintances, but we would just barely tolerate each other. Let’s not become online buddies."

    IEE vs. EII
    I get along with pretty much all of the INFjs I know, online or not.

  13. #13
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    1. What do you do about controversial topics?

    B. I’ll take them as they come along. But I don’t like going out of my way to learn about them because they’re confusing/depressing/take up a lot of time.
    C. I like to research, decide where I stand, and actively support causes.

    2. Could your life be much worse?
    A. My life sucks. A lot. It couldn’t be much worse.
    B. Well, sure, it could always be worse.
    C. Oh, absolutely! My life could always be much worse!

    3. You don’t get into your dream college and instead settle for your second choice. Are you bummed?
    A. Absolutely! This is the PITS!
    B. Yeah, I’m bummed. But I’m glad I still get to go to a school I like.
    C. Some. But good god, at least I can get an education! That’s more than a lot of people can say!

    4. Your friend is complaining about having an income that makes her lower-class. Your income, though, is below poverty level. Do you feel bad for her?
    A. She has no right to complain. I’m the one with a right to complain!
    B. I can relate, considering we’re both poor, but I do feel pangs of jealousy.
    C. Providing she is aware that I’m even poorer than her and she feels bad for me, hell yeah I feel bad for her! We’re both suffering here!
    none of the above, I'd be annoyed that she is an elitist regardless of her income

    5. If your best friend told you he had magical powers, is there any chance that you would believe him?
    A. Ummm, no. Magic doesn’t exist.
    B. He’d have to have pretty damn good proof.
    C. Providing he had good evidence, absolutely!

    6. When you get into a fight with a friend, what do you do?
    A. Depends on what they did. If they did something really hurtful, I’d probably give them the silent treatment or trip them while passing by.
    B. If it’s not necessary, I wouldn’t really want to talk about it and would rather pretend it didn’t happen.
    C. As long as they didn’t do something just plain evil (like raping me), I’d be ready and willing to work out our problems and come to an understanding, even if that understanding is to stop being friends.

    7. Does everyone deserve love and affection?
    A. The greater integrity you have, the more you deserve love. The less integrity you have, the more you deserve being hit on the head with a frying pan.
    B. Yes. Well, except murderers and rapists, who deserve nothing less than being ass-raped in jail.
    C. Yes. As long as people aren’t sociopaths are psychopaths, which means there is no hope for them, everyone NEEDS love and affection. Though they need to be handled with caution (and preferably bound up), murderers and rapists especially need love because they’re only lashing out because they’re in pain.
    none of the above. I believe everyone deserves to be treated by the content of their character and should be shown a degree of humanity regardless if you like them or not. "Love" is reserved for people you actually love, IMO

    8. A friend of your husband’s gives you a boatload of valid evidence that your boyfriend is cheating on you. Do you believe him?
    A. No. I know my husband, and he wouldn’t do that. I’d have to physically see him cheat.
    B. I’d get suspicious, but I’d have to have more evidence to be sure.
    C. If it really is valid evidence, and a lot of it, then yes, I would. Because then, it would be obvious.

    9. If someone makes a mistake and is really embarrassed, do you tease him about it?
    A. Yes. He deserves it for being a dumbass.
    B. I might make a light joke for the lulz but then let it go.
    C. No. He’s already humiliated enough; I don’t need to make it worse.

    10. When you schedule a get-together with someone, even an informal one, is it important to keep it at the time you agreed on?
    A. No, especially not if it’s informal. Circumstances change…needs change…my friends need to accept that they need to be flexible.
    B. I’d feel bad, but I wouldn’t feel bad enough to not change it. Especially if it’s informal.
    C. If it’s super informal, no, but otherwise, yes. I respect people’s time, and they need to respect mine.

    11. If two of your friends became enemies, what would you do?
    A. What do you mean what would I do? This is between them, not me and them. I can still be friends with both of them.
    B. If one of them was a real ass, I might distance myself from them, but since they are both my friends, I wouldn’t want to just end my relationships with either of them. I’d still be friendly to both of them.
    C. There’s no way I’m going to be a ragdoll between two warring sides. I want to know what happened and which one is the bitch. If they won’t tell me what happened, too bad for them, I’ll still be friends with both of them, and they can hate that I’d do that. If they’re both bitches, I’ll save myself from the possibility of being a victim, too, and end my friendships with them.

    12. Is empathy important?
    A. It gets in the way much too often. People shouldn’t be so sentimental.
    B. Yes, it’s very important.
    C. Empathy is what makes us human. It glues society together. It’s the most important emotion.

    13. What quadra are you in?
    A. Beta
    B. Alpha or Gamma
    C. Delta

    Tell me your socionics, enneagram, and MBTI type, if you know them.
    EII-(Fi?), INFJ>INTP, 4w5 or 9w1

    Tell me your age or age range if you are comfortable with doing so.

    1. What do you think about spiritual beliefs (atheism vs. theism, religious vs. irreligious, etc)?
    A. My spiritual beliefs are the right ones. Everyone should have my beliefs.
    B. Your beliefs are your business.
    C. Spirituality is too subjective. No beliefs are right, and none are wrong.

    2. Do you believe in a higher power (if you identify as, for example, and “agnostic atheist”, choose one)?
    A. I’m primarily a theist.
    B. I’m primarily an agonstic.
    C. I’m primarily an atheist.

    3. Do you support GLBTQ people?
    A. No, they’re gross/immoral/unnatural/wrong/confused.
    B. I do not support at least one of the types of people listed below.
    C. I rigorously support homosexuals, bisexuals, asexuals, transgenders, bigenders, AND agenders!

    4. Do you support polyamory?
    A. No, it’s gross/immoral/unnatural/wrong/stupid to have multiple partners, even if it’s consensual.
    B. It’s not really my place to say polyamorous people shouldn’t be polyamorous.
    C. Yes, I support them and am willing to defend them.

    5. Do you support consensual incest?
    A. No, it’s gross/immoral/unnatural/wrong/stupid.
    B. I wouldn’t want my friends or family being involved in it, but there are worse things in the world.
    C. Yes, I support them and am willing to defend them.

    6. What do you think about prostitution?
    A. It’s perfectly fine. People need to get over themselves. People aren’t automatically doomed if they enter prostitution. I wouldn’t have a problem with my friends or family becoming or paying prostitutes.
    B. It’s immoral to trade your body for money.
    C. People with high self-esteem don’t have a bad experience with prostitution. The problem is that a lot of prostitutes already have low self-esteem and so they think it’s alright for them to be pushed around. People think prostitutes are all smiley, happy, pleasure-seeking people and they’re just wrong.
    I'm fine with it so long it's done safely, meaning no sex trafficking and the workers have rights

    7. What do you think about your race?
    A. My race is better than others. It’s not racism if it’s true.
    B. It’s…a race?
    C. Racism is illogical, as well as cold. All the races are equal, and I am willing to defend other races.

    8. Do you use drugs to get high?
    A. Hell yes. Drugs make things more fun. It’s simple science.
    B. The consequences of drugs far outweigh their advantages.
    C. I may or may not, but I definitely don’t need drugs to have fun. I’m not a drag.

    9. What do you think of abortion?
    A. It’s basically killing babies. It definitely shouldn’t be done.
    B. If it would make the mother miserable, such as it being the result of rape, or it would cause her to be deep in debt, then it’s okay. Otherwise, she should keep the baby.
    C. It’s the mother’s choice. It’s not anyone’s business to tell a woman she needs to keep something that is not self-aware alive.
    I think it's more complicated than this, but all in all I'm pro-choice
    EII INFj
    Forum status: retired

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    I can't help but noticed that the people who have responded to the survey so far are all Delta NF types.

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    What people tend to not understand about me with these kinds of questions is, my morals are subjective. I don't really care if what you do or believe is different from what I do, but there are "laws" of course. So I'm trying to tone down the intensity of some of these answers, because quite frankly I don't really care about most of this stuff, it doesn't really define who I am, yet may define others' opinion of me. They mostly seem like other people's problems they get themselves wrapped into and labels which are questioned and obsessed over, which I try to avoid and just live my own life. Call me ignorant.

    So anyway, in case you want to know something about me or something? Idk.


    1. What do you do about controversial topics?
    A. I don’t really think about them. They’re too confusing/depressing/take up a lot of time.
    B. I’ll take them as they come along. But I don’t like going out of my way to learn about them because they’re confusing/depressing/take up a lot of time.
    C. I like to research, decide where I stand, and actively support causes.

    2. Could your life be much worse?
    A. My life sucks. A lot. It couldn’t be much worse.
    B. Well, sure, it could always be worse.
    C. Oh, absolutely! My life could always be much worse!

    3. You don’t get into your dream college and instead settle for your second choice. Are you bummed?
    A. Absolutely! This is the PITS!
    B. Yeah, I’m bummed. But I’m glad I still get to go to a school I like.
    C. Some. But good god, at least I can get an education! That’s more than a lot of people can say!

    4. Your friend is complaining about having an income that makes her lower-class. Your income, though, is below poverty level. Do you feel bad for her?
    A. She has no right to complain. I’m the one with a right to complain!
    B. I can relate, considering we’re both poor, but I do feel pangs of jealousy.
    C. Providing she is aware that I’m even poorer than her and she feels bad for me, hell yeah I feel bad for her! We’re both suffering here!

    5. If your best friend told you he had magical powers, is there any chance that you would believe him?
    A. Ummm, no. Magic doesn’t exist.
    B. He’d have to have pretty damn good proof.
    C. Providing he had good evidence, absolutely!
    D. askdjhsakfj

    6. When you get into a fight with a friend, what do you do?
    A. Depends on what they did. If they did something really hurtful, I’d probably give them the silent treatment or trip them while passing by.
    B. If it’s not necessary, I wouldn’t really want to talk about it and would rather pretend it didn’t happen.
    C. As long as they didn’t do something just plain evil (like raping me), I’d be ready and willing to work out our problems and come to an understanding, even if that understanding is to stop being friends.

    7. Does everyone deserve love and affection?
    A. The greater integrity you have, the more you deserve love. The less integrity you have, the more you deserve being hit on the head with a frying pan.
    B. Yes. Well, except murderers and rapists, who deserve nothing less than being ass-raped in jail.
    C. Yes. As long as people aren’t sociopaths are psychopaths, which means there is no hope for them, everyone NEEDS love and affection. Though they need to be handled with caution (and preferably bound up), murderers and rapists especially need love because they’re only lashing out because they’re in pain.

    8. A friend of your husband’s gives you a boatload of valid evidence that your boyfriend is cheating on you. Do you believe him?
    A. No. I know my husband, and he wouldn’t do that. I’d have to physically see him cheat.
    B. I’d get suspicious, but I’d have to have more evidence to be sure.
    C. If it really is valid evidence, and a lot of it, then yes, I would. Because then, it would be obvious.
    D. I'm not gay.

    9. If someone makes a mistake and is really embarrassed, do you tease him about it?
    A. Yes. He deserves it for being a dumbass.
    B. I might make a light joke for the lulz but then let it go.
    C. No. He’s already humiliated enough; I don’t need to make it worse.

    10. When you schedule a get-together with someone, even an informal one, is it important to keep it at the time you agreed on?
    A. No, especially not if it’s informal. Circumstances change…needs change…my friends need to accept that they need to be flexible.
    B. I’d feel bad, but I wouldn’t feel bad enough to not change it. Especially if it’s informal.
    C. If it’s super informal, no, but otherwise, yes. I respect people’s time, and they need to respect mine.

    11. If two of your friends became enemies, what would you do?
    A. What do you mean what would I do? This is between them, not me and them. I can still be friends with both of them.
    B. If one of them was a real ass, I might distance myself from them, but since they are both my friends, I wouldn’t want to just end my relationships with either of them. I’d still be friendly to both of them.
    C. There’s no way I’m going to be a ragdoll between two warring sides. I want to know what happened and which one is the bitch. If they won’t tell me what happened, too bad for them, I’ll still be friends with both of them, and they can hate that I’d do that. If they’re both bitches, I’ll save myself from the possibility of being a victim, too, and end my friendships with them.
    D. Idk, whatever.

    12. Is empathy important?
    A. It gets in the way much too often. People shouldn’t be so sentimental.
    B. Yes, it’s very important.
    C. Empathy is what makes us human. It glues society together. It’s the most important emotion.

    13. What quadra are you in?
    A. Beta
    B. Alpha or Gamma
    C. Delta

    Tell me your socionics, enneagram, and MBTI type, if you know them.
    INFj, 4?, INXP

    Tell me your age or age range if you are comfortable with doing so.

    1. What do you think about spiritual beliefs (atheism vs. theism, religious vs. irreligious, etc)?
    A. My spiritual beliefs are the right ones. Everyone should have my beliefs.
    B. Your beliefs are your business.
    C. Spirituality is too subjective. No beliefs are right, and none are wrong.

    2. Do you believe in a higher power (if you identify as, for example, and “agnostic atheist”, choose one)?
    A. I’m primarily a theist.
    B. I’m primarily an agonstic.
    C. I’m primarily an atheist.

    3. Do you support GLBTQ people?
    A. No, they’re gross/immoral/unnatural/wrong/confused.
    B. I do not support at least one of the types of people listed below.
    C. I rigorously support homosexuals, bisexuals, asexuals, transgenders, bigenders, AND agenders!
    D. Sure

    4. Do you support polyamory?
    A. No, it’s gross/immoral/unnatural/wrong/stupid to have multiple partners, even if it’s consensual.
    B. It’s not really my place to say polyamorous people shouldn’t be polyamorous.
    C. Yes, I support them and am willing to defend them.
    D. It doesn't really come up in my daily life, so no.

    5. Do you support consensual incest?
    A. No, it’s gross/immoral/unnatural/wrong/stupid.
    B. I wouldn’t want my friends or family being involved in it, but there are worse things in the world.
    C. Yes, I support them and am willing to defend them.

    6. What do you think about prostitution?
    A. It’s perfectly fine. People need to get over themselves. People aren’t automatically doomed if they enter prostitution. I wouldn’t have a problem with my friends or family becoming or paying prostitutes.
    B. It’s immoral to trade your body for money.
    C. People with high self-esteem don’t have a bad experience with prostitution. The problem is that a lot of prostitutes already have low self-esteem and so they think it’s alright for them to be pushed around. People think prostitutes are all smiley, happy, pleasure-seeking people and they’re just wrong.

    7. What do you think about your race?
    A. My race is better than others. It’s not racism if it’s true.
    B. It’s…a race?
    C. Racism is illogical, as well as cold. All the races are equal, and I am willing to defend other races.

    8. Do you use drugs to get high?
    A. Hell yes. Drugs make things more fun. It’s simple science.
    B. The consequences of drugs far outweigh their advantages.
    C. I may or may not, but I definitely don’t need drugs to have fun. I’m not a drag.

    9. What do you think of abortion?
    A. It’s basically killing babies. It definitely shouldn’t be done.
    B. If it would make the mother miserable, such as it being the result of rape, or it would cause her to be deep in debt, then it’s okay. Otherwise, she should keep the baby.
    C. It’s the mother’s choice. It’s not anyone’s business to tell a woman she needs to keep something that is not self-aware alive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Random Ness View Post
    1. What do you do about controversial topics?
    C. I like to research, decide where I stand, and actively support causes and argue for sport. Many ideas that are "controversial" ought not be and are regarded as such because of weak knees, weak minds, and weak stomachs.

    2. Could your life be much worse?
    B. Well, sure, it could always be worse. Or better. Silly question.

    3. You don’t get into your dream college and instead settle for your second choice. Are you bummed?
    C. Some. But good god, at least I can get an education! That’s more than a lot of people can say! And real life provides equal or better instruction than that found in a classroom.

    4. Your friend is complaining about having an income that makes her lower-class. Your income, though, is below poverty level. Do you feel bad for her?
    D. Who cares. If either of us valued money more we'd assume the necessary sacrifices and risks to acquire more money.

    5. If your best friend told you he had magical powers, is there any chance that you would believe him?
    B. He’d have to have pretty damn good proof.

    6. When you get into a fight with a friend, what do you do?
    D. Argue openly. If the dispute reveals said friend to be unworthy of continued association, so be it. If better understanding and compromise are reached then all the better.

    7. Does everyone deserve love and affection?
    D. That's contingent on exactly the sort of love and affection you mean, and from whom. Generally speaking, not unless it's earned, but that doesn't mean one ought to walk around trampling people at will without sufficient justification either.

    8. A friend of your husband’s gives you a boatload of valid evidence that your boyfriend is cheating on you. Do you believe him?
    D. If by husband you mean wife and by boyfriend you mean girlfriend then I'd already be a philanderer myself and so I'd regard that my mistress taking up with another lover would be my just desserts.

    9. If someone makes a mistake and is really embarrassed, do you tease him about it?
    D. It depends on whether I like the person or not and what professional or other situational considerations must be paid heed before taking action.

    10. When you schedule a get-together with someone, even an informal one, is it important to keep it at the time you agreed on?
    C. If it’s super informal, no, but otherwise, yes. I respect people’s time, and they need to respect mine. Calling or emailing to inform the other party of tardiness is easy and proper.

    11. If two of your friends became enemies, what would you do?
    A. What do you mean what would I do? This is between them, not me and them. I can still be friends with both of them unless certain lines are crossed, and then I'll probably turn on the transgressor myself.

    12. Is empathy important?
    A. It gets in the way much too often. People shouldn’t be so sentimental.
    B. Yes, it’s very important.

    13. What quadra are you in?
    B. Alpha or Gamma

    Tell me your socionics, enneagram, and MBTI type, if you know them.
    ILI | 5w4-sx/sp | INTP

    Tell me your age or age range if you are comfortable with doing so.
    Old enough to find these pat and loaded answers annoying.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Random Ness View Post
    Do you value what I do? Would we get along IRL? Is it type related? Let's find out!

    You tell me your answers, I tell you your score.

    1. What do you do about controversial topics?
    A. I don’t really think about them. They’re too confusing/depressing/take up a lot of time.

    I hate to admit not being much of an activist, but this is true more often than not. Then again, it depends on the meaning of controversial.

    2. Could your life be much worse?
    C. Oh, absolutely! My life could always be much worse!

    I could be an Iranian woman, disfigured, blinded, and traumatized by having acid poured on my face.

    3. You don’t get into your dream college and instead settle for your second choice. Are you bummed?
    C. Some. But good god, at least I can get an education! That’s more than a lot of people can say!

    I mostly self-educate anyways.

    4. Your friend is complaining about having an income that makes her lower-class. Your income, though, is below poverty level. Do you feel bad for her?
    C. Providing she is aware that I’m even poorer than her and she feels bad for me, hell yeah I feel bad for her! We’re both suffering here!

    I don't really find my position all that relevant in these kind of situations.

    5. If your best friend told you he had magical powers, is there any chance that you would believe him?
    B. He’d have to have pretty damn good proof.

    No one ever believes me either.

    6. When you get into a fight with a friend, what do you do?
    C. As long as they didn’t do something just plain evil (like raping me), I’d be ready and willing to work out our problems and come to an understanding, even if that understanding is to stop being friends.

    I do not like silent treatment. I prefer to come to a conclusion as soon as possible.. even anger -the fight itself - is a means to that.

    7. Does everyone deserve love and affection?
    C. Yes. As long as people aren’t sociopaths are psychopaths, which means there is no hope for them, everyone NEEDS love and affection. Though they need to be handled with caution (and preferably bound up), murderers and rapists especially need love because they’re only lashing out because they’re in pain.

    Yes, but it's not my job to buddy-up with them either. I wouldn't call it affection exactly. Just an awareness that some could redeem themselves slowly. And if they're harmful to society or a group as a whole, and the immediate context requires choosing the safety of one over the other, I'm obviously going to stand for the victims.. I'm not going to be so idealistic to warp the perpretrators into being some kind of oppressed underdogs. They might need to be killed off, if you're actually forced to choose.

    8. A friend of your husband’s gives you a boatload of valid evidence that your boyfriend is cheating on you. Do you believe him?
    C. If it really is valid evidence, and a lot of it, then yes, I would. Because then, it would be obvious.

    I don't see why I'd question that. The important question to me would be why they did that, and can it still work out.

    9. If someone makes a mistake and is really embarrassed, do you tease him about it?
    B. I might make a light joke for the lulz but then let it go.


    10. When you schedule a get-together with someone, even an informal one, is it important to keep it at the time you agreed on?
    B. I’d feel bad, but I wouldn’t feel bad enough to not change it. Especially if it’s informal.

    11. If two of your friends became enemies, what would you do?
    A. What do you mean what would I do? This is between them, not me and them. I can still be friends with both of them.

    12. Is empathy important?
    C. Empathy is what makes us human. It glues society together. It’s the most important emotion.

    13. What quadra are you in?
    A. Beta


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    Quote Originally Posted by Random Ness View Post
    1. What do you think about spiritual beliefs (atheism vs. theism, religious vs. irreligious, etc)?
    D. Spirituality and religion are interesting as psycho-social-linguistic phenomena. Whether their truth value extends beyond the allegorical, or their utility beyond the mundane, is a matter of conjecture.

    2. Do you believe in a higher power (if you identify as, for example, and “agnostic atheist”, choose one)?
    B. I’m primarily an agonstic but sometimes lean toward a Spinozan form of deism when I'm of a mind to treat the supramundane as potentially real. At the same time I'm usually a knee-jerk anti-religionist, especially regarding the enslaving Abrahamic faiths.

    3. Do you support GLBTQ people?
    D. Do what you like in your bedroom provided it doesn't involve me. I'm not interested in seeing heterosexual PDA either. I'm not sure why anyone would want to be married but I see no reason to deny its legal or emotional benefits, such that they are, to homosexualists and transformers.

    4. Do you support polyamory?
    D. See #3.

    5. Do you support consensual incest?
    A. No, it’s gross/immoral/unnatural/wrong/stupid. This isn't ancient Egypt.

    6. What do you think about prostitution?
    D. It's bound to occur with or without explicit consent from the law and might as well be regulated like any other profession or industry.

    7. What do you think about your race?
    D. Stereotypes are fun for making risque jokes and usually have a grain of truth to them but aren't universally applicable to all members of a given group, nor are the negative traits lampooned thereby and therein impervious to change. Though there's definite personal resonance with my ancestral heritage I understand that this response is largely irrational and thus is no basis for arrogating pride of place for myself above others.

    8. Do you use drugs to get high?
    A. Hellyes.Drugs make things more fun. It’s simple science.

    9. What do you think of abortion?
    C. It’s the mother’s choice. It’s not anyone’s business to tell a woman she needs to keep something that is not self-aware alive.

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    1. What do you do about controversial topics?
    C. I like to research, decide where I stand, and actively support causes.
    B. I’ll take them as they come along. But I don’t like going out of my way to learn about them because they’re confusing/depressing/take up a lot of time.

    C>B, though it depends on the topic.

    2. Could your life be much worse?
    B. Well, sure, it could always be worse.

    I always thought looking at things this way was really funny. I saw this poster at a veterinarian's with a picture of a dog in sunglasses that said, "Don't worry, it could be worse!" I wondered how bad things have to get before you're allowed to worry. Like, you have to literally be on fire or something before you're entitled to be upset.

    3. You don’t get into your dream college and instead settle for your second choice. Are you bummed?
    B. Yeah, I’m bummed. But I’m glad I still get to go to a school I like.

    4. Your friend is complaining about having an income that makes her lower-class. Your income, though, is below poverty level. Do you feel bad for her?
    B. I can relate, considering we’re both poor, but I do feel pangs of jealousy.

    5. If your best friend told you he had magical powers, is there any chance that you would believe him?
    B. He’d have to have pretty damn good proof.

    6. When you get into a fight with a friend, what do you do?
    C. As long as they didn’t do something just plain evil (like raping me), I’d be ready and willing to work out our problems and come to an understanding, even if that understanding is to stop being friends.

    7. Does everyone deserve love and affection?
    The wording--"deserve"--kind of rubs me the wrong way. I don't know. I'd say people deserve to be treated with decency/humanity/basic respect. Love is pushing it.

    8. A friend of your husband’s gives you a boatload of valid evidence that your boyfriend is cheating on you. Do you believe him?
    C. If it really is valid evidence, and a lot of it, then yes, I would. Because then, it would be obvious.

    9. If someone makes a mistake and is really embarrassed, do you tease him about it?
    C. No. He’s already humiliated enough; I don’t need to make it worse.

    Sometimes B, but we have to be relatively close and I need good reason to think I can actually make them laugh about it.

    10. When you schedule a get-together with someone, even an informal one, is it important to keep it at the time you agreed on?
    A. No, especially not if it’s informal. Circumstances change…needs change…my friends need to accept that they need to be flexible.

    11. If two of your friends became enemies, what would you do?
    B. If one of them was a real ass, I might distance myself from them, but since they are both my friends, I wouldn’t want to just end my relationships with either of them. I’d still be friendly to both of them.

    12. Is empathy important?
    B. Yes, it’s very important.

    The sentiment of C is nice, but I don't agree that it's what makes us human or holds society together.

    13. What quadra are you in?
    C. Delta

    Tell me your socionics, enneagram, and MBTI type, if you know them.
    INFj-Ne, 6w5 sx/so, INFJ

    Tell me your age or age range if you are comfortable with doing so.

    1. What do you think about spiritual beliefs (atheism vs. theism, religious vs. irreligious, etc)?
    B. Your beliefs are your business.

    2. Do you believe in a higher power (if you identify as, for example, and “agnostic atheist”, choose one)?
    C. I’m primarily an atheist.

    3. Do you support GLBTQ people?
    C. I rigorously support homosexuals, bisexuals, asexuals, transgenders, bigenders, AND agenders!

    4. Do you support polyamory?
    B. It’s not really my place to say polyamorous people shouldn’t be polyamorous.
    C. Yes, I support them and am willing to defend them.

    I question the happiness and healthiness of most of these relationships, but I ultimately don't care.

    5. Do you support consensual incest?
    A. No, it’s gross/immoral/unnatural/wrong/stupid.

    6. What do you think about prostitution?
    None of the above. Again, I question the happiness and healthiness of the prostitutes. But I think it should be legal.

    7. What do you think about your race?
    C. Racism is illogical, as well as cold. All the races are equal, and I am willing to defend other races.

    8. Do you use drugs to get high?
    B. The consequences of drugs far outweigh their advantages.

    9. What do you think of abortion?
    C. It’s the mother’s choice. It’s not anyone’s business to tell a woman she needs to keep something that is not self-aware alive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Random Ness View Post
    Do you value what I do? Would we get along IRL? Is it type related? Let's find out!

    You tell me your answers, I tell you your score.
    I utterly despise the DemocRat/left wing value system, and view most of the "right wing" Republican ones with mild contempt. The whole current way of "thinking" - or more precisely confused and confusing concepts and values arising partly from a lack of thinking - is simply too muddled to be even dignified with the word "wrong".

    So the chances that we'd get along IRL are pretty slim if difference in value system is an important factor in a negative direction.

    Part 1


    8 Doesn't apply, I'm a dude.



    ILI, 5w4, INTP

    Part 2

    1A and B.
    3A,B and C.

    4Mostly A, partly B, to a small extent C.
    5Mostly A.
    6 Mostly B.

    7 A,B,C about equally.

    9Mostly A, partly B, for sure not C.
    Greetings, ragnar
    ILI knowledge-seeker

  21. #21


    No offense, but I hate wasting my time on quizzes like this. Answering silly questions, just to get an answer which usually isn't true, how I won't get along with someone. I believe anyone can get along with anyone if they try. Socionics is about improving intertype relations, not categorizing opinions/types like this quiz does into incompatible little boxes.

    And as a disclaimer, cause I feel it being said already 'ooh maybe that's typical of YOUR type!'....... I don't know if it's typical of anything, but I'm just saying that it's MY opinion.

    As another disclaimer, I feel it being said already, 'MD, of course nobody takes this quiz seriously. It's just to have fun'. I know. But you'd be surprised how little things like this affect your overall thinking, and how it builds a habit of getting caught up in categorizing people and setting up unnecessary boundaries.

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    I'd have altered a lot more of these responses, but I'll try to keep it simple for you.

    1. What do you do about controversial topics?
    C. I like to research, decide where I stand, and actively support causes. (But only those personally relevant to me.)

    2. Could your life be much worse?
    B. Well, sure, it could always be worse.

    3. You don’t get into your dream college and instead settle for your second choice. Are you bummed?
    D. College in America is quickly becoming an overglorified gatekeeper - I don't have a "dream college". I haven't even decided what I would use college for.

    4. Your friend is complaining about having an income that makes her lower-class. Your income, though, is below poverty level. Do you feel bad for her?
    C. Providing she is aware that I’m even poorer than her and she feels bad for me, hell yeah I feel bad for her! We’re both suffering here!

    5. If your best friend told you he had magical powers, is there any chance that you would believe him?
    A. Ummm, no. Magic doesn’t exist.

    6. When you get into a fight with a friend, what do you do?
    C. As long as they didn’t do something just plain evil (like raping me), I’d be ready and willing to work out our problems and come to an understanding, even if that understanding is to stop being friends.

    7. Does everyone deserve love and affection?
    B. Yes. Well, except murderers and rapists, who deserve nothing less than being ass-raped in jail. (There are also lots and lots of people who just don't need themselves validated.)

    8. A friend of your husband’s gives you a boatload of valid evidence that your boyfriend is cheating on you. Do you believe him?
    C. If it really is valid evidence, and a lot of it, then yes, I would. Because then, it would be obvious.
    (Also, if a friend of your husband's is giving you evidence about your boyfriend, I think there's a second issue there.)

    9. If someone makes a mistake and is really embarrassed, do you tease him about it?
    C. No. He’s already humiliated enough; I don’t need to make it worse.

    10. When you schedule a get-together with someone, even an informal one, is it important to keep it at the time you agreed on?
    B. I’d feel bad, but I wouldn’t feel bad enough to not change it. Especially if it’s informal.

    11. If two of your friends became enemies, what would you do?
    B. If one of them was a real ass, I might distance myself from them, but since they are both my friends, I wouldn’t want to just end my relationships with either of them. I’d still be friendly to both of them.

    12. Is empathy important?
    B. Yes, it’s very important.

    13. What quadra are you in?
    B. Alpha or Gamma (I think.)

    Tell me your socionics, enneagram, and MBTI type, if you know them.
    As far as I can tell, LII/INTj, 5 with balanced wings (sp), and INTP, respectively.

    Tell me your age or age range if you are comfortable with doing so.

    1. What do you think about spiritual beliefs (atheism vs. theism, religious vs. irreligious, etc)?
    B. Your beliefs are your business. (But try to impose them on me at your own peril.)

    2. Do you believe in a higher power (if you identify as, for example, and “agnostic atheist”, choose one)?
    B. I’m primarily an agonstic. (Though I am extremely skeptical.)

    3. Do you support GLBTQ people?
    C. I rigorously support homosexuals, bisexuals, asexuals, transgenders, bigenders, AND agenders!

    4. Do you support polyamory?
    B. It’s not really my place to say polyamorous people shouldn’t be polyamorous.

    5. Do you support consensual incest?
    B. I wouldn’t want my friends or family being involved in it, but there are worse things in the world.

    6. What do you think about prostitution?
    A. It’s perfectly fine. People need to get over themselves. People aren’t automatically doomed if they enter prostitution. I wouldn’t have a problem with my friends or family becoming or paying prostitutes.

    7. What do you think about your race?
    C. Racism is illogical, as well as cold. All the races are equal, and I am willing to defend other races.

    8. Do you use drugs to get high?
    C. I may or may not, but I definitely don’t need drugs to have fun. I’m not a drag.

    9. What do you think of abortion?
    C. It’s the mother’s choice. It’s not anyone’s business to tell a woman she needs to keep something that is not self-aware alive.

  23. #23
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    1. What do you do about controversial topics?

    B. I’ll take them as they come along. But I don’t like going out of my way to learn about them because they take up a lot of time.

    2. Could your life be much worse?

    B. Well, sure, it could always be worse.

    (Objectively, my quality of life is lower than "good" or "average"; subjectively I've been living with said low quality I'm basically content.)

    3. You don’t get into your dream college and instead settle for your second choice. Are you bummed?

    B. Yeah, I’m bummed. But I’m glad I still get to go to a school I like.

    (This question is unrealistic. People internally produce artificial satisfaction with circumstances beyond their control. Paraplegics and lottery winners both feel similarly positively about their life-changing experiences.)

    4. Your friend is complaining about having an income that makes her lower-class. Your income, though, is below poverty level. Do you feel bad for her?

    C. Providing she is aware that I’m even poorer than her and she feels bad for me, hell yeah I feel bad for her! We’re both suffering here!

    5. If your best friend told you he had magical powers, is there any chance that you would believe him?

    B. He’d have to have pretty damn good proof.

    (Magic is not possible to the best of my knowledge. But I maintain a critical and discerning mind to the best of my ability. He'd have his work cut out proving his "magic" to me however. A critical mind is not an open mind.)

    6. When you get into a fight with a friend, what do you do?

    B. If it’s not necessary, I wouldn’t really want to talk about it and would rather pretend it didn’t happen.
    C. As long as they didn’t do something just plain evil (like raping me), I’d be ready and willing to work out our problems and come to an understanding, even if that understanding is to stop being friends.

    (Depends how bad. Almost all things are minor enough to just let go like water under the bridge. If someone is my "friend" they mean enough to me that I'd try to preserve the relationship however possible, even if that might mean letting them be angry at me for a while until they calm down, then sorting it out later. People who are my friends by default already would be amenable to reasoning and pacing through any problems.)

    7. Does everyone deserve love and affection?

    None. Nobody "deserves" love and affection. Everyone deserves respect, though, even if that's the bare minimum of polite deflection of people you don't want to know or deal with. Who the hell actually deals with rapists, murderers and psychopaths in real life? What sort of bizarre question is that?

    8. A friend of your husband’s gives you a boatload of valid evidence that your boyfriend is cheating on you. Do you believe him?

    C. If it really is valid evidence, and a lot of it, then yes, I would. Because then, it would be obvious.

    (I'd need time to come to grips with it, but I'm bad at holding to denial once my internal sense of truth and honesty catches up with my emotions again.)

    9. If someone makes a mistake and is really embarrassed, do you tease him about it?

    B. I might make a light joke for the lulz but then let it go.

    (I'd joke to lighten the situation. If I was making it worse I'd apologise. Depending on if it's a friend or not I might make it up to them with shouting them a dinner or some booze or something.)

    10. When you schedule a get-together with someone, even an informal one, is it important to keep it at the time you agreed on?

    B. I’d feel bad, but I wouldn’t feel bad enough to not change it. Especially if it’s informal.

    (Time is a state of mind.)

    11. If two of your friends became enemies, what would you do?

    C. There’s no way I’m going to be a ragdoll between two warring sides. I want to know what happened and which one is the bitch. If they won’t tell me what happened, too bad for them, I’ll still be friends with both of them, and they can hate that I’d do that. If they’re both bitches, I’ll save myself from the possibility of being a victim, too, and end my friendships with them.

    (Maybe a manswer, but I'd try and figure out why my mates were feuding so I could sort it out. I'm not "the Referee" for nothing. My friends earn my focus and attention by being my friends, and thus meaning enough to me that I'm willing to spend the mental effort figuring out what's up and fixing the problem.)

    12. Is empathy important?

    (What's with this question? How are you defining "empathy", how are you defining "important"?

    "Empathy" as "understanding and taking on other people's emotions": yes, for me it's important. But it also comes naturally to me. I think empathy is the first step on the journey to accepting and thus tolerating all sorts.)

    13. What quadra are you in?

    B. Alpha or Gamma

    Tell me your socionics, enneagram, and MBTI type, if you know them.

    Creative SEI. 9w8 sp/sx. Jungian ISTP, MBTI xNfP.

    Tell me your age or age range if you are comfortable with doing so.


    1. What do you think about spiritual beliefs (atheism vs. theism, religious vs. irreligious, etc)?

    C. Spirituality is too subjective. No beliefs are right, and none are wrong.

    (Some beliefs are more internally consistent than others, and thus superior. Some also have more personal therapeutic and ethical worth.)

    2. Do you believe in a higher power (if you identify as, for example, and “agnostic atheist”, choose one)?

    C. I’m primarily an atheist.

    (I'm a pantheist. My "God" is the harmonious unity of everything, but there's no singular deity--nor any pantheon of deities--I revere or anything.

    3. Do you support GLBTQ people?

    (I'm neutral. I am inclined philosophically against discrimination against GLBTQ, but I am inclined philosophically against all forms of discrimination and restriction on personal and greater freedom and equal opportunity.

    I'm not an active supporter of anything though.)

    4. Do you support polyamory?

    B. It’s not really my place to say polyamorous people shouldn’t be polyamorous.

    (Not "it's not my place", but I don't care enough to be an active supporter. Again with the personal freedom.)

    5. Do you support consensual incest?

    (I have reason to disagree with it being sensible. I'm neutral, though, and you should be too.)

    6. What do you think about prostitution?

    (I'm not well-informed enough on the issue to form an opinion.)

    7. What do you think about your race?

    B. It’s…a race?

    (I'm technically mixed-race. I've always self-identified as a "white" Australian just because my environment growing up was predominantly caucasian. FTR fellow Aussies of any other descent are still Aussies. I'm also a bit dark to be considered "white", I think.

    Race aside, I am very proud to be Australian. I feel there's a lot to be proud of, as much as there is a lot to be deeply ashamed of; provided that shame leads to apt repentance through remembrance. Present generations are only accountable for their forebears' to the extent of not letting the evils of the past be forgotten. To do so would be disrespectful to the wronged and their forebears.)

    8. Do you use drugs to get high?

    A. Hell yes. Drugs make things more fun. It’s simple science.

    (I drink. I have few compunctions about experimenting with other drugs, though. I trust my self-control.)

    9. What do you think of abortion?

    C. It’s the mother’s choice. It’s not anyone’s business to tell a woman she needs to keep something that is not self-aware alive.

    (The strongest extent of my opinion on the matter is that "pro-life" is a ridiculous concept. An embryo is not alive, a fetus is not yet a human. Equating abortion to murder is illogical. I don't know, or care to know, enough about either "side" (lol) to form an opinion I'd defend though.)
    Know I'm mistyped?

    Why I am now.
    Why I was , once.

    The statements expressed in this signature may not necessarily reflect reality.

  24. #24
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
    Old enough to find these pat and loaded answers annoying.
    Not that old apparently, because I felt the same way for most of the answers.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
    Socionics is about improving intertype relations
    I think it's just labeling/explaining them. Not trying to improve them.

    Err.. Or, I suppose you could do that too.

  26. #26
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    1. What do you do about controversial topics?
    B. I’ll take them as they come along. But I don’t like going out of my way to learn about them because they’re confusing/depressing/take up a lot of time.

    2. Could your life be much worse?
    B. Well, sure, it could always be worse.

    3. You don’t get into your dream college and instead settle for your second choice. Are you bummed?
    D. N/A

    4. Your friend is complaining about having an income that makes her lower-class. Your income, though, is below poverty level. Do you feel bad for her?
    D. Other

    5. If your best friend told you he had magical powers, is there any chance that you would believe him?
    A. Ummm, no. Magic doesn’t exist.

    6. When you get into a fight with a friend, what do you do?
    B. If it’s not necessary, I wouldn’t really want to talk about it and would rather pretend it didn’t happen.

    7. Does everyone deserve love and affection?
    D. No

    8. A friend of your husband’s gives you a boatload of valid evidence that your boyfriend is cheating on you. Do you believe him?
    B. I’d get suspicious, but I’d have to have more evidence to be sure.

    9. If someone makes a mistake and is really embarrassed, do you tease him about it?
    B. I might make a light joke for the lulz but then let it go.

    10. When you schedule a get-together with someone, even an informal one, is it important to keep it at the time you agreed on?
    C. If it’s super informal, no, but otherwise, yes. I respect people’s time, and they need to respect mine.

    11. If two of your friends became enemies, what would you do?
    B. If one of them was a real ass, I might distance myself from them, but since they are both my friends, I wouldn’t want to just end my relationships with either of them. I’d still be friendly to both of them.

    12. Is empathy important?
    A. It gets in the way much too often. People shouldn’t be so sentimental.

    13. What quadra are you in?
    C. Delta

    Socionics: LSE-Te
    Enneagram: 1-6-2 sp/sx
    Age: 20

    1. What do you think about spiritual beliefs (atheism vs. theism, religious vs. irreligious, etc)?
    A. My spiritual beliefs are the right ones. Everyone should have my beliefs.
    B. Your beliefs are your business.

    2. Do you believe in a higher power (if you identify as, for example, and “agnostic atheist”, choose one)?
    A. I’m primarily a theist.

    3. Do you support GLBTQ people?
    A. No, they’re gross/immoral/unnatural/wrong/confused.

    4. Do you support polyamory?
    A. No, it’s immoral/wrong/stupid to have multiple partners, even if it’s consensual.

    5. Do you support consensual incest?
    A. No, it’s stupid.

    6. What do you think about prostitution?
    B. It’s immoral to trade your body for money.

    7. What do you think about your race?
    C. Racism is illogical, as well as cold. All the races are equal, and I am willing to defend other races. Except for orcs.

    8. Do you use drugs to get high?
    B. The consequences of drugs far outweigh their advantages.

    9. What do you think of abortion?
    A. It’s basically killing babies. It definitely shouldn’t be done.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  27. #27
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    1. What do you do about controversial topics?
    B. I’ll take them as they come along. But I don’t like going out of my way to learn about them because they’re confusing/depressing/take up a lot of time.
    C. I like to research, decide where I stand, and actively support causes.

    Some combination of both of these. If I had to choose one, B.

    2. Could your life be much worse?
    B. Well, sure, it could always be worse.

    3. You don’t get into your dream college and instead settle for your second choice. Are you bummed?
    B. Yeah, I’m bummed. But I’m glad I still get to go to a school I like.

    This happened to me

    4. Your friend is complaining about having an income that makes her lower-class. Your income, though, is below poverty level. Do you feel bad for her?
    B. I can relate, considering we’re both poor, but I do feel pangs of jealousy.

    5. If your best friend told you he had magical powers, is there any chance that you would believe him?
    A. Ummm, no. Magic doesn’t exist.

    6. When you get into a fight with a friend, what do you do?
    C. As long as they didn’t do something just plain evil (like raping me), I’d be ready and willing to work out our problems and come to an understanding, even if that understanding is to stop being friends.

    7. Does everyone deserve love and affection?
    A. The greater integrity you have, the more you deserve love. The less integrity you have, the more you deserve being hit on the head with a frying pan.

    However, I do believe everyone deserves help, which may include love and affection of some sort.

    8. A friend of your husband’s gives you a boatload of valid evidence that your boyfriend is cheating on you. Do you believe him?
    B. I’d get suspicious, but I’d have to have more evidence to be sure.

    o no he di'n't. Depends on the evidence, possibly C as well.

    9. If someone makes a mistake and is really embarrassed, do you tease him about it?
    B. I might make a light joke for the lulz but then let it go.

    10. When you schedule a get-together with someone, even an informal one, is it important to keep it at the time you agreed on?
    C. If it’s super informal, no, but otherwise, yes. I respect people’s time, and they need to respect mine.

    11. If two of your friends became enemies, what would you do?
    B. If one of them was a real ass, I might distance myself from them, but since they are both my friends, I wouldn’t want to just end my relationships with either of them. I’d still be friendly to both of them.

    12. Is empathy important?
    B. Yes, it’s very important.

    13. What quadra are you in?
    B. Alpha or Gamma

    LIE, 3w4, ENTJ probably, and I'm 21


    Oh, there's more

    1. What do you think about spiritual beliefs (atheism vs. theism, religious vs. irreligious, etc)?
    A. My spiritual beliefs are the right ones. Everyone should have my beliefs.
    B. Your beliefs are your business.

    I struggle between the two..

    2. Do you believe in a higher power (if you identify as, for example, and “agnostic atheist”, choose one)?
    C. I’m primarily an atheist.

    3. Do you support GLBTQ people?
    C. I rigorously support homosexuals, bisexuals, asexuals, transgenders, bigenders, AND agenders!

    4. Do you support polyamory?
    C. Yes, I support them and am willing to defend them.

    5. Do you support consensual incest?
    C. Yes, I support them and am willing to defend them.

    lol this is funny, I've never seriously thought about this one.

    6. What do you think about prostitution?
    C. People with high self-esteem don’t have a bad experience with prostitution. The problem is that a lot of prostitutes already have low self-esteem and so they think it’s alright for them to be pushed around. People think prostitutes are all smiley, happy, pleasure-seeking people and they’re just wrong.

    7. What do you think about your race?
    B. It’s…a race?
    C. Racism is illogical, as well as cold. All the races are equal, and I am willing to defend other races.

    On a serious note, C.

    8. Do you use drugs to get high?
    B. The consequences of drugs far outweigh their advantages.

    9. What do you think of abortion?
    C. It’s the mother’s choice. It’s not anyone’s business to tell a woman she needs to keep something that is not self-aware alive.
    Last edited by Azeroffs; 06-03-2011 at 10:51 PM.

  28. #28
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    part 1
    1. b
    2. b
    3. b

    4. b

    5. b

    6. c
    7. c

    8. b
    9. b
    10. b

    11. b.

    12. c

    13. c

    IEE-Ne 6w7 sx/so

    part 2
    1. c

    2. b

    3. c

    4. b

    5. b

    6. c

    7. b
    8. a

    9. b
    Stan is not my real name.

  29. #29
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    1. What do you do about controversial topics?
    B. I’ll take them as they come along. But I don’t like going out of my way to learn about them because they’re confusing/depressing/take up a lot of time.

    2. Could your life be much worse?
    B. Well, sure, it could always be worse.

    3. You don’t get into your dream college and instead settle for your second choice. Are you bummed?
    A. Absolutely! This is the PITS!

    4. Your friend is complaining about having an income that makes her lower-class. Your income, though, is below poverty level. Do you feel bad for her?
    C. Providing she is aware that I’m even poorer than her and she feels bad for me, hell yeah I feel bad for her! We’re both suffering here!

    5. If your best friend told you he had magical powers, is there any chance that you would believe him?
    C. Providing he had good evidence, absolutely!

    6. When you get into a fight with a friend, what do you do?
    C. As long as they didn’t do something just plain evil (like raping me), I’d be ready and willing to work out our problems and come to an understanding, even if that understanding is to stop being friends.

    7. Does everyone deserve love and affection?
    B. Yes. Well, except murderers and rapists, who deserve nothing less than being ass-raped in jail.

    8. A friend of your husband’s gives you a boatload of valid evidence that your boyfriend is cheating on you. Do you believe him?
    C. If it really is valid evidence, and a lot of it, then yes, I would. Because then, it would be obvious.

    9. If someone makes a mistake and is really embarrassed, do you tease him about it?
    B. I might make a light joke for the lulz but then let it go.

    10. When you schedule a get-together with someone, even an informal one, is it important to keep it at the time you agreed on?
    C. If it’s super informal, no, but otherwise, yes. I respect people’s time, and they need to respect mine.

    11. If two of your friends became enemies, what would you do?
    B. If one of them was a real ass, I might distance myself from them, but since they are both my friends, I wouldn’t want to just end my relationships with either of them. I’d still be friendly to both of them.

    12. Is empathy important?
    B. Yes, it’s very important.

    13. What quadra are you in?
    C. Delta

    I'm EII. Enneagram 6w5. Age 19.

  30. #30
    an object in motion woofwoofl's Avatar
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    1. What do you do about controversial topics?
    Somewhere between B and C for me - it's less of a matter of researching and learning for me than me standing my ground for people in the right, though the two go hand in hand...

    2. Could your life be much worse?
    B - it could get worse, but I want to make it better!

    3. You don’t get into your dream college and instead settle for your second choice. Are you bummed?
    C - no biggie!

    4. Your friend is complaining about having an income that makes her lower-class. Your income, though, is below poverty level. Do you feel bad for her?
    C - I'd let them in on some of the budgeting secrets I've learned through poverty!

    5. If your best friend told you he had magical powers, is there any chance that you would believe him?
    C - in the 21st century, who doesn't have access to magical powers?

    6. When you get into a fight with a friend, what do you do?
    C - we might yell it out like all hell for a good while, but we'll almost always come to an understanding...

    7. Does everyone deserve love and affection?
    C - hell, I'd go far beyond that - someone being a "sociopath" or a "psychopath" doesn't make them incapable of doing real, tangible good in the world, and holding love hostage from people is a damn idiotic waste...

    8. A friend of your husband’s gives you a boatload of valid evidence that your boyfriend is cheating on you. Do you believe him?
    C - I'm reasonable, and I can be open about things relationship-wise, so I don't know why that would even need to happen, but if the evidence is there, then the evidence is what I go on

    9. If someone makes a mistake and is really embarrassed, do you tease him about it?
    C - now why the hell would I go and do that? I'd try to get the person feeling better somehow...

    10. When you schedule a get-together with someone, even an informal one, is it important to keep it at the time you agreed on?
    C - yes! A set time is a set time...

    11. If two of your friends became enemies, what would you do?
    C - I'd want to know what's going on so it could be fixed, and I'd do what I could to fix it...

    12. Is empathy important?
    C - I can't imagine a functioning world without it, and I wouldn't want to either

    13. What quadra are you in?
    B - Gamma

    14. Tell me your socionics, enneagram, and MBTI type, if you know them.
    Se-SEE 3w2

    15. Tell me your age or age range if you are comfortable with doing so.
    18+ just like it will be fifty years from now

    16. What do you think about spiritual beliefs (atheism vs. theism, religious vs. irreligious, etc)?
    Somewhere between A and C, leaning a bit more towards A - my views are more practical, sensible, useful, and humane than most of the others around me, and I still want more info so I can get them even better

    17. Do you believe in a higher power (if you identify as, for example, and “agnostic atheist”, choose one)?
    All of the above - I believe in over 6 billion gods, with one more being born approximately every quarter of a second

    18. Do you support GLBTQ people?
    C - they are all so awesome and I'll have their back, I want to make it to a gay pride parade soon

    19. Do you support polyamory?
    C - sure, sounds like a good time!

    20. Do you support consensual incest?
    First off - bleehh... second off - C - go for it, though birth control should be used, of course... don't want a repeat of Charles II of Spain...

    21. What do you think about prostitution?
    A - if it's illegal, then people will just get what they want from the black market, which will be much more immoral and unsafe - I'd prefer people to have free sex with people, of course...

    22. What do you think about your race?
    B - I don't

    23. Do you use drugs to get high?
    C - which ones? As long as they're more-or-less physically safe and not terribly addictive, then why not?

    24. What do you think of abortion?
    A - killing people that aren't an immediate and strong danger to the lives of yourself and/or others is pure bullshit. Always.
    p . . . a . . . n . . . d . . . o . . . r . . . a
    trad metalz | (more coming)

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    Wow, I just realized I had both the words "boyfriend" and "husband" in the same question. I fail. I see what the IEE meant now. *facepalm*

  32. #32
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    1. What do you do about controversial topics?
    C. I like to research, decide where I stand, and actively support causes.

    2. Could your life be much worse?
    B. Well, sure, it could always be worse.

    3. You don’t get into your dream college and instead settle for your second choice. Are you bummed?
    B. Yeah, I’m bummed. But I’m glad I still get to go to a school I like.

    4. Your friend is complaining about having an income that makes her lower-class. Your income, though, is below poverty level. Do you feel bad for her?
    C. Providing she is aware that I’m even poorer than her and she feels bad for me, hell yeah I feel bad for her! We’re both suffering here!

    5. If your best friend told you he had magical powers, is there any chance that you would believe him?
    A. Ummm, no. Magic doesn’t exist.

    6. When you get into a fight with a friend, what do you do?
    A. Depends on what they did. If they did something really hurtful, I’d probably give them the silent treatment or trip them while passing by.
    B. If it’s not necessary, I wouldn’t really want to talk about it and would rather pretend it didn’t happen.
    C. As long as they didn’t do something just plain evil (like raping me), I’d be ready and willing to work out our problems and come to an understanding, even if that understanding is to stop being friends.

    7. Does everyone deserve love and affection?
    A. The greater integrity you have, the more you deserve love. The less integrity you have, the more you deserve being hit on the head with a frying pan.

    8. A friend of your husband’s gives you a boatload of valid evidence that your husband is cheating on you. Do you believe him?
    B. I’d get suspicious, but I’d have to have more evidence to be sure.

    9. If someone makes a mistake and is really embarrassed, do you tease him about it?
    B. I might make a light joke for the lulz but then let it go.
    C. No. He’s already humiliated enough; I don’t need to make it worse.

    10. When you schedule a get-together with someone, even an informal one, is it important to keep it at the time you agreed on?
    C. If it’s super informal, no, but otherwise, yes. I respect people’s time, and they need to respect mine.

    11. If two of your friends became enemies, what would you do?
    C. There’s no way I’m going to be a ragdoll between two warring sides. I want to know what happened and which one is the bitch. If they won’t tell me what happened, too bad for them, I’ll still be friends with both of them, and they can hate that I’d do that. If they’re both bitches, I’ll save myself from the possibility of being a victim, too, and end my friendships with them.

    12. Is empathy important?
    C. Empathy is what makes us human. It glues society together. It’s the most important emotion.

    13. What quadra are you in?
    C. Delta

    Tell me your socionics, enneagram, and MBTI type, if you know them.
    EII, 9w1

    Optional section about tangible subjects. Not necessarily type related, but it would be interesting to see if there was any correlation.

    1. What do you think about spiritual beliefs (atheism vs. theism, religious vs. irreligious, etc)?
    B. Your beliefs are your business.

    2. Do you believe in a higher power (if you identify as, for example, and “agnostic atheist”, choose one)?
    C. I’m primarily an atheist.

    3. Do you support GLBTQ people?
    C. I rigorously support homosexuals, bisexuals, asexuals, transgenders, bigenders, AND agenders!

    4. Do you support polyamory?
    B. It’s not really my place to say polyamorous people shouldn’t be polyamorous.

    5. Do you support consensual incest?
    C. Yes, I support them and am willing to defend them.

    6. What do you think about prostitution?
    A. It’s perfectly fine. People need to get over themselves. People aren’t automatically doomed if they enter prostitution. I wouldn’t have a problem with my friends or family becoming or paying prostitutes.
    C. People with high self-esteem don’t have a bad experience with prostitution. The problem is that a lot of prostitutes already have low self-esteem and so they think it’s alright for them to be pushed around. People think prostitutes are all smiley, happy, pleasure-seeking people and they’re just wrong.

    7. What do you think about your race?
    B. It’s…a race?
    C. Racism is illogical, as well as cold. All the races are equal, and I am willing to defend other races.

    8. Do you use drugs to get high?
    B. The consequences of drugs far outweigh their advantages.
    C. I may or may not, but I definitely don’t need drugs to have fun. I’m not a drag.

    9. What do you think of abortion?
    C. It’s the mother’s choice. It’s not anyone’s business to tell a woman she needs to keep something that is not self-aware alive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    My instinct is to spam the thread with "DEPENDS ON THE CONTEXT HURP DURP" but I'll play along.
    Lol. Well, anyone who doesn't like it doesn't have to do it.

    C just confuses me. How do you consciously stop being friends with someone?
    I'm not sure if you mean why, how, or both, but I'll give my spiel. You'd want to stop being friends if they seriously frustrated you and you wished you had never met or if they did something horrible and you didn't want to be friendly toward them again (or if you're afraid you'd become their victim). The smoothest way to end a friendship is to gradually drift away. Start calling them less, getting together less, and just plain interacting less until you aren't in contact anymore (of course, if they confront you about it, it's no longer a smooth road). The riskiest way is to straight-up tell them you don't like them and wish to stop being friends (risking majorly hurting them, and risking having a vengeful enemy).

    lol why are alpha and gamma glued together?
    Alphas and Gammas value half the functions I do, but Betas don't value any of the functions I do.

    "We’d be friends. We could hang out together, but there would be major tension if we tried to get closer."

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    "We’d be friends. We could hang out together, but there would be major tension if we tried to get closer."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    I get along with pretty much all of the INFjs I know, online or not.
    Then I'd be the first EII going, "WTF you doin', bro?"

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    "We’d be friends. We could hang out together, but there would be major tension if we tried to get closer."

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    Quote Originally Posted by eunice View Post
    I can't help but noticed that the people who have responded to the survey so far are all Delta NF types.
    Maybe everyone else is thinking, "She's a dork. I'll probably score 'enemy'".

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    "We’d be friends. We could hang out together, but there would be major tension if we tried to get closer."

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    Quote Originally Posted by poli View Post
    D. I'm not gay.
    > 3 > You were supposed to pretend you were. Or that you were a woman.

    "We’d be awkward acquaintances, but we would just barely tolerate each other. Let’s not become online buddies."

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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
    D. If by husband you mean wife and by boyfriend you mean girlfriend then I'd already be a philanderer myself and so I'd regard that my mistress taking up with another lover would be my just desserts.
    That was a typo, I meant to put "husband" instead of "boyfriend".

    "We’d be friends. We could hang out together, but there would be major tension if we tried to get closer."

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