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Thread: Someone I work with

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    Default Someone I work with

    He's the co-founder of his company. The company is pretty small right now, only five total employees (himself included) plus a few contractors (like myself). I have only relatively recently begun working with them but so far it's going nicely and they treat me well.

    I have some ideas on his type, but I'd like more opinions. Please ask questions as they occur to you.

    Some traits:

    - Anti-exclusivity - Some people say they are like this, but he is without needing to announce it. He doesn't like TED talks, for example, because they ask for "lifetime achievements" in their application for registration process.

    - I asked today, "What's the normal schedule around here?" He replied, "'Normal' and 'schedule' are not words we're comfortable with around here."

    - Thinks it is possible to do a project perfectly right from the start, even though he has never yet done it. This came up after I said every project will have flaws so I think it might be wise to be prepared to backtrack at least a little, if not actually plan for it.

    - Likes "stupid humor" movies (perhaps as opposed to dry humor?)

    - Satirical, sarcastic. Sometimes he'll say things in a serious tone that I'll totally not get as a joke. He says I should be able to tell when he's joking because what he says is so ridiculous, but the problem with that is I don't know him well enough yet to know what he thinks is ridiculous or not.

    - Along the same lines, delights in the absurd/silly and will place himself subtly (or not subtly) at the end of the joke. Like the name of his company, his online name, what he calls his team.

    - A likely very insignificant example of humor: I told him how my sister is a CNA as well as a security guard and he says, "So she beats people up in one job and puts them back together in the other?"

    - Appears to be in constant movement; doesn't appear to like sitting still for very long periods of time, though he's perfectly capable of being productive.

    - Has a protective streak. One time I told him about a volunteer project where some of the people were being slightly less than... nice, I guess. Longish story, but anyway he leaned over me and said something to the effect of, "[Minde], that's f---'n b---s---. You know that, right? You're too good [at what you do] to be treated like that." (Strong language, but the sentiment gave me warm fuzzies.)

    - He says he always welcomes questions. I'm not sure how true this is yet. I can ask lots of questions once started...

    - He can be kind of awkward in conversation. Does this sort of stop-start style of talking.

    - He will go into cuss-filled tirades when he sees, um, flaws in setups. (It amuses me, but I'm trying not to instigate them too often.)

    - Despite his reactions to badly set up things and poor decision-making, he seems reasonably good at communicating with clients and able to pleasingly manage their expectations.

    - He was a teacher before getting into the tech industry. A student introduced him to the internet.

    Pictures (please don't quote):

    I have a video (or, rather, a link to one). If you want to see it PM me, and if I know and trust you I'll share.
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    Is he married?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Trevor View Post
    Is he married?
    Yes, and has a child. Why do you ask?
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    I'd say EP or IJ, EP more likely one of the Pe subtypes (sounds like he is very spontaneous), probably a logical type, Se-SLE or Ne-ILE.

    By stupid humor what do you mean? I'd like to take a look at the video if you can pm it to me please.

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    Ne Si, seems EP temperament with contact function more valued

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    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    Yes, and has a child. Why do you ask?
    curious, obviously, lol

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    He looks Ne-ENTp imo. In addition,based on the way Minde had described him and the impression she had, it appears like how a Supervisor would describe a Supervisee (in terms of intertype relations).

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    Hmm, the "stupid humor" part doesn't sound like ENTp. All the ones I know don't seem to be a fan of slapstick and/or humor that doesn't require some kind of thinking.

    The part about saying things in a serious tone and expecting you to know it's a joke, doesn't come off as Fe valuing to me. Saying that you should know if it's true or not by it making sense doesn't indicate Ti or Te valuing imo, even though from face value it seems Ti.

    Just based on the pictures and vibes I get from them... ESFj, ENTp, SEE, ESTj.

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    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    the impression i got was alpha extrovert, ese ) ile.

    cant see the photos well on my phone, this is just based on the narrative.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
    Hmm, the "stupid humor" part doesn't sound like ENTp. All the ones I know don't seem to be a fan of slapstick and/or humor that doesn't require some kind of thinking.

    Seriously? I thought slapstick humor was a big alpha NT thing... So in that case, which types tend to like slapstick then?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
    Just based on the pictures and vibes I get from them... ESFj, ENTp, SEE, ESTj.
    Quote Originally Posted by laghlagh View Post
    the impression i got was alpha extrovert, ese ) ile.

    cant see the photos well on my phone, this is just based on the narrative.
    My first thoughts were also ESE, LSE, and ILE actually. Not really sure beyond that yet. I do think the video will help a ton.
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    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    the sterotype is alphas but its not like there's a direct link.

    edit: oops, i need to start quoting. re: slapstick

  13. #13
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    My impression: IEE

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    I don't have a lot of time at the moment, but by "stupid humor" maybe think Will Farrell. Also, I'm putting it in quotes because that's the term he used.
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    Seriously? I thought slapstick humor was a big alpha NT thing... So in that case, which types tend to like slapstick then?
    Well, that's the least type of humor I'd associate with alpha NT. I'd say Se-valuers, particularly Se egos.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    I don't have a lot of time at the moment, but by "stupid humor" maybe think Will Farrell. Also, I'm putting it in quotes because that's the term he used.
    Oh, I automatically thought you meant slapstick . I can definitely see Will Ferrell as being popular among alphas.

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    Contrarian Traditionalist Krig the Viking's Avatar
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    Everything points to ILE for me. The "anti-exclusivity" thing is something I've seen in other ILEs, the dislike of the words "normal" and "schedule" are stereotypically Irrational, especially EP, thinking it's possible to do a project correctly right from the start might be a Causal Determinist cognitive style thing, the "saying absurd things in a serious tone as a joke" is almost a defining characteristic of Alpha NTs (I do it constantly), the constant movement is something I've never seen an Introvert do and sounds impulsive like an EP, people who "always welcome questions" are usually Ne-valuing, the "awkward in conversations" thing is common with Alpha NT, and the cuss-filled tirades are something I've seen in certain (but not all) ILEs.

    So yeah. Everything points to ILE, and I can't see anything you described that points to anything else.
    Quaero Veritas.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Trevor View Post
    curious, obviously, lol
    What a curious curiosity.

    So, ILE seems to be a popular consensus. I kind of hope he isn't, 'cause that would possibly make for an awkward working relationship.

    Some more notes:

    - I think I have a slightly suppressing effect on him. I can't tell yet if he is ok with that or not. I don't get the same disappointed vibe from him as I do from many betas and alphas. Too early to tell, though.

    As an example, a couple of times now he's started saying something (of an apparently rude/critical/crude nature) and then stopped, and one of his employees (who I may describe later) has said, "Wow, such restraint isn't like you!"

    This is not an uncommon phenomenon, btw. I have the ability to dampen even other Deltas... But, again, I can't tell if he views it as dampening (which is how the merry quadras take it) or civilizing (which is more how the serious quadras take it).

    - He's big on setting up things right. That said, he's not... super picky about how you achieve it. He said something like, "We're pretty relaxed around here, but we do good work and we don't let bad work out the door."

    So far I like the style they have at their company, which is set in large part by this guy.

    I'm curious how much I can really question, though - either for the sake of information or to challenge ideas.

    In some ways I'm afraid of his critique, which can be scathing. So that makes me risk-adverse. But I've heard him say (and write) several times that he respects when people can own up to their mistakes and seek improvement. And while he can tear someone's choices apart, he'll often make a point to say something positive about them, especially if he personally knows them (or if he feels the have enough redeeming qualities). So I'm hoping that if I'm transparent enough, any mistakes I inevitably make will not get me in too much trouble.

    Speaking of which, he's someone I think I might actually be afraid of if he got seriously angry. I've gotten a lot better over the years about not being scared of people. Even "powerful" people, or loud or pushy or even angry people I can stand in front of with calm confidence. But I'm not sure about him... Maybe I just need to get more accustomed.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krig the Viking View Post
    Everything points to ILE for me. The "anti-exclusivity" thing is something I've seen in other ILEs, the dislike of the words "normal" and "schedule" are stereotypically Irrational, especially EP, thinking it's possible to do a project correctly right from the start might be a Causal Determinist cognitive style thing, the "saying absurd things in a serious tone as a joke" is almost a defining characteristic of Alpha NTs (I do it constantly), the constant movement is something I've never seen an Introvert do and sounds impulsive like an EP, people who "always welcome questions" are usually Ne-valuing, the "awkward in conversations" thing is common with Alpha NT, and the cuss-filled tirades are something I've seen in certain (but not all) ILEs.

    So yeah. Everything points to ILE, and I can't see anything you described that points to anything else.
    Can't say I agree with that based on my observations. I've met a lot of ILEs, and I really can't remember a time where they said a joke and they didn't make it pretty obvious that it was a joke: smirking or acting out in a way that is somewhat theatrical, laughing/giggling as soon as they're done, etc. There's definitely a delivery aspect that's part of the joke. I'm not saying that he's not ILE, but that it's a defining characteristic for that typing. In fact, I've had issues with my SLI friend and SLI at work about not knowing when they're joking or not because they say things in such a deadpan way that makes it necessary to analyze. I didn't mention it before because I didn't want it to imply that I think he's SLI, or Fe polr.

    However, it could be more of an INTj thing. It's similar to my style too, where the joke focuses more on what is said rather than the delivery.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    What a curious curiosity.

    So, ILE seems to be a popular consensus. I kind of hope he isn't, 'cause that would possibly make for an awkward working relationship.

    Some more notes:

    - I think I have a slightly suppressing effect on him. I can't tell yet if he is ok with that or not. I don't get the same disappointed vibe from him as I do from many betas and alphas. Too early to tell, though.

    As an example, a couple of times now he's started saying something (of an apparently rude/critical/crude nature) and then stopped, and one of his employees (who I may describe later) has said, "Wow, such restraint isn't like you!"

    This is not an uncommon phenomenon, btw. I have the ability to dampen even other Deltas... But, again, I can't tell if he views it as dampening (which is how the merry quadras take it) or civilizing (which is more how the serious quadras take it).

    - He's big on setting up things right. That said, he's not... super picky about how you achieve it. He said something like, "We're pretty relaxed around here, but we do good work and we don't let bad work out the door."

    So far I like the style they have at their company, which is set in large part by this guy.

    I'm curious how much I can really question, though - either for the sake of information or to challenge ideas.

    In some ways I'm afraid of his critique, which can be scathing. So that makes me risk-adverse. But I've heard him say (and write) several times that he respects when people can own up to their mistakes and seek improvement. And while he can tear someone's choices apart, he'll often make a point to say something positive about them, especially if he personally knows them (or if he feels the have enough redeeming qualities). So I'm hoping that if I'm transparent enough, any mistakes I inevitably make will not get me in too much trouble.

    Speaking of which, he's someone I think I might actually be afraid of if he got seriously angry. I've gotten a lot better over the years about not being scared of people. Even "powerful" people, or loud or pushy or even angry people I can stand in front of with calm confidence. But I'm not sure about him... Maybe I just need to get more accustomed.
    Minde, have you considered SLE?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
    Minde, have you considered SLE?
    Yes, I have/am. I'm open to the majority of the types atm, actually.

    I should say that I'm not normally afraid of him, and haven't been yet. He's actually relatively pleasant and even jovial. I haven't seen any real anger yet, and I may never.

    There are different kinds of fear. There's the, "Hm, this person is acting negatively unpredictable. I wonder if I might end up a direct or indirect target..." which is more of an intellectual fear. I get that fear when around rambunctious people on the streets downtown or on public transit, for example. Angry intuitive types can be scary in such a way.

    There's also the less rational "gut" fear, which is more what I'm referring to. The latter is the kind that some SLE's can inspire in me, and is more "sensing" based - and I think I've felt it with ESXjs and ISXjs, too.

    Gah, I'll just link you to the video... maybe helpful vibes will present themselves to you there.

    I might just be being ridiculous and over-analyzing.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
    Can't say I agree with that based on my observations. I've met a lot of ILEs, and I really can't remember a time where they said a joke and they didn't make it pretty obvious that it was a joke: smirking or acting out in a way that is somewhat theatrical, laughing/giggling as soon as they're done, etc. There's definitely a delivery aspect that's part of the joke. I'm not saying that he's not ILE, but that it's a defining characteristic for that typing. In fact, I've had issues with my SLI friend and SLI at work about not knowing when they're joking or not because they say things in such a deadpan way that makes it necessary to analyze. I didn't mention it before because I didn't want it to imply that I think he's SLI, or Fe polr.

    However, it could be more of an INTj thing. It's similar to my style too, where the joke focuses more on what is said rather than the delivery.
    Well, I may have overstated it a bit, but it's certainly something I've noticed in ILEs as well as LIIs. Obviously ILEs use a wide variety of other forums of humour as well, including theatrical silliness, etc.

    And yes, you're right, SLIs give LIIs a run for their money with deadpan humour. So "defining characteristic" was definitely overstating it -- perhaps "easily consistent with" would be a more accurate phrase.
    Quaero Veritas.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    Yes, I have/am. I'm open to the majority of the types atm, actually.

    I should say that I'm not normally afraid of him, and haven't been yet. He's actually relatively pleasant and even jovial. I haven't seen any real anger yet, and I may never.

    There are different kinds of fear. There's the, "Hm, this person is acting negatively unpredictable. I wonder if I might end up a direct or indirect target..." which is more of an intellectual fear. I get that fear when around rambunctious people on the streets downtown or on public transit, for example. Angry intuitive types can be scary in such a way.

    There's also the less rational "gut" fear, which is more what I'm referring to. The latter is the kind that some SLE's can inspire in me, and is more "sensing" based - and I think I've felt it with ESXjs and ISXjs, too.

    Gah, I'll just link you to the video... maybe helpful vibes will present themselves to you there.

    I might just be being ridiculous and over-analyzing.
    I see. Based on the video and what you've said so far I'd type him ILE>SLE. I've never been intimidated by an ILE, save for one of my grad school professors. He was very "in your face" and would put in me uncomfortable positions (I find it awkward to have someone above me who is socially inept too). On the other hand, he is one of the most professional people I've met. For the post part, I love hanging around ILEs and wouldn't call them intimidating.

    Quote Originally Posted by Krig the Viking View Post
    Well, I may have overstated it a bit, but it's certainly something I've noticed in ILEs as well as LIIs. Obviously ILEs use a wide variety of other forums of humour as well, including theatrical silliness, etc.

    And yes, you're right, SLIs give LIIs a run for their money with deadpan humour. So "defining characteristic" was definitely overstating it -- perhaps "easily consistent with" would be a more accurate phrase.
    Cool, I just wanted to point that out as my pov .

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
    I see. Based on the video and what you've said so far I'd type him ILE>SLE. I've never been intimidated by an ILE, save for one of my grad school professors. He was very "in your face" and would put in me uncomfortable positions (I find it awkward to have someone above me who is socially inept too). On the other hand, he is one of the most professional people I've met. For the post part, I love hanging around ILEs and wouldn't call them intimidating.
    I've never really found ILE's intimidating, either. Annoying maybe, heh, and occasionally worrisome in the "what are they going to try to do now" way. But never scary. I have to be careful when they're in leadership over me, though, which I guess is normal for supervisor/supervisee.

    I've never seen this guy get in anyone's face.
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    I watched the video...

    He seems to have a vague Patrick Swayze "look" so ESE is still on the table from my standpoint, though he also reminded me of a guy in my life that I very preliminarily typed LSI (but could be mistyping). I dont think an LSI would say the joke about schedules that you said this guy did.
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    I like the guy, I could identify with him here and there - esp against the TED bullshit, though...
    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    "[Minde], that's f---'n b---s---. You know that, right? You're too good [at what you do] to be treated like that." (Strong language, but the sentiment gave me warm fuzzies.)
    That is really, really, really and totally not ILE (descriptions anyone?). In fact that's in a way anti-ILE... And so is his strong confidence, that he's doing "the proper job", that things will go flawlessly & so on. I think Fe-Base, ESE or EIE, is closer or the real answer (I could see him IEI too, though it's very hard to see him Irrational).

    Edit: his appearance reminds me of an EIE art director I worked with, though based on the description I'm considering ESE >. Is he sometimes slightly pressing people, for instance, when someone is close to go home, to remind him of different other tasks, like he does not acknowledge that person was supposed to go home? Or tends he to push things always "higher"? Does he appear sometimes as believing that people think more about work and have a more interest in the company than their lives? - that work plays a major part in the life of the employees, I mean... Does he appear to wish that, even if he doesn't make allusions?
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    I watched the video...
    Yeah... it's not the best video for typing. Probably kinda boring. And it's not mine. But it's all I got

    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    He seems to have a vague Patrick Swayze "look"
    Hmmm, interesting....

    Quote Originally Posted by The Ineffable View Post
    I like the guy, I could identify with him here and there - esp against the TED bullshit, though...

    That is really, really, really and totally not ILE (descriptions anyone?). In fact that's in a way anti-ILE... And so is his strong confidence, that he's doing "the proper job", that things will go flawlessly & so on. I think Fe-Base, ESE or EIE, is closer or the real answer (I could see him IEI too, though it's very hard to see him Irrational).

    Edit: his appearance reminds me of an EIE art director I worked with, though based on the description I'm considering ESE >. Is he sometimes slightly pressing people, for instance, when someone is close to go home, to remind him of different other tasks, like he does not acknowledge that person was supposed to go home? Or tends he to push things always "higher"? Does he appear sometimes as believing that people think more about work and have a more interest in the company than their lives? - that work plays a major part in the life of the employees, I mean... Does he appear to wish that, even if he doesn't make allusions?
    No, I'd say he's almost the opposite, but that wouldn't be true, either. He does care about the work. It's more like... whether or not people are focusing on the right or wrong things (work vs. personal life) is a non-issue for him. He seems to assume that people will do what needs to be done to get the work completed and completed well. He's not a micromanager and he's flexible about when people choose to work.

    From my perspective, he has a very practical, almost ideal approach to managing employees/contractors. He acts like he trusts everyone to just do what needs to be done. There are check-in points, but not so much to "check up on people" as to touch bases and coordinate next moves. And his employees/contractors will more often than not do the initiating of those check-ins. There's no schedule in the office; people come and go as they please, essentially. Apparently mistakes are acceptable so long the effort is to do the best job possible and correct when needed.

    And when there are deadlines, it's not approached like "This is a Deadline; respect it for its own sake!" It's more like it's a practical thing, "this needs to happen by then for this to happen, but if the other thing changes then this can change, too."

    When people head out for the day--as early as 3:30pm--he'll occasionally ask where they're at in the work, but other than that it's usually just, "See you tomorrow!" Actually, the habit for almost everybody when they leave is to announce they're leaving and then ask if anybody needs anything from them before they go.

    I'm not sure how well this would work with a larger company, but for a handful of people (on average there are 4-5 people in the one-room office) it appears to be working very well.
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    His management approach seems very IEE to me.
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    Yeah, at the least it's not foreign or uncomfortable for my Delta soul. Not yet anyway. So I think I might rule out Beta.

    More notes from today:

    - Works with his shoes off sometimes. Yeah, I know, probably not very type related.

    - "We're informal but professional" This after deciding it was ok to add me as a member of a project workspace that involved client-facing stuff. The initial hesitation had been that it would require an email address and he usually has people get one with his own company's domain name. Apparently a question had come up before with a contractor using a Gmail address with a dubious username; it didn't give the right impression. But since I have my own relatively professional-sounding domain name for my email, he decided that the hassle of setting me up with theirs wasn't worth it, especially considering the need to get me into the system right away. But I noticed he did reiterate his desire for a professional attitude toward clients.

    - Is one of the only people in the (small, one-room) office who makes vocalizations over his work. Again, perhaps not type related, but there you go.

    - A sudden outburst after receiving an email: "There are times I feel I'm too critical, but when I read some of the stuff that comes from the [client] people... How the f--- do they put on pants every day?

    "She's coming from a good place. She means well. But I want to giver her crayons and put her in a kindergarten.

    "...I am too critical."

    - Him: "So... who wants to do [tedious task]? 'Cause it needs to be done... and I don't really want to do it, haha."

    *moment of silence* The conscientious co-owner quietly volunteers: "I'll do it. I'll also [do extra helpful bit that no one had thought of]."

    Him: "Thanks!"

    Me: "Thanks [for extra thing], too!"

    Him, to another worker, "[other coworker], did you like that 'not it'?"

    That anecdote aside, he actually is willing to do hard work. He'll take on a lot of the more complicated infrastructure configurations, for example. But he's also upfront about what he thinks and feels about something, including whether or not he wants to do it.

    - I think the co-owner is IJ or IP. I'm leaning toward IJ, though. They both own the company but he doesn't take on much of a leadership role, if any.
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    i'm starting to prefer ILE over ESE.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    - A sudden outburst after receiving an email: "There are times I feel I'm too critical, but when I read some of the stuff that comes from the [client] people... How the f--- do they put on pants every day?
    lol. reminds me of the sort of stuff my old SLE boss used to say.

    actually a lot of what you're describing is vibing kind of similarly which is what is making me lean in the ILE direction over ESE. i think i might have been too influenced by the protective thing you mentioned in the first post because i get that a lot from ESEs. also other little things like the willingness to put himself at the end of a joke and the awkwardness in conversation seem to point away from ESE and more towards ILE.

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    Hmm I misunderstood that, then. Ej is apparently not the case at all, they have the annoying habit to regularly ask questions containing "when" . SLE sounds the most sensible to me so far. I find hard to believe ILE > SLE for cheesy complimenting, perhaps too balanced attention towards people, keeping only the goal in mind and being oblivious to any kind of failure (if I understand correctly).
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    From the video I'm thinking more ILE but more Ti than Ne. He doesn't appear to be as high on Ne as some Ne-ILEs I had the pleasure of meeting and actually reminds me of a Ti-ILE e7 I met some time ago. Tried to match him up with the Fi creatives I've known and it just doesn't click. I don't think he is an S-type - seems to often speak in broad generalizations rather than concretions.

    This "anti-exclusivity" shows up in the video as well. He places stress on the teachers not having much distinction above their students in the classroom. It is as if he wants everyone to have a level playing field.

    Quote Originally Posted by Krig the Viking View Post
    ... the "saying absurd things in a serious tone as a joke" is almost a defining characteristic of Alpha NTs
    I'll second this. One of the ILEs I've known some time ago has gotten in the habit of playing these kinds of jokes on me. After a few runs I decided to do it back at him. That made for the most absurd conversations ever. We'd go at it until one of us couldn't hold the serious face any more. I'm not sure why they do this, from IE point of view may be to check if you can spot logical inconsistencies, dunno, I find it fun with the exception of times when you want to talk about srs bsns with them and they start joking around like that then it get aggravating.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    - Works with his shoes off sometimes. Yeah, I know, probably not very type related.
    What size are they? This is crucial information!

    Do you have a good idea of what his type is already? I'm curious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
    What size are they? This is crucial information!
    The act itself may not be TR, but it may tell the guy is a non-conformist, wants to feel comfortable and doesn't care about what ppl think about him, unless it's something meaningful.
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    Quote Originally Posted by siuntal View Post
    From the video I'm thinking more ILE but more Ti than Ne. He doesn't appear to be as high on Ne as some Ne-ILEs I had the pleasure of meeting and actually reminds me of a Ti-ILE e7 I met some time ago. Tried to match him up with the Fi creatives I've known and it just doesn't click. I don't think he is an S-type - seems to often speak in broad generalizations rather than concretions.
    Hm, do you think generalizing is an intuitive trait?

    Quote Originally Posted by siuntal View Post
    This "anti-exclusivity" shows up in the video as well. He places stress on the teachers not having much distinction above their students in the classroom. It is as if he wants everyone to have a level playing field.
    I'm not sure if that scenario was relating to a previous conversation at the conference or if that was his "ideal" way. But, yes, he does tend to take people on equal terms.

    Quote Originally Posted by siuntal View Post
    I'll second this. One of the ILEs I've known some time ago has gotten in the habit of playing these kinds of jokes on me. After a few runs I decided to do it back at him. That made for the most absurd conversations ever. We'd go at it until one of us couldn't hold the serious face any more. I'm not sure why they do this, from IE point of view may be to check if you can spot logical inconsistencies, dunno, I find it fun with the exception of times when you want to talk about srs bsns with them and they start joking around like that then it get aggravating.
    I'm getting better at noting when he's joking. I'll probably have it down in a couple of months.

    What's nice about him is that he does settle down for serious talk and you can actually get stuff accomplished. It's more like he throws in the sarcastic jokes as a seasoning to the real conversation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
    What size are they? This is crucial information!
    Dunno, I haven't checked, though I did have an opportunity today when Bunter started investigating them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
    Do you have a good idea of what his type is already? I'm curious.
    I'm not settled on anything. Too many anomalies; not enough data. ILE doesn't sound unreasonable, so I might "try it on" him for a little to see how it fits.

    I'll probably continue to add relevant notes and anecdotes to this thread for a little longer.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Ineffable View Post
    The act itself may not be TR, but it may tell the guy is a non-conformist, wants to feel comfortable and doesn't care about what ppl think about him, unless it's something meaningful.
    I agree with this.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    Hm, do you think generalizing is an intuitive trait?
    "Generalizations" isn't quite the right word here, but rather "abstractions" would be more accurate term. This is taken from Wikipedia, an illustration of progression from abstract to concrete:

    (1) a publication
    (2) a newspaper
    (3) The San Francisco Chronicle
    (4) the May 18 edition of the Chronicle
    (5) my copy of the May 18 edition of the Chronicle
    (6) my copy of the May 18 edition of the Chronicle as it was when I first picked it up (as contrasted with my copy as it was a few days later: in my fireplace, burning)
    From what I've noticed N-types, especially leading N, will more frequently use expressions alike examples 1 & 2 while sensing types will more frequently speak in concrete language (examples 5 & 6). This article contains some phrases associated with Ne, "you basically imply that", "for the most part", "overall", "get to the root of" and so on, that demonstrate the same propensity.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    What's nice about him is that he does settle down for serious talk and you can actually get stuff accomplished. It's more like he throws in the sarcastic jokes as a seasoning to the real conversation.
    It only happens in casual social atmosphere where such jokes are acceptable (close friendship, family relations, etc.) I assume most of your interactions with him have taken place in a work setting where he will act professionally.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Ineffable View Post
    The act itself may not be TR, but it may tell the guy is a non-conformist, wants to feel comfortable and doesn't care about what ppl think about him, unless it's something meaningful.
    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    Dunno, I haven't checked, though I did have an opportunity today when Bunter started investigating them.
    I was just kidding , though it might just be that he wears uncomfortable shoes. You take Bunter to work? I used to work in a lab with 2 dogs roaming around and I thought it was very relaxing. One of them seemed to be depressed all the time, but was very affectionate.

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    Is SEE too far out of the question? I've been leaning pretty hard towards Extratim, Ethical, and Democratic, and this below part was really striking - sounds absolutely like something I'd do:

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    Has a protective streak. One time I told him about a volunteer project where some of the people were being slightly less than... nice, I guess. Longish story, but anyway he leaned over me and said something to the effect of, "[Minde], that's f---'n b---s---. You know that, right? You're too good [at what you do] to be treated like that." (Strong language, but the sentiment gave me warm fuzzies.)
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    He seems to be someone who can take a generalized philosophy for how to deal with things and apply it en mass. "Sometimes the hardest part of teaching in the classroom is knowing when to get out of the way". He seems to want everyone to be independent, and thinks his situation applies to others very much.

    He seems..........

    like an extratim. Perhaps irrational. Perhaps some sort of an issue with and also . I say issue because I'm not sure if he's using it in a strong or weak way, yet.

    He seems to have classic versions of enneagram type 7 influence, and perhaps type 8 also. He's far away from Minde's 9 and 1-ness, so I'm sure that can cause some sort of tension.

    He seems goofy in a way I can't describe. Maybe it's techy or nerdiness.
    I don't see him as an SEE right now. They seem a lot smoother, even the males. @video
    His speech actually sounds Si/Ne valuing, and maybe some sort of a T type. It's an interesting mixture of things.

    I suppose tentatively, I'll say an extratim S type.
    Perhaps he's your dual.
    He doesn't seem to be reacting to your inherent Fi dominance and reservedness in a negative way. He could perhaps be a good natured SLE, too.

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    Minde: read this post (and the previous, too, I suppose ) and see if you more agree or more disagree with certain things. What i'm going to is present a series of speculations, and different groups of specullations will beformed with a general hypothesis or type in mind (or more accurately, a way of thinking). If you can identify with one or disagree with one, that might give clues

    1 I'm actually going to say that Se is not valued by him, at this time.
    He seems to be ok with Ne, to a point of excessiveness, actually. I wonder if that points him towards being intuitive in the ego.

    2 He seems to focus so much on possibilities and 'infinite ways' of things and independence, it seems almost lacking in an actual definitive structure, which is something I'd associate with ST types. I see he's a programmer and has ideas about 'how to do things', be he seems to focus more on presenting options and possibilities than saying "this is an effective way to get a result". That seems particularly not a beta rataional element of Se+Ti ('this is the way to do it') or ('here is the most powerful way to do things, the other ways are crap and not strong').

    3 He almost seems to advocate personally not drawing attention to oneself or a certain 'pride' related to that. Almost defensively so? That seems somewhat alpha or delta.

    The problem is that I can't tell which of the things I'm seeing are a part of his inherent makeup or him being in 'teacher mode" or even "boss mode".

  39. #39


    he looks like :

    and that guy from lost who wouldn't let people push the button

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    I don't think Patrick Stewart and the OP guy look alike at all, other than being bald white males. Definitely not the same nature.

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