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Thread: What is temperament?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Knight View Post
    What is your temperament? How do you feel about/experience your temperament? What would you say its like to be a person of your temperament? Is there any great boons/major suckages to being of your temperament? Other such prodding questions about temperament.
    I'm supposed to be Ij.. I like my persistence with going on steady never giving up and being totally single-mindedly focused on my stuff and finishing the stuff while keeping energy reserves, idk why, just in case or something. I'm not as extremely conservative with energy as the description makes it out to be though. See below on that. I also like the emotionally stable default state of mine but "like" is a strong word for that because that state is just so natural that I take it for granted and only notice the sore lack of it when it's gone missing, that happens only rarely tho' so I'm all good heh. Interestingly enough, anger states don't feel like my balance is upset much, I guess that's because I still keep a logical core.

    Otoh what doesn't really fit under any standard temperament is that from time to time I feel like I need to shake up things with the default steadiness so I'll make some "unexpected moves" and stuff then, just for the fun of that, definitely not going overboard with this though and I'm still controlled about those moves underneath. And that's what makes it real fun somehow, the control behind it all. I can also sometimes change the pattern/parts of the order in which I do a task, out of the same motivation.. In terms of energy expenditure much of this definitely takes more energy too -in bursts- but I actually like that, hell why not. I don't relate to the idea that I'd be always always reserving possible maximal amount of energy. Whenever I make some move -I don't just mean the "unexpected stuff" here- that's not part of a longer process, I always put in more energy than the minimum required. If part of a longer process then I instantly go to energy conservation mode, that's true.

    Ew, yoga and "healing slow" stuff is the recommended sports? That's not for me, no, that'd be boring me to death. Marathon running is ok but only at a decent pace, not the slow shit. I like faster shit than that, I'm just not interested in reserving all of my energy when doing sports because I'm focused on the competition instead, though I do reserve some whenever I can. That's just how I am.. so yes I like the marathon running stuff and I can also like going slow while feeling like I can go on forever because that gives me a certain feeling of power but I also like sports with strong bursts of energy with rests between, that just gives another kind of feeling of a different kind of power. Hard to say which type of sport I like more, honestly. And I disagree that I can't have enthusiasm and briskness or whatever in sports.

    Also... I know half of the forum types me SLE and the other half LSI but I don't relate to the Ep temperament as described in the posts here, that's too much randomness and too much multitasking for me. I am just not that flexible and loose either, I'm much more tight than loose. Though I know the stuff I said above about releasing bursts of energy sounds Ep-ish but I doubt Ep's keep that control underneath all of it. And with the multitasking, sometimes when I feel like challenging myself, I do try to play with that too in a similar controlled fashion meaning I still keep threads together in one single focus. Aand, that's again so good, heh, I mean, the focus thingie. And the challenge.

    Something where I don't know if I'm more Ij or more Ep: I'm not sure about stress tolerance in those rapidly changing situations. I like the idea of responding quickly, that actually sounds enjoyable, but I haven't been in such situations for an extended period of time so idk what it is like then.

    OK, what I don't like about Ij is that sometimes I would like to be able to put in more energy for some stuff. Though it's not like I can't go on with stuff even when I'm tired if I need to go on or if I will myself to go on because, simply, being tired shouldn't get in the way

    Quote Originally Posted by Crispy View Post
    The Smilingeyes's comments seem spot on for Ij, in my case anyway...

    The temperament in socionics is a dynamic quantity because it describes the energy consumption process and it shows the volume and speed of the changes in energy expenditure. This is why the temperament can be determined by monitoring the movements and activities of the person. We must observe how that person walks, works and does sports.
    Uh my "energy consumption process" doesn't fit strictly under any temperament as seen above in my description. As I said.. steady controlled with some reserving of energies is the default but sometimes I "burst out" of that to a higher level. That's how I can really sum it up.

    The way I walk, yeah, it's pretty much J as fuck in terms of not deviating and not looking around much but sometimes I can for fun run over/above obstacles or around them, when I'm in those "burst modes". And usually I walk fast, I love walking very very fast, otoh I actually do it in a way that doesn't waste energy, lol, if you look at me it looks like I hardly move my arms around and legs either but I walk much faster than many people who flail around with their arms and pick up their legs like crazy. As for working, sure, I don't multitask much, I finish something first before doing anything else and before finishing I focus on that task single-mindedly. Sometimes, especially when I have to do several physical things -meaning it requires me go/move around a lot and handle several objects-, I like to emulate the multitasking for fun as described earlier. And I like to do anything really fast that's of the sort of job that requires either physical input and/or a quick mind esp with very good mental control over organizing the task. I really enjoy working fast then. Otherwise, if the task is not like that, I just work at that steady slower pace. Uh also if I procrastinated until a deadline then I do the whole thing in one go at higher intensity, for this type of stress I have pretty good tolerance but I can burn out temporarily if I do this pattern of working too often... As for sports, I already described above... I've got a steady Ij and a work-in-bursts Ep mode for sports depending on what type of sport it is and I enjoy both.
    Last edited by Myst; 07-13-2015 at 04:23 AM.

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