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Thread: Game of Thrones

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    Forceful, lusty, hot tempered, passionate, grudge holding, overconfident, loyal to those he cares about.Switches between being laid-back and easygoing to being serious.
    All this points to SEE.
    I considered EIE-Fe, but his Se is very strong, I don't recall him demonstrating Ni, and he doesn't respect authority.
    Thus he's SEE-Se.

    IJ temperament is obvious. SLI? No. She's judgemental, strict and stable, and doesn't actually explicitly demonstrate Si, or even Te.
    I lean LSI > ESI.
    She's awkward, yearns for acceptance, and she uses Ti over Fi.
    It may seem that her deep loyalty to individuals and not their groups points to Fi, but in fact, Brienne is just adhering to the expectations and guidelines of knighthood, when no one else does.
    She found a system of behaviour she likes and strives to adhere to it completely, to the point of ignoring efficiency [Te ignoring].

    Roose Bolton
    Obvious Gamma NT.
    He's cautious, calm, calculating, politically atute, coldly realistic and a cunning strategist.
    He never publicly expresses anger, happiness, or sadness.
    He offers the most pragmatic advice to Robb Stark, albeit the most ruthless.
    For all his caution while dealing with his enemies, Roose ironically fails to see the threat right in front of him i.e Ramsay [weak Fi].
    His calmness points towards ILI, Te subtype.

    Calm and reserved demeanour.
    Able to wade through one confrontation after another without losing his dignity, temper or advantage.
    Speaks in riddles.
    Appears meek, subservient and passive, but is a master of deception, manipulation and calculation.
    This points to ILI or IEI.
    While he seems good at Fe, it's all very over the top and pretty laughable. I [ILI] could do the same in his situation.
    He's good at Te, see him when he's ruling Meereen with Tyrion.
    More importantly, he seems Fi valuing.
    He develops close emotional connections with people and has a vengeful Gamma-ish nature [the sorcerer].
    ILI are also better at Se than IEI in my experience, which Varys occasionally demonstrates.
    So ILI-Ni. This subtype explains his somewhat strong ethics.

    Renly Baratheon
    Obvious ethical extrovert.
    Uneasy around violence and blood, According to him, all he heard about from Robert was how he was never "tough" enough.
    This leaves ESE and IEE.
    He's skilled in politics and was patient, pointing to IEE.
    He also relied on his charisma and popularity for the support of his troops rather than propaganda, which is habitual of Fi creatives.
    Conflicts with Stannis.
    He's IEE-Fi.

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    Obvious Se valuing logical extrovert.
    That leaves SLE and LIE.
    He doesn't value Fi [like Tyrion] and he values Fe.
    SLE-Se. It's actually pretty obvious.

    Walder Frey
    Arrogant, domineering, lecherous, tyrannical, ruthless and traitorous. Not fully considering the long-term consequences of his actions.
    SLE-Se it is.

    High Sparrow
    Humble, pious and 'wise'. Unmoved by life's luxuries and abjures materialism.
    Ruthless and fanatical in his beliefs as well as a shrewd and highly intelligent political player with a keen and personal understanding of the mindsets of many of the political players of King's Landing.
    Obvious EIE-Ni.

    Mance Rayder [King Beyond the Wall]
    Charismatic, calm, and determined with strong leadership qualities.
    His exceptional social skills and honest yet stern personal enabled him unite the diverse wilding clans and earn their respect and admiration. Sometimes ignores what's efficient [Te]
    He's EIE-Ni.

    Alliser Throne
    LSI-Se. Stern, unsympathetic and sometimes cruel. Does not tolerate weakness or cowardice. Holds Maester Aemon [IEI] in high regard. Ignores efficiency in favour of a consistent system [Te vs Ti]. Beta 'us v.s them' mentality [Crows vs the Wildlings].

  3. #283
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    Quote Originally Posted by My Mind is Erupting View Post
    Definitely can't say I agree with.. Almost any of these. Do you mind explaining why you think those are their types? Though if you're lazy like me then it's cool.
    Cersei clearly values Se. But I don't think she's necessarily strong in it. She constantly overestimates her own ability, and her enacting of agency towards her end goals typically end her in worse shape than if she just sat still and acted pretty. That to me speaks of Valued but weak Se. And its not even a secret amongst the Lannister Family that her ambition outshines her competency.
    Jamie - Hunch. His loyalty to his sister is something so inflexible that Fi isn't like that at all, An Fi creative would have sided with convenience over principle at some point. Ti's code of ethics is that rigid though, especially in terms of the inner inner circle. Se, well... that's just easier to see than it is to describe. But maybe im wrong on this one, who knows. He could be ESE for all I know.
    Tyrion - If you don't have NT you're just obviously wrong; you need to evaluate the building blocks your using. I think Tyrions style of insight is much more in that Ne form where the type of thing would never occur to an Ni type unless they dealt with it first hand. However, he does have a decent, even if not spoken, understanding of how things will play out. This points to Ni ignoring to me, as Ni info transmutes into Ne. He also doesn't seem to be on the lookout for unfolding events and occurences so he can plot the next momentarily advantageous move. He understands it, because there is danger, and proceeds on his own path. Much more Ne > Ni.
    Sansa - No one cares about Sansa. Worst character on the show.
    Arya - So Absolutely SLE its absurd. If you want expounding, I can go into it.
    -will finish later.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

  4. #284
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pookie View Post
    Cersei clearly values Se. But I don't think she's necessarily strong in it. She constantly overestimates her own ability, and her enacting of agency towards her end goals typically end her in worse shape than if she just sat still and acted pretty. That to me speaks of Valued but weak Se. And its not even a secret amongst the Lannister Family that her ambition outshines her competency.
    Jamie - Hunch. His loyalty to his sister is something so inflexible that Fi isn't like that at all, An Fi creative would have sided with convenience over principle at some point. Ti's code of ethics is that rigid though, especially in terms of the inner inner circle. Se, well... that's just easier to see than it is to describe. But maybe im wrong on this one, who knows. He could be ESE for all I know.
    Tyrion - If you don't have NT you're just obviously wrong; you need to evaluate the building blocks your using. I think Tyrions style of insight is much more in that Ne form where the type of thing would never occur to an Ni type unless they dealt with it first hand. However, he does have a decent, even if not spoken, understanding of how things will play out. This points to Ni ignoring to me, as Ni info transmutes into Ne. He also doesn't seem to be on the lookout for unfolding events and occurences so he can plot the next momentarily advantageous move. He understands it, because there is danger, and proceeds on his own path. Much more Ne > Ni.
    Sansa - No one cares about Sansa. Worst character on the show.
    Arya - So Absolutely SLE its absurd. If you want expounding, I can go into it.
    -will finish later.
    I can see where you're going with some of your typings, but others I just can't agree with, sorry- Uh, I don't really need to say anything, as I pretty much agree with all of DonkeyEternal's typings, if you're willing and have time, you should just read them for my opinion, but a more harsh version, if I must say. I don't mean any offence though, I totally respect your opinion too, I just wanted to see why you thought so, really.

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    Some things I disagree with

    Quote Originally Posted by Donkey Eternal View Post
    Clearly Fe and Se valuing, Beta, and not a fucking ESE, SLE or SEE. SLE are actually quite composed people, not boisterous unless by someone else's initiative. ESEs are boisterous, but not nearly as dramatic and are inclined towards less extremes. He also has strong Ni, as seen in attitude towards the Dothraki problem. Strong Se explained by his Fe subtype, and Se is still not as prevalent as Fe. If you don't think this pig values Fe you need to watch his interactions with Ned more closely. SEEs don't care about Fe unless it helps them achieve something material. And there's no Fi in him, just see how he reacts to Ned's Fi input. He's an EIE-Fe. Sure, he doesn't seem like Dany, another EIE-Fe, but then EIE are the most varied and, frankly, fucked up type, no offence.
    ESEs have demonstrative Se. And there's almost no Ni in him from what I remember. I'll agree that he's Fe leading, but I don't see how having a lot of Se means he can't be ESE.

    Yet another EIE-Fe. Alpha NT is the stupidest typing for him. Alpha NTs react to Se with disgust and avoidance, though ILE will use it quite maturely if need be. Joffrey likes Se, in his own twisted way, and is constantly trying to make himself seem like he's good at Se, which he's only mediocre at and that too because of his status. As for Fe dominance, he's quite good at Fe. Just watch how he charmed Sansa and riles up crowds when he wants. He doesn't care for Si. Lack of Ni explained by Fe subtype. Listen, I know these typings are not perfect, but they're the closest you can expect with these fictional characters. So Joffrey is EIE-Fe.
    I just don't see the point in typing him when he's practically a complete psychopath. You've basically summarized all the main traits of a psychopath to EIE. Unless you happen to know what each type as a psychopath would be like, I just don't see how this is insightful.

    Lol, another EIE. Dramatic and very Beta, obsessed with being the 'Dragon', lmao. Quite like Joffrey, good at Fe, but often mixes it with his meh Se, which he isn't nearly as good with as he might think. Not much else to say for this obvious typing, but I will say you're nuts if you think he's ILE, lol. The Dragon is EIE-Fe.
    I don't see how this makes sense. This guy has a self-aggrandized idea of himself, that he deserves certain things. He had this whole idea of being this great being that everyone should worship. ---points to--> Si. And his intuition was shit; he was oblivious to what was happening around him and how people felt about him. Don't see how a character that doesn't pay any attention to how other people feel about him is Fe leading? If anything, I'd say Viserys had a lack of Fe and poor intuition. Points more to LSE than EIE.

    Is EIE. I know, I'm tired of EIE typings too, but lets get them all over with at once.
    The Joffrey-Viserys case applies here, what with strong Fe
    [listen to his speech before he's knocked out] and the not-so-great but emphasised Se, he's just not AS bad a guy as the former two. Strong Beta-ness and pride for his culture. After the Ramsay thing I think he's EII. Terrified of Se, Very focused on the interpersonal, afraid of offending, confused by Ramsay's turbulent Fe. Capable of channeling Fe himself occasionally [iron islands or Yara speech], but doesn't care about it as much anymore, advises others with Ni, but unable to force anyone to listen.
    So yeah, EIE-Fe then EII. You can't expect consistent types in all fictional characters, especially ones subjected to torture.
    I have no thoughts on his type before he was emotionally and spiritually destroyed. But after everything he's been though, he's not differentiated enough for a type imo because Se-PoLR doesn't imply being meek and afraid.

    My first impression was 'oh, another EIE', but I now think he's SEE. Hear me out. He reeks of Fe [lol, pun not intended], but he uses it playfully and non-seriously. I'm not saying this negates the typing of EIE, but it opens up the possibility of SEE since Fe demonstrative can manifest in that form. Something that really differentiates Ramsay from the EIEs in this show is that he's really good at Se, which he clearly values. Se manifests itself differently in him than the EIEs. He's fearless and revels in the violance of personal combat. He's unpredictable and arrogant, ignoring possible ways his plans could go wrong. He thinks on his feet, but is reckless when it comes to political consequences. He also respects and heeds the words of his father, Roose, a Gamma NT. Of course, he's a fucking sadist, but overall I think he's an SEE-Fi.
    No opinion about his type as he's another pretty much psychopath, but I've never known any SEEs that enjoy plotting and toying with people ----> points to thinking. They are almost always "live and let live" people, unless you do something to provoke them. But even then, they are acting against you because of a perceived hurt or wrong.

    Emotionally manipulative and sees through the character of others e.g Margaery. Points to skill in ethics. She's too often typed logical without reason. Being cold and distrusting does not equal a logical type. Strong and valued Se. Se's strength negates the possibility of IEI, leaving EIE, SEE or ESI. She is extremely impatient and short-sighted. This removes EIE. She's mistrustful, vengeful and definitely a Gamma SF, but her mercurial, amoral nature and bias towards her children is more SEE than ESI. I don't even like her that much, but she is what she is, an SEE-Se. This also explains her and Jaime's [LIE] mostly positive relationship, as well as her being supervised by Tywin, an LSI.
    Well, being cold and distrusting is often associated with thinking types, as they are unable or not very good at gauging how other people feel about them. She is amoral and vengeful, but I don't see how that has to mean Gamma. She's mercurial, I agree, but who doesn't get emotional when they have to constantly deal with threats and pressures from the people around them? If anything I'd say she's an introvert, due to her private and plotting nature; probably LSI-Se is a better typing than ESI; Fi types are much better at relating their own emotions with other people. Cersei doesn't do this at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Donkey Eternal View Post
    Let's examine her character.
    When young, she tried to emulate her mother's example of a "proper lady" i.e she's probably rational, which explains her conflict with irrational, SEE-Se Arya.
    She's obviously ethical, and most likely is a Fi-valuing introvert, leaving ESI and EII.
    She naively believed in the tales and epic romances in which every princess gets her honourable knight in shining armour to sweep her off her feet.
    This points to an intuitive type, however, you must realise that she was brought up to believe those tales, and it's not like she persists in her belief for long, so this aspect of her personality leads to no conclusion.
    While you could argue Arya was brought up similarly, ESI and SEE react quite differently to traditions and standards, the former embracing most of them and the latter rejecting them.
    Now, why would a Fi type be so naive as Sansa in season one of GoT?
    Simple, she has bad Ne.
    She was so absorbed in her preconceived perception of the world that until an extreme occurrence [Ned's death], she remained oblivious.
    So that should exclude EII, but that was too little to go off of, so I'll continue and prove that she's most likely an ESI.
    You might think she's bad at Se, but she's not, it's just that she realises her attempts to resist the cruelty of those around her would be futile.
    You see, ESI, unlike SEE, are mindful of the social hierarchy.
    Note how her Se comes out when she escapes King's Landing, especially when she's with Baelish and later Jon.
    Speaking of Baelish, they dualise.
    Notice how much she grows in her awareness of context and intrigue when around him.
    As for subtypes, I think she's ESI-Se, mostly because of her pushy interaction with Jon.
    I agree that she's Fi leading. But her being naive isn't really a good case for Se valuing imo. Anyone that's been sheltered from the world is going to have a warped sense of it. She's one of the few characters that has seemed to develop themselves from a Jungian standpoint. But it'll be interesting to see where she takes this.

    He's extroverted, that's for sure.
    Also for sure is that he values Fi.
    He's good at Fe, but uses it playfully or for manipulative gain i.e Fe demonstrative.
    Emotionally turbulent, tends towards drama.
    Good at cheering people up, but while his intentions are noble, he seems insincere, erratic and inconsiderate at times, which is habitual of Fi creatives SEE and IEE, but I haven't ruled out LIE yet.
    What does rule out LIE is his sometimes lazy and hedonistic behaviour, and the fact that his emotions often overpower his logic.
    What makes him IEE over SEE is his strong ability with Ni, ability to accurate grasp people's character without much background with them, and the fact that he's probably not Cersei's identical.
    It makes sense that he's Tywins conflictor also.
    Subtype is IEE-Fi.
    That's an interesting typing. Most people are pretty keen on either EIE or ILE. I don't have a strong opinion. I just find Tyrion to be extroverted, intuitive, good at understanding how people feel about him, and with a strong moral compass, so maybe that's a better typing than the other two.

    Not an alpha SF.
    She's an aggressor, plays power games, manipulates people and has great ambition.
    "I want to be the Queen."
    Cleary extroverted and so I say SEE-Fi.
    EIE-Fe was my first thought, but she only ever uses Fe for personal gain.
    Of course that fact doesn't negate EIE, but her aggressor attitude and sensory confidence sure do.
    Fi subtype explains her pretty good intuition.
    I also like her a lot too, but no bias.
    Well, I think EIE makes more sense, given she's really good at gauging how people feel about her and dealing with them. She's also quick to pick up on the subtleties of other people. Maybe she's too much of an aggressor for that though. I'm not sure. But EIE and SEE are a benefit pair, making it hard to distinguish one from the other. So I won't really argue with you on this.

    The Hound
    Aggressive, Se valuing and realistic. Doesn't actually care for authority or rules unless not caring would result in his displeasure. Mindful of politics and people's positions. Fi valuing, cynical and introverted. Inwardly kind, democratic, and devolops close but complicated bonds. Points to ESI-Se. I could elaborate, but I think it's obvious. He's not an SLI; not Si valuing at all and uses a lot of Se.
    Another benefit pair with SLI and ESI. He probably comes off as both types, depending on what period of time you're looking at in the character's development. I got the same impression from Jon Snow. But I'll argue that if they struggle with sorting out their Fi, SLI fits better overall with an Fi hidden agenda.

  6. #286

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    Quote Originally Posted by strangeling View Post
    Some things I disagree with

    ESEs have demonstrative Se. And there's almost no Ni in him from what I remember. I'll agree that he's Fe leading, but I don't see how having a lot of Se means he can't be ESE.
    That video really shows his Ni. I never said having lots of Se means he can't be ESE, I just said he valued Se, which should be obvious.

    I just don't see the point in typing him when he's practically a complete psychopath. You've basically summarized all the main traits of a psychopath to EIE. Unless you happen to know what each type as a psychopath would be like, I just don't see how this is insightful.

    I actually agree typing such disturbed characters is folly, but many on this thread are typing Joffrey stuff like LII and ILE which is so ridiculous that I'm trying to show that if we had to type him, EIE would be the safest bet. I also explicitly said these typings aren't perfect.

    I don't see how this makes sense. This guy has a self-aggrandized idea of himself, that he deserves certain things. He had this whole idea of being this great being that everyone should worship. ---points to--> Si. And his intuition was shit; he was oblivious to what was happening around him and how people felt about him. Don't see how a character that doesn't pay any attention to how other people feel about him is Fe leading? If anything, I'd say Viserys had a lack of Fe and poor intuition. Points more to LSE than EIE.

    That is absolutely not Si, where did you get that idea? If anything, EIEs often have a self-aggrandizing idea of themselves, that they deserve certain things, but I'd rather not attribute this trait to a type. That's not what intuition is either, that what sensing [what's happening around someone] and Fi [how people feel about someone] deals with. Viserys is EIE and thus Fi ignoring. Only on one occasion did Viserys demonstrate ignorance of Fe, an EIEs leading function, and that was when he was drunk. Not sure how you see a Delta in him; obvious Beta.

    I have no thoughts on his type before he was emotionally and spiritually destroyed. But after everything he's been though, he's not differentiated enough for a type imo because Se-PoLR doesn't imply being meek and afraid.

    Se-PoLR does in fact imply being RELATIVELY meek and afraid. That's not the only reason I gave either.

    No opinion about his type as he's another pretty much psychopath, but I've never known any SEEs that enjoy plotting and toying with people ----> points to thinking. They are almost always "live and let live" people, unless you do something to provoke them. But even then, they are acting against you because of a perceived hurt or wrong.

    Plotting and toying with people doesn't point to thinking. If anything, dealing with people's emotions [negatively even] and being good at it points more to feeling. To be fair, I haven't seen any silly typings of Ramsay that I did with Joffrey, but from a functional standpoint, he fits SEE. It's not like I expect him to conform to a stereotype or for other SEEs to relate or like him.

    Well, being cold and distrusting is often associated with thinking types, as they are unable or not very good at gauging how other people feel about them. She is amoral and vengeful, but I don't see how that has to mean Gamma. She's mercurial, I agree, but who doesn't get emotional when they have to constantly deal with threats and pressures from the people around them? If anything I'd say she's an introvert, due to her private and plotting nature; probably LSI-Se is a better typing than ESI; Fi types are much better at relating their own emotions with other people. Cersei doesn't do this at all.

    Good argument, I've changed my mind, she's an LSI-Se probably. That explains her trying to emulate Tywin [LSI], but I can't see duality between her and Robert, who I still think is EIE. Gammas are vengeful by nature, that's commonly accepted in Socionics. I never said being amoral is gamma, I said being amoral points more to a Fi creative [SEE] than a Fi leading [ESI]. Not that I think SEEs are amoral people, just MORE amoral than ESIs.

    I agree that she's Fi leading. But her being naive isn't really a good case for Se valuing imo. Anyone that's been sheltered from the world is going to have a warped sense of it. She's one of the few characters that has seemed to develop themselves from a Jungian standpoint. But it'll be interesting to see where she takes this.

    You're twisting my words repeatedly. I never said being naive is a good case for Se valuing. On the contrary Se types are anything but naive. I was in fact trying to explain why a Se type [ESI] was naive when they are usually realistic people. I've considered and still consider the possibility that she was an EII and is now an ESI or even SEE.

    That's an interesting typing. Most people are pretty keen on either EIE or ILE. I don't have a strong opinion. I just find Tyrion to be extroverted, intuitive, good at understanding how people feel about him, and with a strong moral compass, so maybe that's a better typing than the other two.

    Well, I think EIE makes more sense, given she's really good at gauging how people feel about her and dealing with them. She's also quick to pick up on the subtleties of other people. Maybe she's too much of an aggressor for that though. I'm not sure. But EIE and SEE are a benefit pair, making it hard to distinguish one from the other. So I won't really argue with you on this.

    SEEs are better at gauging how people feel about them and dealing with them, that's related to Fi, as is picking up on the subtleties of other people. Not saying EIEs can't do that, just that SEEs can also do so.

    Another benefit pair with SLI and ESI. He probably comes off as both types, depending on what period of time you're looking at in the character's development. I got the same impression from Jon Snow. But I'll argue that if they struggle with sorting out their Fi, SLI fits better overall with an Fi hidden agenda.

    People can struggle with their leading function, for instance an SEE being impulsive and headstrong or an ILI being anxious and lazy. ESI-Se are a lot more closed off and darker than their Fi subtypes. But I still think SLI is good second typing.
    Hope that helps clear some things up.
    Last edited by Donkey Eternal; 08-30-2016 at 12:07 PM. Reason: .

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    Well, I type by Jungian descriptions first, socionics stereotypes of the Jungian descriptions second, so have fun stereotyping then.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strangeling View Post
    Well, I type by Jungian descriptions first, socionics stereotypes of the Jungian descriptions second, so have fun stereotyping then.
    I'm not stereotyping, if you can't realise that you're an idiot and not worth arguing with.

  9. #289
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    Starks: Mostly representative of delta quadra imo. Fi and Si values are clear.
    Jon Snow: EII
    Eddard Stark: SLI
    Arya: SEE
    Sansa: SEI
    Catelyn: ESE

    Lennisters: Gamma. Strong Te and NI.
    Jaime: LIE
    Cersei: LIE
    Joffrey: SEE
    Tywin: ILI
    Tyerion: ILE (The only one who doesn't fall into the gamma stereotype of Lennisters imo)

    Targs + Barbs: Representatives of beta quadra. Strong Ni and Fe, valued Se.
    Deanerys: EIE-Ni
    Drogo: SLE

    Barathorn: Possile alphas.
    Robert: ESE (EIE wtf?!)

  10. #290
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    Reyne, what do you think about Daenerys?
    I can agree about Tywin with you. He resembled Edward Longshacks from Mel Gibson's "Braveheart"( who seems to be LIE) a lot.
    Last edited by Wildelita; 01-31-2017 at 12:54 PM.

  11. #291
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    Danaerys - IEE-Fi

  12. #292
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    I haven't read the book but from series, I would say Sansa is SEI. All your four reasons will somewhat work also with SEI.
    Margerie is SEE.
    I thought Daenerys is ESE. If LSI, how can there be romance like that with SLI?
    Arya gives an EII vibe. Cersei is definitely EIE imo.

    Quote Originally Posted by discojoe View Post
    For Sansa, I chose SEE because:

    1. She has no problem with confrontation. She'll even yell at the queen. But she is more mindful of Fe than Arya and tones it down, knowing that simply flipping her lid will lead to problems. She can make these nasty little Fi jabs at people, like when she said, "Wait a minute, I just realized that I don't care" after asking her nurse to tell her about her childhood. That's Se+Fi.
    2. Like Robert, her focus is on her relationships with people and her feelings toward them. Throughout the entire series, we hear nothing but her sentiments toward so-and-so, how they're nasty and awful. It's not just the author implying it; it's descriptions of what is occurring in her head.
    3. She's mindful of and aware of Fe, but does not participate in it.
    4. She does not deliberate on the logic of her decisions. Everything she does is based on her immediate sentiments. This is why I object to ESI, since that type is insecure about the coherence of their thinking and doing.

    As far as Daenerys's type, well she's clearly IJ. Stiff, collected, dry, etc. Whatever. And she's got the aura of Si demonstrative, this underlying uber hotness. I've got it, Diana's got it, Allie's got it... Anyway, Se creative comes through in the way she functions. Se creatives are very mobile, meaning they just jump up and do something that needs to be done. Look at Gandalf; when it becomes clear to him what must be done, he just ups and goes off and does it. Daenerys is like that, with growing confidence as the story progresses. She gets a Base function reaction, then BOOM Se fires off and goes to serve the Base. BOOM HEADSHOT.

    One argument in favor of ESI is the bedroom scene in which she effectively dominates Drogo. When she told him what she wanted, he was caught off guard, but couldn't think of a reason to say no. So yeah, ESI might make more sense.

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    I'm just going to throw this out there but if GoT fascinates ya then perhaps you'd like to read up on certain a doomed duke of Melnibone. It's basically the missing link between Lord of the Rings and that work everyone can't seem to get enough of. Also, as a man possessing a gift of spotting the reference you'd be *damned* hard pressed to overlook how that one work influenced anime. I mean, there is one more anime that influenced that medium enough that one particular Tripple-A fighting game payed a double homage to both itself and this one crazed motherfucker's Dark Fantasy. I could spell it out, but only if asked. I want people to guess, give me options, I wanna see if there are others who got a mind that seeks/sees links as mine does...
    Last edited by End; 09-26-2017 at 05:09 AM.

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    Will Lady Starbucks loose her pet in the upcoming episode 5 ?

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    10. In Victory, Learn when to Stop.

    "Arrogance, overconfidence or excessive cruelty in the heat of victory will create yet more enemies."

    Last edited by khcs; 05-13-2019 at 05:30 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post
    10. In Victory, Learn when to Stop.

    "Arrogance, overconfidence or excessive cruelty in the heat of victory will create yet more enemies."

    Want to try and type the characters ? Interested to see what you think

  17. #297
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    This is a great show. I find it hard to predict what's going to happen next and I've actually been shocked a couple times at what did. I'll miss it when it ends.

    I wonder what's going to happen in the finale. If daenerys is killed, someone will also have to kill her dragon. I think a lot of people are going to dislike Daenerys at this point. How can there only be one episode left? Feels like there's still quite a bit more potential story and conflict left.

    Typing is kind of hard because these characters are so multi-dimensional and multi-faceted imo, but I think Jon is some SLI/ESI and Sansa is Fi. Tyrion does seem pretty EIE though imo; finally one that is more a good guy or at least some kind of antihero.
    Androgynous Robot Dreamer - Not really human, but good at pretending.

    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    blame the merry quadras

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    While the last two seasons may have felt like a watered down version of the world and characters, I think some of the criticisms have been excessive. Most of the characters have still acted in accordance with their arcs and pre-established traits, even if it suddenly feels more like fanfiction than a real continuation of the earlier seasons that more closely followed the books and took their time with character arcs and plot progression. This is especially notable with Dany and Cersei in the most recent episode, as many criticisms focused on either of them acting out of character. Dany's sudden "turn" (if it can really be called a turn) may have felt abrupt and I'd have liked to have seen it happen a little more gradually, but otherwise it felt like a logical, if quickened, conclusion to her arc since season 1. Obviously there's a lot of other criticisms to be made, but they're about details (i.e. silly battle strategies, the physics of scorpion bolts, teleporting navies, armies crossing hundreds of miles in what seems like a couple of days, etc.) not directly related to the character development. I think the most recent seasons threw a lot of those details and logic points out the door in service of the quickened plot and character development. A lot of loose ends too, like I had hoped to see at least a little more of the political situations of the Riverlands, Vale, Dorne and the Reach adressesd, and had they made full 10 episode seasons the writers could have easily done that, but I guess the creators are itching to move on to turning Star Wars into GoT in space. I really see no good reasons, at least from a storyteller's perspective, to suddenly start rushing everything starting in season 7. Early seasons spent much time establishing and showing us pre-existing alliances, whilst spending plenty of time on shifting alliances. The 'talky' parts were the exciting parts, while the action was a nice, occasional break, but in season 7 and 8, it feels like the action is emphasized above all else, but the 'talky' parts have been reduced more to cliché, one-dimensional conversations and platitudes there as breaks between big CGI spectacle scenes. I'd like to have seen a 10 episode final season, with some time spent on the actual journey to Kings' Landing after the defeat of the NK. Perhaps some mention at least of the apparent power vacuum in the Riverlands would be nice, for instance, but I felt like all of that shit was skipped over just to get to the big bad fanservice shit like Cleganebowl and Drogon burning shit up.
    Last edited by perpetuus; 05-15-2019 at 12:02 PM.

  19. #299
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dalek Caan View Post
    This is a great show. I find it hard to predict what's going to happen next and I've actually been shocked a couple times at what did. I'll miss it when it ends.

    I wonder what's going to happen in the finale. If daenerys is killed, someone will also have to kill her dragon. I think a lot of people are going to dislike Daenerys at this point. How can there only be one episode left? Feels like there's still quite a bit more potential story and conflict left.

    Typing is kind of hard because these characters are so multi-dimensional and multi-faceted imo, but I think Jon is some SLI/ESI and Sansa is Fi. Tyrion does seem pretty EIE though imo; finally one that is more a good guy or at least some kind of antihero.
    I'm pretty sure Jon is ESI and Sansa is xEE. In fact Jon is the one of the only typings I really feel confident in saying.

    Some attempts at typing which could be wrong:
    Robert Baratheon ESE or SLE. Not much of an opinion other than Fe Valuing and weak intuition.

    Stannis: LSI (actually this one is easy)

    Jorah: I believe LSI as well. Again I could be wrong.

    Daenarys: EIE? Fire and Blood = Fe+Se imo. Whatever she is, I don't think it's Te or Fi.

    Cersei: Someone here wrote SEE and I think that actually makes a lot of sense, making Tywin her supervisor. She is the only of his 3 kids that wanted to be like him, yet she constantly let him down. Supervision seems right.

    Tywin: LSI- ti sub. in order to be her supervisor, Ti Lead makes sense.

    Jamie Lannister: SLI? People say Se a lot, but he seems Si. He doesn't want to do much other than "Ride around on his horse and fight" something Cersei criticizes him for. His father also goes at him for his lack of desire for Se. Upset that he only wanted to be a Kingsguard and not pursue any real power. Before he lost his hand he was said to be the best fighter in the country, also points to SLI imo. Bit of a stereotype but this is a show after all.

    Bronn: SLE- Ti? Don't know, he reminds me of someone I knew IRL.

    Tyrion This I really don't know. I think maybe IEE? He's very strategic and cunning but gentle with people he cares about/vies as weak. Maybe some sort of SE valuing? This character is difficult to type imo.

    Ned Stark: LSE. Ni polr and weak fi make perfect sense.

    Arya Stark: SEE

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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    I'm pretty sure Jon is ESI and Sansa is xEE. In fact Jon is the one of the only typings I really feel confident in saying.
    Jon as ESI probably makes sense. Sometimes I have a hard time seeing the difference between benefit pairs. They can be very similar.

    But we agree that Sansa is Fi ego?

    Stannis: LSI (actually this one is easy)

    Jorah: I believe LSI as well. Again I could be wrong.
    Yeah, prolly.

    Daenarys: EIE? Fire and Blood = Fe+Se imo. Whatever she is, I don't think it's Te or Fi.
    I just, I don't know. Her story arc seems to have her fluctuating between being destitute to getting dragons to wanting to be a moral leader to just wanting power and revenge.

    I've been reading a lot of people feel like her transition to the mad Queen isn't all that believable. I think that's part of the allure of the show though, but maybe it doesn't make for very consistent characters.

    Cersei: Someone here wrote SEE and I think that actually makes a lot of sense, making Tywin her supervisor. She is the only of his 3 kids that wanted to be like him, yet she constantly let him down. Supervision seems right.

    Tywin: LSI- ti sub. in order to be her supervisor, Ti Lead makes sense.
    Maybe. I definitely got LSI vibes from Tywin. I don't know if Ep temperament matches Cersei very well though. Kind of came off as Ij imo.

    But I think she had a very self-serving love for herself and her children and was very critical and calculating, but in a way that an emotionally wounded person wants to protect themselves and their loves ones. I'm really hesitant to apply type to a character like that. I'm not sure it would explain much.

    Jamie Lannister: SLI? People say Se a lot, but he seems Si. He doesn't want to do much other than "Ride around on his horse and fight" something Cersei criticizes him for. His father also goes at him for his lack of desire for Se. Upset that he only wanted to be a Kingsguard and not pursue any real power. Before he lost his hand he was said to be the best fighter in the country, also points to SLI imo. Bit of a stereotype but this is a show after all.
    So, I kind of thought he was SLE cause he seemed pretty Fi polr at the beginning and extroverted. But then his character kind of changed and seemed to show more understanding and concern for other people. To be honest, I don't remember his character all that much; I thought he did the knight thing to piss off Tywin or something? But I don't remember.

    Tyrion This I really don't know. I think maybe IEE? He's very strategic and cunning but gentle with people he cares about/vies as weak. Maybe some sort of SE valuing? This character is difficult to type imo.
    yeah maybe. IEE or EIE or something like that.

    Ned Stark: LSE. Ni polr and weak fi make perfect sense.
    Probably. Don't really remember his character though, but I think most people that are experienced with the theory suggest that.

    Arya Stark: SEE
    You know. actually, I think she's kind of an introvert. Maybe SLI actually. She's got the whole stone-faced Fe polr thing going on now.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    blame the merry quadras

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    I can die happy now I've heard this:

    Androgynous Robot Dreamer - Not really human, but good at pretending.

    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    blame the merry quadras

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    Gawd this new season is awful.

    Writers: every character shits the bed in the final act and it all goes to hell. For reasons.

    But hey you get some CGI battle porn and fire dragons, that’s enough to stand in for intriguing plot and dialogue, right guys?

    <—- every Screen writer nowadays.

    Is it just me or, does the Deni, Snow romance have zero chemistry? Thank God they ended that quick. It was cringy, but the actors probably gave it their best shot.

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    The final season of this show is like how the final books will go if they are released, a giant symphony of puppet strings that will start to snap for the sake of page count.

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    10. In Victory, Learn when to Stop.

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    What I have learned:
    When you define and follow an ideology, make sure it's free of contradiction.
    Ensure freedom by enforcing it? wtf?

    I perceived a lot of and in the last episode. A celebration for ILI + ESI types who watched it?

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    Bran – ILI-2Ni, or even ILI-3Ni

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    ^ I kind of thought that too. But he does kind of put me off; I wish he was a little more emotional or real. He's so disconnected I can't tell if he's peeing his pants, trying to be a confident badass, doesn't really give a shit about anything anymore, or just looks down on people as a god or something. It's like he's not real anymore.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    blame the merry quadras

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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post
    Illusionary inter-type relationship

    Which types you think they are?

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Bran – ILI-2Ni, or even ILI-3Ni

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Socionics types consists of 3 letters, not only 2 of them, and what type include the letter n and o?

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Socionics types consists of 3 letters, not only 2 of them, and what type include the letter n and o?
    He's not ILI-Ni... surely you must be aware that other types can use Ni ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    He's not ILI-Ni... surely you must be aware that other types can use Ni ?
    Ok, please tell me what type he is, or do you only know what type he's not?

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Ok, please tell me what type he is, or do you only know what type he's not?
    I might know only what types he's not, and yeah, he's not ILI-Ni. Where do you see Se valuing in him?

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    ILI have 1D and it's suggestive. Other people wouldn't see much of it. And a strong subtype would display even weaker and is more NF-like to other people.

    He's obviously a type... at least after his transformation to the three eyed raven.

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Which types you think they are?
    I'm gonna guess op means eie dany esi jon.. I don't know what other illusiosndy pair would fit them

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    Melisandre - INFJ - Dostoyevsky

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    Last edited by khcs; 08-12-2019 at 05:57 PM.

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    Gilly - Hamlet

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    Jorah Mormont - Dreiser

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