I haven't read the book but from series, I would say Sansa is SEI. All your four reasons will somewhat work also with SEI.
Margerie is SEE.
I thought Daenerys is ESE. If LSI, how can there be romance like that with SLI?
Arya gives an EII vibe. Cersei is definitely EIE imo.

Quote Originally Posted by discojoe View Post
For Sansa, I chose SEE because:

  1. She has no problem with confrontation. She'll even yell at the queen. But she is more mindful of Fe than Arya and tones it down, knowing that simply flipping her lid will lead to problems. She can make these nasty little Fi jabs at people, like when she said, "Wait a minute, I just realized that I don't care" after asking her nurse to tell her about her childhood. That's Se+Fi.
  2. Like Robert, her focus is on her relationships with people and her feelings toward them. Throughout the entire series, we hear nothing but her sentiments toward so-and-so, how they're nasty and awful. It's not just the author implying it; it's descriptions of what is occurring in her head.
  3. She's mindful of and aware of Fe, but does not participate in it.
  4. She does not deliberate on the logic of her decisions. Everything she does is based on her immediate sentiments. This is why I object to ESI, since that type is insecure about the coherence of their thinking and doing.

As far as Daenerys's type, well she's clearly IJ. Stiff, collected, dry, etc. Whatever. And she's got the aura of Si demonstrative, this underlying uber hotness. I've got it, Diana's got it, Allie's got it... Anyway, Se creative comes through in the way she functions. Se creatives are very mobile, meaning they just jump up and do something that needs to be done. Look at Gandalf; when it becomes clear to him what must be done, he just ups and goes off and does it. Daenerys is like that, with growing confidence as the story progresses. She gets a Base function reaction, then BOOM Se fires off and goes to serve the Base. BOOM HEADSHOT.

One argument in favor of ESI is the bedroom scene in which she effectively dominates Drogo. When she told him what she wanted, he was caught off guard, but couldn't think of a reason to say no. So yeah, ESI might make more sense.