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Thread: Oh my god

  1. #121
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    How did you find that? I really don't like when people do that to me. I need all of my old posts deleted. Mods, help
    By searching for past posts since there wasn't much context for ESI typing in the OP. It was in one of older threads where you were trying to determine your type. These were only two posts of several more that indicated that Delta doesn't fit you so well. It sounds like you're intuitively picking up that the match isn't right, but can't find the right rationale and description of functions to back this up. Idk if it was me I'd be very seriously considering another quadra at that point.

    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
    Easy now, everyone is beta.
    it's either that or being an ILI, the local flavor of the month

  2. #122
    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    I get creeped out by people rummaging through past posts. It's like digging through someone's garbage or something lol.
    Tell that to your boy cr33psey.

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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    Tell that to your boy cr33psey.
    In that instance its justified, since he's diving through the recycle bin of some government agency with an alphabet soup acronym, looking for secret documents, tapes of microfilm, sensitive photographs and the like that the secretary didn't put through the shredder. You know, metaphorically.
    4w5 sp/sx

    Please, direct all questioning of my self-typing to this thread. Thank you.

  5. #125
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    I get creeped out by people rummaging through past posts. It's like digging through someone's garbage or something lol.
    I actually think positively of it, that somebody was interested enough in what I've written to actually bother reading it, or in case of typing that somebody has cared enough to spend their time to do a more thorough evaluation for me.

    Doesn't make sense to post things on forum if you don't want them to get read.

  6. #126
    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
    Get your teeth off my ankle, bitch.
    I just don't think - you actually are projecting.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Yes. Anyone who's the least bit colorful, charming, interesting, or stands out in any way whatsoever from the boring masses of lifeless ennui, is apparently Beta.
    I guess it doesn't apply to some Ti-ISTjs I have known irl. :S

  8. #128

  9. #129
    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Technically, standards don't apply to you because you're a weasely brat. So your whiny projecting here is moot.
    Technically, I'm not the one who is being standardized here. It's cr33psey, because of what you stated:

    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    I get creeped out by people rummaging through past posts. It's like digging through someone's garbage or something lol.
    [I]You what? [get creeped out] by what? [by people]doing what? [rummaging through past posts.].


    Your boy cr33pey is a creep according to your standards. Me, as a subject, has nothing to do with your standards, no matter how you want to twist them like the equivocator you are.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    You're an undignified loser who's fun to laugh at.

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  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by ClaudiaM View Post
    Have you seen this, Jessica129? And do you relate?

    The Resilient ISTj

    Most ISTjs are quickly perceived as quite, thoughtful and steady when viewed from a distance. They are the “inspectors” in society. Their thought process seems to be slow, through, and meticulous. This is because they do not trust their ability to juggle many things at once, but prefer deep, sequential evaluations. They love clarity and consistency, and often shun unexpected changes or disorganization. They sometimes like to show a dominant appearance; chest out, back stiff, and preferring to look at an angle down on people. They are steady and controlled with their movements. When ISTjs smile, it is usually a small, confident smile, yet not big enough to show off their teeth.

    ISTjs attempt to control themselves and their emotions most of the time. They value being patient, considerate, and objective while dealing with people. This can change, however, when you test their patience too long. They can sometimes be susceptible to sudden changes in attitude, and become overly aggressive. When this happens, they raise their voice, criticizing what they consider to be the “wrongs” done, gesticulating wildly. ISTjs are stalwarts who love power and control, and they like their presence to be known. They can get very upset when they feel like people aren’t paying attention to them while they are speaking.
    yes, but can't that be said for SLI too?

    ISTjs pay a lot of attention to details while working. They don’t always view everything at the same time, but they try and uncover every stone. They take a clear, narrow view at one particular fact, then dig through, meticulously and analytically, to slowly reveal and see the whole picture; not vaguely and intuitively, but clearly and confidently. In this respect, they value a certain quality much higher than a lot of quantity. The work that ISTjs do they do with effort and dedication. Everything, including their free time, must have a purpose to an ISTj. They are willful, and are usually good at getting the work done that is required.
    No, no, NO. I hate this quality in people.

    An ISTj will usually have a high respect for authority and rules, and expects that everyone follow societal norms. A person high up in the order is considered a superior, and they attempt to show respect for them even if they truly believe that their “superior” is under qualified. ISTjs are generally independent, proud workers. They enjoy it when people show responsibility and morality in their actions. They attempt to be non-judgmental and tactful with people, but sometimes this is hard for them to maintain.
    I have zero respect for authority. Actually, if you're in a position of authority, I probably hate you.

    ISTjs like to keep people and their surroundings regimented and are demanding of people around them. They’d prefer to keep things in their perfect place, not changing unnecessarily. They can be become uneasy around too much change, and prefer things to be planned out. Once they find the “right” way to do something, they generally keep and obeyed by it. They are not spontaneous, but pensive and cautious, wanting time for correct and honest evaluations.
    True for the most part. I don't order anyone around except for my husband. Change in itself doesn't necessarily produce a lot of anxiety, it's what needs to be done along with the change that stresses me a lot. For example, say I need to pick up and move tomorrow...I won't know what needs to be done first or second or last so become a jumbled mess with a trillion different things on my mind and I freak out and need to be treated like a baby and told that everything is going to be okay.

    ISTjs generally prefer to the outdoors and experiencing things for themselves. They may not care much about learning from books, although they will tolerate it to a point. Some ISTjs enjoy nature. They analyze and observe sport with the same attention they put into everything else. They are empirical, and will only believe what they can see and experience for themselves. They may not respect your intelligence if you make too many mistakes and don’t show the carefulness that they do.

    If you are considered special to the ISTj, they will be loyal, responsible, and compassionate. They can sometimes be overly serious, although they respect courage and commitment. If you can fit into the ISTjs idea of rules and structure, then they will try their best to keep a stable, meaningful relationship with you.
    That's why LSI never fit 100%. Rules don't exist in my world.

  13. #133
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    For what it's worth, Jessica, I'm not seeing a whole lot of - or - out of you, but there is a good dose of the "just so" viewpoints I'm increasingly coming to expect from the / ego. Your arguments generally have less to do with principles or possibilities than they do with facts as they appear. Said arguments are usually terse and tightly directed, and outside of the occasional fuck-you attitude aimed at human irritants, you don't seem particularly forceful or outwardly directed in a purposeful fashion. See your "should I narc out my philandering coworkers to their wives?...well, maybe not" thread as an example of > and >.

    Since you regularly vacillate on your type it's reasonable to suspect that devalued Ni hampers your ability to effectively trace your mental states and their causes. That is to say, if I'm reading you correctly, you may know quite plainly whether you're happy or sad at any time, but you experience difficulty determining the particulars of your personal history or cognitive makeup that produce these internal responses to external stimuli (or lack of stimuli). Since you often request assistance in drawing inferences from nebulous possibilities I'd suggest that you're intuition-seeking. And to my knowledge you've never reported being highly gregarious or cultivating extensive social ties, so it further suggests that your desire for personal validation exists on a close and intimate Fi level. I think the aforementioned thread indicates super-id, too.

    All told, this eliminates β-/, plus γ- (though a case could probably be made for ...something tells me you've punched a face or two before), and you certainly don't strike me as α-/. Within the remaining quadra, not only do δ-/ ego-attributes seem most prominent to me, but their SLI configuration appears most apt.

    So, feel free to confidently get that ISTP neck tattoo you've dreamed of since childhood.

  14. #134
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    I like your post Korpsey, thanks haha. I don't know why people get this impression I'm mean and rough or something, I've never even been in a physical fight before but that's beside the point. I'm a pretty peaceful person and had many of you met me IRL you'd know that I think and this 'badass' idea some people have of me is so off a lot of the time..I don't know where it comes from to be honest. Your post makes sense though I just think the Deltas here tend to come across a little differently than they do in real don't find them nearly as boring in real life and I actually like them.

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