I have a lot of issues with the age/experience correlation. First I think it's lame to assume that because someone is older they "have more experience" (although understandably they've had longer to gain work experience, but still some people have way more life experience at a younger age than others at an older age). Secondly the experience they do and don't have for jobs should be listed on their resumes/applications so it should then just be hiring based on who is most qualified by their experience/education (not their age). Thirdly I have experienced the issue of starting working and having problems getting started because of my "lack of experience" when I actually pick up things really quickly and imo do a better job than a lot of people with a lot more experience than me (I don't believe experience is necessarily a portent to how good of a job someone will do, although it can be). Also I find it amusing how for a lot of really crappy jobs that anyone can basically do they want to use experience as a significant criteria in hiring... I mean are they bored or something?