I can't help but feel like the ILE type is portrayed as a master of existence when I look at the reinin dichotomies.

Every dichotomy is pretty much a positive thing.

carefree - speaks for itself

yielding - isn't pushy and demanding (and so far Bolt is neither, not even seemingly carefree )

static - reaches or sees simple conclusions, whereas dynamic is seeing a complex process and is never quite completely convinced or sure of anything.

democratic - will actually listen to you, where aristocratic cares more about your authority

tactical - doesn't mind getting hands dirty to make a point , where strategists are more careful and hands off as much as they can be

constructivist - gets points made in a timely manner, while emotivists waste a lot more time

positivist - speaks for itself

judicious - will try to take as many people and things into consideration as possible before making a decision

merry - speaks for itself

process - will try to get as much information as they can to understand things, whereas result just wants an immediate answer to a particular thought or question

asking - accepts that immediate conclusions could be wrong and asks for more information from you before promulgating. Contrast with declaring which is pretty much a statement of fact, or at least seemingly intended that way.

I think this is a little hilarious for something that is supposed to show people for their differences and not to show how certain types are better than others, but it really does seem to paint that.