@InvisibleJim his blood type?

another SEE spotted - ceciley (Se-sub?)

Yasmeen Hamdan from Soapkills - ESI e6

Quote Originally Posted by the16types View Post

does this guy look ENTj? A Te sub?
yeah that's him:

(link) Sometimes there is an impression that it is not entirely clear to the LIE why he has emotions and what he should do with them. At times, he appears before others wearing a mask of a simple-minded, jovial, easy-going fellow, familiar and genuinely "one of us", while at other times he assumes a mask of facetious gravity and seriousness. ... In contact, LIE often manifests friendliness, knows how to be communicable and diplomatic. He tries to find common language in any company, knows how to be charming and witty. He positively predisposes people towards himself. He values good humor and jokes, charges all with his joviality and optimism, loves to tell anecdotes. Due to these qualities, LIE soothes and relaxes his eternally guarded dual, ESI. Under the mask of a joker and jovial merry fellow, the LIE frequently attempts to conceal his experiences and feelings. But they can never be hidden from his dual. The ESI demands from LIE sincere and frank emotions, which correspond to the actual state of things.
it's usually the Te subtypes that are 'jovial'/goofy in this manner